
  1. 秦刚没有提供针对上述力拓雇员的控罪细节。据中国钢铁业的消息来源透露,第五名遭到拘留的人来自首钢集团(ShougangGroup),这是中国最大国有钢铁商之一。

    Mr Qin gave no details of the charges against the Rio employees , and the fifth detainee , who according to steel industry sources in China is from Shougang Group , one of China 's largest state-owned steelmakers .

  2. 秦刚表示,所有举措都应有利于推动六方会谈进程。六方会谈在2月达成协议,金正日(KimJong-il)政权同意在4月中旬以前,关闭朝鲜的主要核反应堆。

    He said all steps should assist general progress in the six-party talks that produced the February accord , under which Kim Jong-il 's regime agreed to shut down its main nuclear reactor by mid-April .

  3. 秦刚:我们开始吧。现在请大家提问。

    Qin Gang : We may start now , shall we ?

  4. 秦刚称:中国公民依法享有宗教信仰自由。

    The Chinese people enjoy religious freedom according to law .

  5. 中国外交部发言人秦刚发出了类似的信息。

    Qin Gang , a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman , delivered a similar message .

  6. 记者会结束时,秦刚说,我给大家介绍一个节水提示。

    Qin Gang concluded the press conference by sharing a water-saving tip with the audience .

  7. 外交部发言人秦刚于周三在一次定期的新闻发布会上对此事做了评论。

    Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang made the remarks at a regular press briefing Thursday .

  8. 秦刚周三再次呼吁马来西亚做出更大努力。

    On Wednesday , Mr. Qin again called for Malaysia to step up its efforts .

  9. 秦刚表示,这次核安全峰会将主要讨论核恐怖主义威胁以及各国和国际社会的应对措施。

    The nuclear summit would mainly discuss nuclear terrorism and potential countermeasures , said Mr Qin .

  10. 外交部发言人秦刚就斯里兰卡国家板球队遇袭事答记者问

    Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang 's Remarks on the Attack on the Sri Lanka National Cricket Team

  11. 中国一直反对华盛顿实施单边制裁,秦刚也重申了中方的这一立场。

    China has long-standing objections to Washington 's use of unilateral sanctions , a position the spokesman reiterated .

  12. 秦刚:大家下午好。

    Qin Gang : Good afternoon , ladies and gentlemen . I have two announcements to start with .

  13. 秦刚表示,中方愿派专家参与有关工作,并为此提供资助。

    Qin Gang says China would like to send experts to join in related work and offer financial help .

  14. 秦刚表示,中国将继续致力于为伊朗核问题找到和平解决方案。

    Mr Qin said that China would continue to work towards a peaceful resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue .

  15. 秦刚表示,自上周六划设防空识别区以来,飞行秩序和正常的飞越并没有受到任何的影响。

    Qin says the ADIZ has not influenced the flight order and normal fly-over since its establishment last Saturday .

  16. 六个月后,联合国将在哥本哈根召开会议,商讨新的协议。秦刚表示,双方均同意,在哥本哈根气候变化会议中推进积极结果的产生。

    In six months , the United Nations will hold a conference in Copenhagen to discuss a new agreement .

  17. 秦刚再次驳斥了日方就中国防空识别区的指责,并再次重申,中国坚定不移地走和平发展道路。

    The spokesman also refutes Japan 's criticism on China 's ADIZ and reiterates China 's adherence to peaceful development .

  18. 秦刚表示:我们希望各方都能履行各自(在2月协议中作出的)承诺。

    We hope the relevant parties can honour their commitments [ to the February agreement ] , Mr Qin said .

  19. 发言人秦刚说,美方言论罔顾事实,不分是非。

    The spokesman said the comments by the U.S. side are ignorant of facts and indiscriminate of rights and wrongs .

  20. 外交部发言人秦刚就国际刑事法院签发对苏丹总统逮捕令答记者问

    Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang 's Remarks on the Issuance of Arrest Warrant to Sudanese President by the International Criminal Court

  21. 秦刚说,目前还没有收到在智利的中国公民的伤亡报告。

    There has been no report about any death or injury of Chinese nationals in Chile so far , Qin said .

  22. 秦刚说,我们敦促美方以负责任的态度对待钓鱼岛问题。

    Qin Gang said China urges the U.S. side to adopt a responsible attitude in regard to the issue of the Diaoyu Islands .

  23. 秦刚表示,中方对中印边界东段争议区的立场是一贯和明确的。

    Qin Gang said China 's stance on the disputed area on the eastern part of the China-India border is consistent and clear .

  24. 然而,秦刚说,中国在采取行动预防气候变化方面有着“共同但有区别的责任”。

    Yet Qin says China and the United States have " common-but-differentiated responsibilities " when it comes to actions to prevent climate change .

  25. 秦刚证实了上述电话会议,表示各方同意继续通过各种渠道保持接触,但没有在制裁问题上置评。

    Mr Qin confirmed the phone conversation and said the parties involved had agreed to continue talking , but did not comment on sanctions .

  26. 秦刚呼吁各方为落实《宣言》和制订《准则》创造有利氛围和条件,共同维护南海地区的和平与稳定。

    Qin calls for favorable conditions for the implementation of DOC and formulation of COC to maintain peace and stability on the South China Sea .

  27. 秦刚发表此番评论前,黑海旅游胜地敖德萨周五发生暴力冲突,造成至少43人死亡,另有174人受伤。

    His remarks came after the clashes in the Black Sea resort of Odessa killed at least 43 people and injured 174 others on Friday .

  28. 中国对这项决定反应激烈,外交部发言人秦刚表示这“严重违反国际关系准则”。

    China reacted angrily to the decision , with Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang saying that it " badly violates rules governing international relations " .

  29. 个案的选择经历了多轮筛选的过程,最终确定了曾丽和秦刚(化名)两名同学。

    After some rounds of screened , finally , two students - " Zeng Li " and " Qin Gang " are chose as sample .

  30. 外交部发言人秦刚周一表示:“中国希望国际社会在提供救灾物资时优先考虑帐篷”秦在回答一个问题是做出如上表示。

    " China would like the international community to give priority to tents when providing relief materials ," Qin said in response to a question .