
  • 网络Technology Productivity
  1. 经济发展,社会繁荣与生产力的流动密切相关,其中科技生产力起到了决定性的作用。

    Economic development and social prosperity and is closely related to the movement of the productive forces , science and technology productivity has played a decisive role .

  2. 本文首次从定量的角度研究和测算了科技生产力的流动,在理论和实践方面进行了大胆的尝试和创新。

    The paper has discussed the estimation of the flow of science and technology productivity . Great attempts and innovation has been made in theory and in practice .

  3. 科技生产力的流动对经济发展,社会繁荣起到了决定性的作用。

    The flow of productivity determines economic development and social prosperity .

  4. 科技生产力的特点及转化路径

    Analysis on the Characteristic and Transformation Way of Science and Technology Productivity

  5. 国家级农业科研机构科技生产力评估

    Evaluation of S & T productivity for national-level agricultural scientific research institutions

  6. 在转换企业经营机制中进一步发展科技生产力

    Further Developing Scientific and Technical Productive Force in the Transition of Management Mechanism of Enterprises

  7. 现代生产力社会化是物质生产力、科技生产力、教育生产力三者社会化形成的社会化体系。

    Modern productive forces socialization is a socialized system which is combined with the socialization of material productive forces .

  8. 最后就科技生产力流动结果:平等性和差异性共存,论述了我国为避免区域差异扩大而应遵循的战略原则。

    Lastly , the new strategy principles of our country to avoid regional discrepancy are proposed on the basis of floating result .

  9. 尤其是在人类社会步入知识经济时代以后,科技生产力的作用更为突出。

    Especially in the human society entered the era of knowledge economy , the productivity of the role of science and technology even has become more prominent .

  10. 现代大学无形资产的构成因素,包括人才、创新、时间、办学特色、权威机构认可、科技生产力等。

    Component factors of intangible property of modern university include talent , innovation , time , characteristics of running a school , confirmation by authority , productive forces of science and technology and so on .

  11. 此外,从多角度对科技生产力流动的成本进行分析,为合理测定科技生产力流动成本、促进科技生产力流动提供方向。

    In addition , this paper also analyses the cost of science and technology productivity with different angles . It provides the direction for the promotion of science and technology flow and the measurement of its cost .

  12. 随着我国科技生产力和制造业的快速发展,自由曲面应用越来越广泛,自由曲面加工一般采用自动编程数控加工。

    With the rapid development of our technology productivity and the manufacturing industry , the application of free-form surface , which generally adopts the NC ( Numerical Control ) processing with automatic programming , is getting more and more widespread .

  13. 本文认为,当代科技生产力的发展,已经使科学与社会一体化,使人工自然成为社会生活的直接基础,因而科技革命将直接发生为社会形态的革命;

    Abstract With the development of contemporary scie technical productive force unifying science , technology and society , and thus bringing the artificial nature to function as the direct foundation of social life , scie technical revolutions tend to take the form of social reforms .

  14. 地域科技向生产力转化效率的DEA测定法

    DEA Method for Testing Transferring Efficiency of Regional Science and Technology to Production

  15. 关于科技第一生产力的再思考

    The Reconsideration about the First Productive Power of Science and Technology

  16. 我们的原则:以人为本,科技创造生产力。

    Our principle : People-oriented , science and technology to create productivity .

  17. 这种影响随着距离的增大而减小等.让科技离生产力近些,更近些!

    This influence decreases along with the increase of the distance between the buildings .

  18. 要为发挥科技第一生产力作用努力创造条件

    Creating Conditions for Giving Full Play to Science and Technology as the First Productive Force

  19. 文明通过文化扬弃的发展得以延续,文化通过科技与生产力的进步和更新得以发展。

    Civilization can continue during the culture scientific development , meanwhile , culture develops during progress and renewal of science and productive force .

  20. 而引起核心经济资源如此变迁的原因:一是科技与生产力发展的推动,二是人类满足自身需求视角变迁的拉动,三是制度变迁使然。

    The reasons of these changes are the advance of productive forces , the pulling force of human 's requirement and the influences of institutional changes .

  21. 根据每一阶段的社会发展状况,分析了科普的政治、经济、文化语境。科普政治语境侧重于政策分析,经济语境更多从科技与生产力的关系论述,文化语境侧重于科普观的分析。

    This paper analyzes the relationships between political context , economical context concerning with the relationship between technology and production relation , and cultural context in each phase of social development . 4 .

  22. 从科技第一生产力的经济功能看,现代经济社会是一种科技与经济一体化的经济社会。

    Secondly , from the viewpoint of economic function of science-technology as the first productivity , the modem economy society is a kind of economy society that science-technology and economy have turned into the integral whole .

  23. 在科技和生产力都不断发展的今天,农产品供应链的诸多复杂特性使得消费者对农产品质量的要求远远高于工业产品。

    In the development today of science and technology and productivity , because of the agricultural products supply chain characteristics , the requirement of consumers to the quality of the agricultural products is much higher than the industrial products .

  24. 发端于第一次工业革命的工业文明时代,科技和生产力的飞速发展,极大地增强了人类开发利用自然资源、生产物质财富的能力。

    During the era of industrial civilization which began with the first industrial revolution , the rapid development of science & technology and the productive forces greatly enhanced human ability to exploit and make use of natural resources as well as produce material wealth .

  25. 本文就文献载体的每次演进,文献类型的每次变革,对文献基本功能的影响进行了论述,并揭示出文献类型的每次演变都是为满足当时社会科技及生产力发展的客观需要。

    The paper discusses the influence of the progress of document carriers and of the changes of carrire types upon the basic functions of documents and concludes that the evolutions of document types satisfied the objective needs of the developments of science , technology and workforce .

  26. 它主要包括科技与生产力、科技与人才、科技与教育等基本思想,它是推动我国科技进步和经济发展的理论基础。

    His theory on science and technology mainly includes the basic thoughts of the relationships between science and technology and productive force , talents and education . It is the basic theory to promote the progress of science and technology and the development of economy in our country .

  27. 以成果管理为手段加速科技成果向生产力转化

    Accelerating the transformation of scientific achievements into productivity through achievement management

  28. 林业科技的第一生产力是什么?

    What is the First Productive Force in Forest Science and Technology ?

  29. 五个第一决定了科学技术是第一生产力&改革的最终目的是促进科技进步发展生产力

    " Five The First " Deciding The Science And Technology Being The Productive Forces

  30. 科技是第一生产力,人才是第一资源。

    Science and technology is the first productive force , talent is the first resource .