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  • Visualization in Scientific Computing
  1. 科学计算可视化(VisualizationinScientificComputing)是发达国家20世纪80年代后期提出并发展起来的一个新研究领域。

    Visualization in Scientific Computing is a new research that the developed countries put forward to the late 80s ' in the 20 century .

  2. 科学计算可视化技术的发展为利用GIS资料分析解释成果、重建地表三维模型创造了条件。

    The technique of visualization in scientific computing paves a way to rebuild 3D terrain model using the interpreted result of GIS data .

  3. 利用OpenGL技术实现科学计算可视化

    Using the OpenGL Technology for Realization the Visualization of Scientific Calculation

  4. 这充分展现了Matlab的科学计算可视化技术在机器人领域的应用及发展前景。

    This exhibits the broad prospect of applying and developing of scientific computing visualization based on Matlab on Robot .

  5. 随着计算机进一步发展,科学计算可视化越来越受到重视;而适用于低频区RCS(雷达散射截面)计算的传统方法MOM(矩量法),也越来越显示其价值;

    With the development of visualization in scientific computing , traditional MOM for low frequency RCS has been re evaluated .

  6. OpenGL图形库具有良好的3D图形生成功能,而科学计算可视化对于有限元分析软件是必不可少的部分。

    OpenGL graphic database has an ideal function of generating 3D graphics , and scientific computation visualization is absolutely necessary for finite element analysis software .

  7. 分析了科学计算可视化软件工具、曲面绘制算法和彩色图像分割算法的技术类型和发展趋势。(2)对基于采样点的3D曲面绘制与编辑技术进行了深入的研究。

    The techniques styles and trends of scientific visualization tools , surface rendering and color image segmentation . ( 2 ) A deep research on point-sampled 3D surface rendering and editing is made .

  8. 矿业三维GIS是地质矿业信息化的研究重点和热点,是科学计算可视化在地质上的应用,它涵盖地质体的三维可视化、体空间插值等领域。

    3D-GIS used in mining industry is a hot and key point for geological information . 3D-GIS , covered visualization and interpolation of geological body , can be applied in visualization of geology .

  9. 随着科学计算可视化的发展,计算机辅助骨科手术系统(ComputerAssistedOrthopedicSurgerySystem,CAOSS)逐步应用于骨科疾病的诊断与手术中。

    With the development of scientific computing visualization , the Computer Assisted Orthopedic Surgery System ( CAOSS ) has been gradually applied to the orthopaedic disease diagnosis and surgery .

  10. Delaunay三角化在诸多应用领域具有极其广泛用途,也一直是计算机图形图像学和科学计算可视化技术的重要研究内容。

    Delaunay triangulation has been widely used in manifold fields and is long researched content in computer Graphics & Image and visualization in scientific computing .

  11. 随着三维地理信息系统(3DGIS)的发展,三维数据建模作为科学计算可视化的核心和关键功能之一广泛地应用于自然科学和工程项目的各个领域。

    With the development of 3D Geographic Information System ( 3D GIS ), 3D data modeling as the core and critical functions of Visualization in Scientific Computing is widely used in various fields of natural sciences and engineering projects .

  12. 本文的研究内容包括基于采样点的曲面编辑、示温漆彩色图像的量化与分割、MCNP仿真计算三维可视化软件平台、基于语义Web的科学计算可视化等可视化技术。

    This dissertation research contents includes point-based surface editing , image quantization and segmentation of thermal paint , 3D visualization system model of MCNP , semantic web scientific visualization etc visualization techniques .

  13. 地图学、GIS和ViSC(科学计算可视化)是互为补充的三门学科,信息技术的发展正在为地图学、GIS和ViSC提供生长和重叠的新机会。

    Cartography 、 GIS and ViSC are complementary disciplines . Developments in information technology are offering cartography 、 GIS and ViSC new opportunities for growth and overlap .

  14. 基于C~∞基函数的自然邻点插值(NNI)方法在科学计算可视化上的应用

    A C ~ ∞ Basis Function-based NNI Method and Its Application to Visualization in Scientific Computing

  15. 针对如何实现混凝土拱坝浇筑仿真程序的输入和输出的可视化这一问题,论述了用户界面设计和科学计算可视化的基本原则,并给出了一种基于VISUALBASIC的实现方法。

    Aiming at the question , how to realize the visualization of input and output in simulation program of concrete construction for arch dam , the fundamental of user interface designing and visualization in scientific computing is discussed , and a realizable method based on Visual Basic is given .

  16. 作为科学计算可视化的一个分支,计算流动显示(CFI)是由GeorgeHavener提出。

    As a branch of Visualization in Scientific Computing , Computational Flow Imaging ( CFI ) was brought forward by George Havener .

  17. 介绍了通过Matcom,在VC6.0中应用Matlab实现科学计算可视化的方法,并且给出了一个简单的例子。

    Introduces a new method of using Matlab to realize visualization of scientific data processing in VC IDE , taking advantage of Matcom . A simple sample is provided .

  18. 提出了基于科学计算可视化的基本原理和方法,采用面向对象的程序设计语言Delphi和图形接口OpenGL开发可视化的结构计算分析软件,使得科学计算可视化与计算分析紧密结合起来,最大限度地利用计算成果。

    Based upon introduction of the principle and method of visual technology software is developed utilizing object-oriented programming language-Delphi and graphic interface-OpenGL to realize visual structural calculation and analysis , which combine visualization in scientific computation and calculation analysis in together .

  19. 而AVS软件是一种面向应用的通用可视化系统,它把科学计算可视化技术与计算机能力结合在一起,通过AVS软件提供的模块可以快速开发出一个可视化程序框架。

    AVS software is a universal visualization system , which links the technique of science computation visualization and the computer 's ability . A visualization program frame can be developed base on the AVS 's module .

  20. 论文基于科学计算可视化理论,使用IDL语言编程实现了考古地层的三维可视化模型,并在。

    Based on the theory called " Scientific Computing in Visualization ", the research realized 3D model of archaeological strata in IDL programming language , and constructed an integrated visual system including interactive scene under the .

  21. 运用科学计算可视化技术和Bresenham扫描转换算法对基本图形&圆和直线进行分析,从而实现了仿真后的壁厚数据可视化;

    The basic graphs-circle and line are analyzed by the means of the technique of Visualization in Scientific Computing ( ViSC ) and the Bresenham arithmetic , and are realized the visualization of the wall thickness .

  22. 地球物理科学计算可视化应用系统的开发

    A design of application system of geophysical visualization in scientific computing

  23. 科学计算可视化在水下可视化战场建设中的应用

    Application on Visualization of Scientific Computing for Building Underwater Battlefield Environment

  24. 磨削温度场的科学计算可视化研究

    Research on visualization in scientific computation of grinding temperature field

  25. 论科学计算可视化在结构分析中的应用

    The application of visualization in scientific computation in structural analysis

  26. 科学计算可视化技术的研究与应用

    The development and application of visualization in science computing

  27. 科学计算可视化,是计算机图形学的一个重要研究方向,是图形学的新领域。

    Visualization is a important aspect in computer graphics .

  28. 科学计算可视化作为新一代的分析工具,正在进入物理海洋学领域。

    Scientific visualization is coming into physical oceanography as a new analysis tool .

  29. 科学计算可视化理论与应用研究进展

    Advances in the study of visualization in scientific computing

  30. 计算机辅助技术的新领域&科学计算可视化

    A New Field of Computer Aided Technology-Scientific Computation Visualization