
  • 网络Scientific structure;structural of science
  1. 现代信息科学结构与内涵分析

    An Analysis in the Structure and Connotation of Modern Information Science

  2. 内容词-共引聚类分析及其在科学结构研究中的应用

    Application of Content Words and Co citation Clustering Analysis to Science Structure Studies

  3. 科学结构、科学革命与科学家的创新精神

    The Structure and the Revolution of Science , The Innovative Spirit of Scientists

  4. 科学结构与科学规划问题

    Questions on Science Construction & Science Planning

  5. 文献和需求的主题背景结构分析&兼谈科学结构模式的应用

    Structural Analysis of the Subject Background in Documents and Needs & Use of the Structural Model in Science

  6. 在自然事物形成的科学结构与人们思想复杂性之间存在着文化差距。

    There exists a cultural distance between the scientific structure of configuring natural occurrences and peoples ' complexity of thoughts .

  7. 所有学科内核形成了科学结构之网的网上纽结,展示了科学知识的差异和学科的多样性。

    All the subject cores form the nodes of science structure network , presenting the divergence of knowledge and the diversity of subjects .

  8. 适当的人才流动对于基础研究人员个人成长、科研组织发展和科学结构优化都是有利的。

    Proper talents flow is benefit to the growth of basic-research personnel , to the development of research organization and to the optimization of the science structure .

  9. 必须正确认识科学结构的内在关系,实现自然科学与人文社会科学的有机整合。

    Understanding the inherent relation of the scientific structures must be correct , which can help us to realize the combining organically of natural science and social science .

  10. 会议的与会者得知,目前的准则没有考虑到发展中国家开始形成的科学结构或亚洲和拉丁美洲新兴国家的科研抱负。

    Today 's codes fail to account for nascent science structures in developing countries or the research aspirations of emerging nations in Asia and Latin America , the conference heard .

  11. 在这里,戈德曼想用皮亚杰的发生学的科学结构主义观念为基础,并以主体与结构的接合关系形成他面对世界的全部哲学理念。

    Based on scientific structuralism of Piaget 's genetic theory , Goldmann here tries to shape his complete philosophical idea facing the world through the connective relations between subject and structure .

  12. 系统总结了共引分析理论与方法的发展过程;分析了共引分析在应用和实践层面,特别是科学结构揭示方面的进展。共引参考文献33篇。

    In this paper , the authors systematically summarize the development path of theories and practices of co-citation , and analyze its developments in practical applications . Two basic techniques of stationary and continuous sample introduction are reviewed with 33 references .

  13. 与此相对照,古代中国由于原始科学结构的不完备和封建社会结构的特点,使得近代科学不能首先在中国产生。

    In contrast with this , owing to the incompleteness of the primitive structure of science and the characteristics of the feudal social structure in ancient China , it was not possible for science to develop in this country in recent times .

  14. 随着材料科学、结构力学的飞速发展,碳纤维增强复合材料(CFRP)越来越多地应用于航空产品中。

    Carbon fiber reinforced polymer ( CFRP ) is widely used for making leaf joint and cartridge receiver with the development of material science and structural mechanics .

  15. 义务教育科学课程结构问题的几点思考

    Consideration on the Problem of Science Curriculum Structure in Compulsory Education

  16. 航天技术与当代科学技术结构的更新

    Space Technology and the Structural Renew of Contemporary Science and Technology

  17. 管理科学学科结构及其发展态势

    The Disciplinary Structure and Development Trend of the Science of Management

  18. 科学论文结构的哲学探究

    SCIENCE Philosophical Researches on the Structure of Scientific Papers

  19. 科学教育结构的几个问题

    Some problems about The Structure of Scientific Education

  20. 地理科学研究结构探讨

    On the Re sea rch Structure of Geography

  21. 科学精神结构的多维探析

    Multi-dimensional Study of Structure of Scientific Spirit

  22. 对桥梁进行科学的结构病害检测与损伤评价、可以了解桥梁真实的结构工作状况。

    Especially , these structure disease and damage will affect the safety of the bridge structures .

  23. 超前的设计,艺术的造型,科学的结构,实用的功能。

    The original design , artistic shaping , scientific structure and practical function make the finest .

  24. 教育科学学科结构和新学科生长点探析

    Probe into the disciplinary structure of the educational science and the growing point of new disciplines

  25. 弧形原态重组竹通过科学的结构设计可使竹材资源的利用率达到60-70%。

    By scientific structure design , the utilization ratio of bamboo can reach 60 % - 70 % .

  26. 本实用新型设计科学,结构合理,构思新颖,使用效果好。

    The utility model has scientific designing , reasonable structure , novel idea and good effect of the using .

  27. 二是通过规章和交易的途径改革公立高校内部的权利机制,建立公立高校内部的科学治理结构。

    Second , set up the scientific administration structure through reforming the right mechanism inside the public higher education institution .

  28. 这为今后按刚度损失科学评定结构地震损伤提供了理论依据,找到了一条新的有效途径。

    And this provide a theory base for the damage analysis based on the degradation of the stiffness in the future .

  29. 正如音乐结合了科学的结构和情感的美妙,建筑连接了科学的真实性和情感经历。

    In the same way that music combines scientific structure with emotional beauty , architecture combines scientific reality with emotional experiences .

  30. 默顿提出的科学规范结构理论体现了科学共同体维护这种集体契约的自觉意识。

    Morton 's theory on the normative structure of science reflects the self-conscious endeavor of scientific community to maintain the " collective contract " .