
  • 网络sociology of scientific knowledge;SSK;SSK, Sociology of Scientific Knowledge
  1. 从话语分析到反思性&科学知识社会学发展的一个新趋向

    From Discourse Analysis to Reflexivity & A New Trend in SSK

  2. 爱丁堡学派是科学知识社会学流派中发展最为成熟、最具代表性的学派。

    Edinburgh school is the most mature and representative school in all SSK schools .

  3. 诺尔·塞提娜是科学知识社会学(SSK)实验室研究的先驱和代表之一。

    Knorr-Cetina is one representative of the lab research of the sociology of scientific knowledge ( SSK ) .

  4. 科学知识社会学(SSK)从相对主义立场出发,对科学知识的内容和形式进行社会学分析,从而消解了科学知识具有客观性的传统见解。

    From the point of view of relativism , Sociology of Scientific Knowledge ( SSK ) analyse the content and form of scientific knowledge .

  5. 兴起于20世纪70年代的科学知识社会学(SSK)思潮在学术界产生了较为广泛的影响。

    The ideas of sociology of scientific knowledge ( SSK ) which had been rising in the 1970s have a more wide-ranging implications in the academic community .

  6. 曼海姆的知识社会学对科学知识社会学(SSK)具有重大影响;科学知识社会学的一些重要观点都可以看到曼海姆理论的影子。

    Greatly influenced by Karl Mannheim 's theory of Sociology of Knowledge , some important points of the science and sociology of knowledge SSK have some resemblance to Mannheim 's theory .

  7. 在库恩的基础上,科学知识社会学(SSK)将社会、经济、政治和文化维度作为决定因素带入对科学的理解中来,从而在科学合理性问题上迈出了更为激进的步伐。

    On the groundwork of Kuhn , the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge ( SSK ) brings dimensions of society , economy , politics and culture into the understanding of science as the determining elements , accordingly marches on more radically the problem of rationality of science .

  8. 本文旨在解读爱丁堡学派的科学知识社会学。

    This article aims to explain the theory of Edinburgh school .

  9. 浅谈爱丁堡学派科学知识社会学的基本观点

    The Base Viewpoints of Edinburgh School in Sociology of Scientific Knowledge

  10. 科学知识社会学相对主义知识观批判

    A Critique of the Relativist View of Knowledge in Sociology of Scientific Knowledge

  11. 科学知识社会学实验室研究述评

    Survey and Comment of laboratory Study Windows of Knowledge

  12. 科学知识社会学是在解构传统科学基础上产生的。

    The sociology of scientific knowledge is based on the restructuring traditional science .

  13. 建构科学知识社会学的与境分析

    The Construction of Scientific Knowledge Sociology and Context Analysis

  14. 库恩哲学与科学知识社会学

    Kuhn 's Philosophy and Sociology of Scientific Knowledge

  15. 从布鲁尔到拉图尔所体现出的科学知识社会学的人类学转向,具有重要意义。

    The anthropological turn from David Bloor to Bronu Latour has its great significance .

  16. 浅析科学知识社会学的理论来源与核心

    A Brief Analysis of the Theoretical Origination and Essence of Sociology of Scientific Knowledge

  17. 科学知识社会学向技术的转向形成了社会建构技术的崭新研究方法和研究观点。

    The turn from sociology of scientific knowledge to technology studies happened in 1980s .

  18. 科学知识社会学的发展历程探析

    On The Development of Sociology of Scientific Knowledge

  19. 科学知识社会学将会走向何方?本文最后用协调论作为解决方法,为科学知识社会学找到一条可能的出路。

    At last , the tendency and outlet of sociology of scientific knowledge is pointed out in this paper .

  20. 这一发展跟科学知识社会学研究、特别是话语分析密切相关。

    This development related closely to the researches in the sociology of scientific knowledge ( SSK ), specially the discourse analysis .

  21. 皮克林认为科学知识社会学未经反思地接受了传统科学哲学对科学的表征性语言描述,而忽略了对科学的操作性语言描述。

    Pickering argues that SSK adopt representional idiom description of science of traditional philosophy of science and neglect performative idiom description of science .

  22. 强纲领科学知识社会学在内忧外患之中走向衰落,科学知识社会学由强纲领主张转向社会学有限论。

    In strong program , some paradox in theory and practice faces sociology of scientific knowledge and this made strong program weaker and weaker .

  23. 强纲领是埃丁堡科学知识社会学学派提出的研究知识社会成因的社会学形而上学理论。巴里。

    " The Strong Programme " is put forward by the Edinburgh School to study the social cause of knowledge with a metaphysical theory of sociology .

  24. 科学知识社会学兴起的前期,即七、八十年代,爱丁堡学派的强纲领影响最大。

    In the early years of the rise of SSK , namely 70s and 80s , the " Strong Programs " held by Edinburgh School make the biggest influence .

  25. 析亨利·詹姆斯心理现实主义的心理学来源&从分析《小说的艺术》出发(英文)浅析科学知识社会学的理论来源与核心

    On Psychological Source of Psychological Realism in Henry James & from The Art of Fiction A Brief Analysis of the Theoretical Origination and Essence of Sociology of Scientific Knowledge

  26. 不论是科学知识社会学的研究,还是科学实践哲学的兴起,都对传统科学哲学视野中的科学形象给予了重新描绘。

    Both sociological research of scientific knowledge and the practice-philosophy of science reshape the image of science to distinguish it from the one in the perspective of traditional scientific philosophy .

  27. 社会建构主义作为科学知识社会学的理论和方法在20世纪70年代末使科学研究从理论转向实践,其科学观以社会建构的独特视角打开了被忽视的一系列新问题的大门。

    At the end of 1970s , the Social Constructivism has realized the Science Studies turning from ration into practice which be regarded as the theory and method of Scientific Knowledge .

  28. 本文目的在于通过述评二者主要理论观点的相似性,探讨从知识社会学到科学知识社会学发展的某种历史继承性。

    The purpose of the paper is to explore the historical inheritance of the SSK from the Sociology of Knowledge by expounding the similarity in the viewpoints of the two theories .

  29. 本文步步深入地论证了文本和话语分析成为科学知识社会学研究场点的必然性。

    Based on the examination of the postmodern linguistic philosophy and the theoretical and empirical evolvement of SSK , the author discusses the root causes that text and discourse analysis becomes one site of SSK .

  30. 科学知识社会学与库恩哲学在历史上有着一脉相承的关系,科学知识社会学继承了库恩哲学的相对主义思想,并将其发展得更为彻底。

    The Sociology of Scientific Knowledge and Kuhn 's philosophy is in direct line of succession in history . The Sociology of Scientific Knowledge inherits the thought of relativism from Kuhn 's philosophy and develops it thoroughly .