
  • 网络scientific methodology
  1. 本文以安全科学方法学中关于中外安全比较研究的思想为理论基础,对中美安全科学发展的各个侧面(硬实力和软实力)进行了综合比较分析。

    This article takes safety China-foreign safety comparative thought of science methodology as the theoretical basis , comprehensive compared the aspect ( hard and soft strength ) of safety science development between USA and China .

  2. 他在提倡科学方法、学精神,肯定科学社会功能等方面,亦不乏精当之见解。

    He also had ideas of his own on advocating scientific method and spirit and the social function of science .

  3. 分析了碳捕获和存储所涉及的科学和方法学问题,包括概念、技术流程、技术潜力以及涵盖的环境、经济和社会因素。

    The scientific methodology of CCS , including the concept , system , and technological potential as well as environmental , economical and social factors are summarized in this paper .

  4. 从质疑反驳的学术传统、实证研究的基本范式、问卷调查的信度效度及优点缺点、实验研究的传统以及研究范式的统一与分离等6个方面讨论了体育社会科学的方法学取向问题。

    Methodological approaches of sports social science are discussed from academic tradition of questioning and refutation , basic paradigm of empirical study , reliability and validity , advantage and disadvantage of questionnaire investigation , traditional experimental research , unification and separation of research paradigm .

  5. 这就忽视了科学方法在教育学研究中的应用限度:重视了归纳,忽视了演绎;忽视了中国的教育情景:忽视了科学精神和科学态度的内化。

    Scientific approach is the only study approach for education .

  6. 体育科学研究的方法学探索&基于中国体育学300篇博士学位论文的调查与分析

    Sport Science Research : A Methodological Exploration & Survey and Analysis Based on 300 Doctoral Dissertations of Sport Science in China

  7. 公理化设计理论和创新问题解决理论是基于科学的设计方法学,近年来已得到设计界的高度重视。

    The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving and Axiomatic Design have lately gained popularity as they are developed based on scientific principles .

  8. 人类学纪录片是在人类学理论指导下,综合运用人类学研究的科学方法和影视学的表现手段,对人类文化进行观察研究所取得的成果的形象化表述。

    Under the instruction of the anthropology theory , utilizing synthetically scientific method of anthropology research and technique of expression of movie and television , the anthropology documentary film visualizes the achievement of the observation and research of human culture .

  9. 企业流程再造(BusinessProcessReengineering,简称BPR)作为一种新的管理科学方法日益受到管理学界的重视。

    Business Process Reengineering ( BPR ), as an update management science , has brought to the field of management more and more serious attention .

  10. 我国体育科学研究中的方法学问题

    Problems of Methodology in Sports Science Research in China

  11. 科学假说方法在中医学研究中的应用和发展

    Application and Development of Science Hypothesis on TCM Research

  12. 力之教授以其对《楚辞》研究实实在在的贡献,鲜明的研究个性,科学的研究方法为学界称誉。

    Professor Li Zhi enjoys good fame in the academic circles of Chuci for his real contribution and distinctive characteristics and scientific methods .

  13. 综合科学统计学方法和社会学分析方法,归纳出世界田径区域分布的基本规律和未来发展趋势,以期为我国体育战略方针的制订提供有效的参考。

    Using both the scientific method of statistics and the analytical method of culture studying , the author successfully sums up the main pattern of the distribution of the power of track and field in the world .