
  • 网络History of science;history of science and technology
  1. 浅议科学技术史研究的不同取向

    The Different Directions of the Study for the History of Science and Technology

  2. 日本科学技术史界的东京工业大学学派

    Tokyo Institute of Technology Group in Japanese Community of History of Science and Technology

  3. 让学生学点科学技术史

    Let Students Learn Some History of Science & Technology

  4. 李约瑟所著《中国科学技术史》在引译中国科技古籍时,有些失误。

    There are some compilation mistakes in Joseph Need 's Science and Civilisation in China .

  5. 对李约瑟《中国科学技术史》若干问题的消解

    Solution to some problems in Joseph needham 's china 's history of science and technology

  6. 中国科学技术史学会

    Chinese Society of Science and Technology History

  7. 目前,它是作为中国科学技术史下面的一个分支而存在的。

    At Present , it is only regarded as a branch of Chinese science and technology history .

  8. 工科院校开设科学技术史选修课,有助于培养学生的创新能力。

    Being an elective course in engineering academies , the technological history is beneficial to the students'creativity .

  9. 李约瑟在中国科学技术史研究上的一些观点与成就

    Some of Joseph Needham 's Achievements and Views in the History of Science and Technology in China

  10. 科学技术史是科学技术哲学的基础和核心领域。

    The history of science and technology is the base and core of philosophy of science and technology .

  11. 李约瑟曾写过一部巨著《中国科学技术史》,我是该书的忠实读者。

    I am a convinced reader of the Opus Magnum of Joseph Needham , Science and Civilizations in China .

  12. 宋代科学技术史的计量研究&兼论中国古代四大学科

    Scientometrics of the history of science and technology in the Song Dynasty : A discussion on four great subjects in medieval China

  13. 经过几十年的建设,我国科学技术史学科已经初具规模。

    The subject of history of science and technology in China has achieved a considerable scale over the construction of the several decades .

  14. 从文化史的角度来看,科学技术史,不难说它应是人类文明史的主线;

    From the aspect of culture , the history of science and technology is a main clue for human beings ' civilization history .

  15. 他的鸿篇巨著《中国科学技术史》,在东西方两大文明之间架起了一座桥梁。

    With his monumental masterpiece , Science and Civilization in China , he built a bridge between the two great civilizations of East and West .

  16. 双重身份的科学技术史名词分析&以天文学史名词为例

    " Double Status " of Terms in the History of Science and Technology : A Case Study in the History of Astronomy as An Example

  17. 从古陶瓷技术整理发掘到科学技术史教育&景德镇陶瓷学院陶瓷科学技术史教学的发展

    Education of the science technology history from the reorganization excavation of the ancient ceramic technology & development of ceramic science technology history in Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute

  18. 从《中国科学技术史·医学卷》看李约瑟与席文医学史观之差异

    The difference of medical historical views between Needham and Sivin as reflected in Science and Civilization in China , vol.6 , Pt . 6 . Medicine

  19. 本文打算在宇宙学史和科学技术史的基础上,对宇宙演化问题作进一步探讨。

    This paper intends to make a further study of the evolution of the universe on the basis of the history of cosmology and science and technology .

  20. 《中国科学技术史》丛书主要由学科史构成,包括11卷技术史专著。

    The first is " A History of Science and Technology in Ancient China ", a series of books , including 11 volumes of history of technology .

  21. 在相当长的一段时期,古代科学技术史是中国科技史研究的主流,近现代科技史则少人问津。

    Study on the history of ancient science and technology has been the main interests of research on Chinese history of science and technology for a long time .

  22. 一部科学技术史,就是一部人类对自然的认识和改造史,就是科学技术日益成为一种社会建制的过程史。

    The history of science and technology is a history of understanding and remaking nature , and a history that science and technology become a social organizational system .

  23. 特别讨论了他从三十年代以来对中国文化的皈依过程和他的巨著《中国科学技术史》的意义。

    The process of his conversion to the Chinese civilization since 1930s and the important significance of his monumental work Science and Civilisation in China are especially discussed here .

  24. 历史桥梁,是我国古建筑类型中非常重要的一项,是建筑工程和科学技术史、艺术史的重要组成部分。

    Historical bridge , one of the key types of ancient architecture in China , is a significant part of Architecture , Science and Technology History and Art History .

  25. 他的建筑实践,发展和丰富了我国城市建筑的独特风格和优秀传统,从而在中国科学技术史上占有重要的地位。

    His architectural practice developed and enriched the unique style and tradition of the urban architecture of our country , holding an important position in Chinese science and technology history .

  26. 《天工开物》作为科学技术史上里程碑式的代表作,引起了国内外学者的广泛兴趣。

    The book ," Heavenly Creations ", is known as a milestone in the history of science and technology masterpiece , which has attracted wide interest of domestic and foreign scholars .

  27. 本课程的教学对象,是科学技术史、科学哲学专业的研究生以及对之感兴趣的其他专业的研究生。

    This course was established for graduate students of history and philosophy of science and technology , as well as those who belong to other specialties and are interested in it .

  28. 本文以科学技术史上著名实验为根据,着重对构思实验的基本理论以及方法进行了论述和探讨。

    Based on the well-known experiments in the history of science and technology , the basic skills and methods of the conceptualization of scientific experiments are expounded and studied in this paper .

  29. 冶金史是科学技术史的重要组成部分,其研究方法与其他科学史、技术史的研究方法具有共同之处,但也有其独特性。

    History of metallurgy is component part of history of science Technology . Its study method generally is the same with that of history of science Technology , but has its specific characteristics .

  30. 但是近些年来,由于考古发掘工作所发现的汉代丝质纸和麻质纸都存在于蔡伦以前,某些科学技术史工作者便作出了颇不一致的论断。

    But , through the recent years , the findings of archaeological excavation work have revealed that paper made first of silk and then of hemp had existed long before Tsai-lun 's time .