
  • 网络scientific attitude;scientism;Science Attitude
  1. 可以作为体现科学态度、情感与价值观的载体;

    It can also embody scientific attitudes , emotions , and evaluation concepts as well .

  2. 中学教师的科学态度和行为存在显著的学历差异,表现为本科学历的教师在科学态度和行为测验上的平均成绩明显高于专科学历的教师。

    Obvious educational differences exists in scientific attitudes and also scientific movements , undergraduate teachers are better than special grade teachers .

  3. 这难道不是对那些没有科学态度的人的一种恰如其分的描述吗?

    Is this not an apt description of those who do not have a scientific attitude ?

  4. 根据挪威出资、旨在调查全球对科学态度的Rose项目,在接受调查的所有25个国家中,对于我喜欢找一份技术工作的说法,日本中学生的反应更为负面。

    According to the Rose project , a Norwegian-funded global survey of attitudes towards science , Japanese secondary-school students responded more negatively to the proposition I would like to get a job in technology than their peers in all the 25 countries polled .

  5. 合理渗透STS教育理念,培养学生正确的科学态度人生价值观;落实综合实践活动课,加强学生科学知识的综合运用能力。

    Penetrate the STS education idea reasonably and cultivate students ' correct scientific attitude and life values ; Implement comprehensive practical activities to strengthen students ' scientific knowledge and comprehensive utilization ability .

  6. 初中化学教学中科学态度的培养

    The Scientific Attitude Training in Junior High School 's Chemical Teaching

  7. 尊重他人的观点也是一种科学态度。

    Respecting other 's view is a science attitude as well .

  8. 科学态度中思想开放也至关重要。

    Open-mindedness is also extremely important to a scientific attitude .

  9. 斯密和早期古典经济学家的科学态度古典文化的;

    the scientific attitude of Smith and earlier classical economists .

  10. 建议以科学态度结合国内情况,学习国外新经验。

    Suggests to learn from foreign experiences with consideration of domestic conditions .

  11. 以科学态度消除对电子垃圾的偏见

    Eliminating the Prejudice of Electronic Refuse by using Scientific Approach

  12. 我们要以科学态度,运用科学的方法,开展儒学研究。

    We should research confucianist with scientific attitude and method .

  13. 科学态度是科学素质的核心

    Scientific Attitude is the Core Factor of Scientific Quality

  14. 在探究过程中培养学生的科学态度

    Developing student 's scientific attitude in scientific inquiry process

  15. 我们必须把革命精神和科学态度结合起来。

    We must combine revolutionary vigour with scientific approach .

  16. 这是正常现象也是科学态度。

    This is a normal phenomenon and also out of a scientific attitude .

  17. 科学态度的另一部分就是尊重他人的观点。

    Another part of a scientific attitude is respect for the views of others .

  18. 引导学生正确之科学态度,以培养自学习惯及吸收科技知识之能力。

    To guide students through objective scientific attitude toward self-training technical and scientific knowledge .

  19. 在整个论文写作中笔者始终坚持辩证唯物史观与实事求是的科学态度进行研究。

    The author maintains the dialectical materialism and scientific attitude in writing this paper .

  20. 科学态度、情感与价值观;

    Science attitude , emotion and value ;

  21. 以科学态度对待管理科学

    With Scientific Attitude Towards Management Science

  22. 培养科学态度和科学道德;

    Cultivate scientific attitude and moral ;

  23. 建议抱着理性认识和客观对待的科学态度来对待转基因食品。

    We must approach transgenic foods by using scientific attitude of rational knowledge and objective treatment .

  24. 摘要中国传统翻译批评带有很大主观性和随意性,缺乏科学态度和方法。

    China 's traditional translation criticism , absent from scientific approaches , is subjective and free .

  25. 亚里士多德的科学态度导致他认为上帝首先是第一推动力。

    Aristotle 's scientific attitude led him to conceive of God primarily as a First Cause .

  26. 科学态度的本质

    The Nature of the Scientific Attitude

  27. 发挥协会优势以科学态度做好防腐蚀压力管道元件制造许可评审工作

    Consummate the Appraisal Task of Anticorrosion Pressure Pipeline Component Manufacture Permission Scientifically Depending on the Advantage of Association

  28. 所以,一个成熟的政党,不仅要有先进的意识形态,而且要有对意识形态的科学态度。

    Therefore , to a mature party , both advance ideology and scientific outlook of ideology are all important .

  29. 第二部分阐释科学态度的本体论起源以及这种态度如何转变为科学的态度。

    The second part elaborate ontological attitude of the sciences and the scientific attitude that how ontological attitude change into .

  30. 如何对科学态度、情感与价值观进行评价&基于新加坡《交互作用的科学》的思考

    How to Evaluate Scientific Attitude , Emotion and Values & Some Thoughts Based on the Textbook of Interactive Science for Singapore