
  • 网络THE SCIENTIFIC WORLD;world of science;Science World;Newton
  1. 她引述《2013年科学世界报告》的话说,手提包上的微生物活性大约是马桶座圈上的10倍。

    She quoted the Science World Report 2013 that revealed handbags have about ten times the amount of microbial activity than a toilet seat .

  2. 从近代哲学到现代哲学,即是从科学世界回归生活世界,从本质主义转向生成性思维。

    The process from the modern philosophy to the contemporary philosophy is just the return from the science world to the life world , or the change from the essentialism to the growing mode of thinking .

  3. 直到最近,20世纪80年代发生了一场革命。在大学科学世界的新思想流露出来。最后似乎宇宙中所有的东西都需要一个解释。词语解释:universen.宇宙proverbn.谚语

    a revolution occured in the 1980s.In universities across the world new ideas in science streamed forth.Finally it seemed everything in the universe was about to be explained .

  4. 什么是化石,吸引有关的科学世界?

    What is it about fossils that fascinate the scientific world ?

  5. 《科学世界》开创的国人办刊新理念

    New ideas created by Chinese editors of The World of Science

  6. 现代科学家杨惟义占据了科学世界的一角。

    Modern scientist Yang Weiyi occupies a corner of science field .

  7. 近代哲学是一种科学世界观,现代哲学则是一种生活世界观。

    The modern philosophy is a kind of scientific world view .

  8. 复杂性范式的兴起与科学世界观的变革

    The rising of the complexity paradigm and change of the scientific viewpoint

  9. 科学世界语文教学科学化刍论

    Discussion On Teaching of Language and Literature in Scientific World

  10. 青少年科学世界观培养是一个重要的时代课题。

    Cultivating scientific world view of youths is an important time task .

  11. 生活世界的教育与科学世界的教育

    The Education in Life-World and the Education in Science-World

  12. 它既承继了生活世界的直观性与自然性,又保留了科学世界的技术性和逻辑性。

    It is close to the daily life for the directness and nature .

  13. 从言语习得看科学世界的言语教育

    Language Teaching in Scientific World : From Language Acquisition

  14. 教学生活:建构有灵魂的科学世界

    Teaching life : construct the scientific world of spirit

  15. 关于科学世界观教育的三点思考

    Three points on the scientific world outlook teaching

  16. 麦克尼尔的世界历史的独特性源于他的科学世界观。

    The uniqueness of his world history construction originates from his scientific world view .

  17. 这个令人激动的科学世界。

    The exciting world of science anymore .

  18. 它甚至可能逆转现代科学世界的知识流的方向。

    It could even reverse the direction of knowledge flow in the world of modern science .

  19. 它也提供了一种独特的机会,来促进科学世界的公平与协作。

    It also offers a unique opportunity to promote equity and collaboration in the world of science .

  20. 数据分析和理论方法成为理论生物学研究中探索生物机理的重要途径,也是人类认识自然科学世界的重要工具。

    Data analysis and theory methods have become important for exploring biological mechanism in theoretical biology research .

  21. 将年轻人吸引到令人激动和兴奋的计算机科学世界之中,已经变成了一件困难的事情。

    It has become difficult to interest young people in the exciting world of computers and computer science .

  22. 通过把握生物学知识中隐含的辩证唯物主义思想,培养学生的科学世界观;

    Holding the thoughts of dialectic materialism in the teaching material and building up students ' scientific world view ;

  23. 感觉用于认识日常生活直接接触的经验世界,理性用于认识科学世界。

    Sensations are for the learning of the everyday life experience while reason is for the learning of science .

  24. 实际上,马克思主义哲学本身就是一个开放、不断发展的科学世界观体系。

    In fact , Marxist philosophy itself is just a scientific world outlook system , which isopen and develops constantly .

  25. 大学生树立科学世界观的障碍及其克服措施

    Talking about the Obstacles to Setting up a Scientific World View for College Students and Some Measures for Overcoming Them

  26. 天文教育在培养学生科学世界观、科学兴趣、科学思想、科学思维、科学精神,破除迷信,开拓视野,树立创新精神等方面具有独特的优势。

    Astronomical education have unique advantages in cultivating students scientific world view , scientific interest , scientific thought and scientific spirit etc.

  27. 萨根则更关注那些相信鬼怪、上帝造物论和其他与科学世界观不同的人。

    Sagan is more concerned with those who believe in ghosts , creationism and other phenomena that contradict the scientific worldview .

  28. 理想的学生课堂生活方式应体现对科学世界、日常生活世界、非日常生活世界的交融;应体现对人的美好生存的关注和生命活力的彰显。

    The ideal students ' lifestyle should be the combination of the daily life , science and non - daily life activities .

  29. 时代背景的急剧变化成为马克思创立科学世界观和全新政治经济学理论的经济社会根源。

    The sharp changes of epoch became the social root of Marx founding the scientific world outlook and the new political economics .

  30. 人类的木文化创造了科学世界,森林文化也是文学艺术创作的重要源泉。

    The " wood culture " created the scientific world . Forest culture is also an important source of the literature and art .