- 名autumn overflowing of rivers, autumn floods

[autumn floods] 秋季的汛情
Hydrologic characteristics of Zhejiang fishing grounds in the summer-autumn
Summer-and-autumn fishery condition analysis of motor - sailer light seining in Zhejiang fishing area
Species composition and quantitative distribution of zooplankton in Zhejiang fishing ground during the fishing seasons of summer and Autumn
Prediction and analysis of prawn catch ( penaeus orientalis kishinouye ) in the Bohai Sea in the autumn fishing season
The management of autumn shrimp fishery mainly involves determining the open date , managing fishing effort , and allocating resource reasonably .
Study on the Forecast of Fishing Conditions of Light Seining in Autumn Fishing Season in the Northern Part of the East China Sea
From the statistics of pelagic fishery during 1994-1997 . The yield in Summer and autumn is higher than that in winter and spring .
Relationship between offshore bait organism basis in North East China Sea during fishing seasons of summer and autumn and central fishing ground of mackerels and scads
The investigation shows that in ordinary years the juvenile fish emergence size ( biomass index ) is directly proportional to its catch which can be used to predict stock situation and as a major index of predicting summer and autumn emergence sizes .