
  • 网络swing set
  1. 房子后面有一条碎石铺成的车道,一个可停放四辆车的车库,一块漂亮的草坪,草坪上立着秋千架,车道两边则是草坪坡地,一直延伸到环路街上。

    The back had a gravel driveway with a four-car garage , a nice lawn with a swing set , and , on both sides of the driveway , sloping lawns that went down to the street , Circle Drive .

  2. 我喜欢荡秋千,每天晚上都会在后院的秋千架上荡一个小时,风雨无阻。

    I love swings and swing every night for an hour in my backyard on our swing set . Snow , rain , and sleet never stop me .

  3. 游乐场上有一处沙坑、一块跷跷板和一个秋千架。

    There was a sandpit , a seesaw and a swing in the playground .

  4. 秋千架上的大胆青年

    The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze

  5. 它简直就是一块加了床垫的平放着的秋千架,我在睡觉的时候还可以不停摆动。

    It 's a laying-swinging patio bench with a mattress on top so that I can rock when I sleep .

  6. 它的一根大树枝上向外伸出,使其高度和角度正好形成一个秋千架。

    And hanging from a limb that stretched out at just the right height and angle , was a rope swing .

  7. 第二章以小说《白狗秋千架》到剧本《暖》的改编为例,从人物和细节的变动上探讨其改编技巧。

    The second chapter analyzes her novel , " White Dog Swing ," and her script , " Nuan ," as examples , and discusses her adaptation skills as she changes her characters and details .

  8. 她从德纳第客店门前走过,看见那两个小女孩在那怪形秋千架上玩得怪起劲的,不禁心花怒放,只望着那幅欢乐的景象出神。

    As she passed the Thenardier hostelry , the two little girls , blissful in the monster swing , had dazzled her in a manner , and she had halted in front of that vision of joy .