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  • stalk
  • 稻麦等植物的茎:麦~儿。麻~儿。高粱~儿。烟~。

  1. 在玉米秆开始拔节时,给玉米打药。

    Corn is treated when the stalk starts to elongate .

  2. F2代变幅较大的农艺性状为:有效穗数、单株穗重、秆重和每穗总粒数。

    Variety of agricultural characters : number of effect panicle , panicle weight , stalk weight and grain number per panicle .

  3. 全秆红麻磺化化学机械浆H2O2单段漂白

    Single Stage Peroxide Bleaching of Sulfonated Chemimechanical Pulp of Whole Kenaf Stalk

  4. 红麻化机浆H2O2中-高浓漂白的研究红麻全秆烧碱法制浆

    Medium-High-Consistency Peroxide Bleaching of Kenaf Whole Stalk CMP Soda Pulping of Whole Kenaf Stem

  5. 实秆小麦86-741遗传背景的SSR标记分析

    Genetic background analysis on a solid stem wheat 86 - 741 by SSR markers

  6. 0.5:0.5配比,有机肥能明显地促进无机态肥料N从秆向谷运输;

    Increasing the transferring ability of nitrogen from straw to rice grain , especially in 0.5:0.5 ; ( 3 ) maintaining inorganic fertilizer nitrogen in soil ;

  7. 平均竹各器官N、P、K含量均随着年龄的增大而减小,但不同器官变幅不同,秆、根、蔸变幅较大,枝、叶变幅较小。

    N , P and K content of different organ became different , changing of stem , root and shoot distinctly , but twig and leaf within limit .

  8. 蔗秆表皮层的超微结构、Si等元素的存在状态及脱除机理有待进一步研究。

    The ultrastructure of the cuticle , existent state of the elements in the cuticle and the removing mechanism of them will be further studied .

  9. 用SEMEDAX法研究蔗秆表皮层的超微结构及元素组成。

    The structure and composition of the cuticle of sugarcane stem were studied by means of SEM EDAX .

  10. 两种培养状态下的稻草粉DM净消失率都高于稻草秆。

    In both kinds of media , the net disappearance rate of DM of RSS was lower significantly than that of RSP .

  11. 烟秆APMP配抄新闻纸研究

    Study on Newsprint Manufacture with Mixing Tobacco Stalk APMP

  12. IPT基因遗传转化谷秆两用稻的研究

    A study on genetic transformation of grain-straw-dual-use-rice with IPT gene

  13. 以玉米秆为材料,研究了荒漠生态系统下残茬的腐解率和腐解物的有机C、N、K的含量、养分释放率及C/N的变化。

    Quantitative studies on changes of decomposition rate , C / N ratio , N , K and organic C of corn residue during decomposition in desert ecosystem were carried out in Fukang , Xinjiang .

  14. 小麦秆锈病菌(Pucciniagraminisvar.Tritici)冬孢子萌发的研究

    On the teliospore germination of Puccinia graminis var. tritici

  15. 分析了2个不同来源水稻高秆隐性种质的6个杂交组合F1,F2,BF1以及相应亲本的穗伸出度。

    Panicle exsertion ( PE ) of parents , F_1 , F_2 , BF_1 in 6 crosses for the tall-culm recessive species from two different sources in rice was analysed .

  16. 研究认为,烧碱-AQ法比KP法更适合于红麻全秆的蒸煮;

    The results showed that soda-AQ digestion is more suitable to kenaf ( whole stalk ) than KP digestion .

  17. 半流体培养,稻草粉DM、ADF、CL净消失率和稻草秆DM净消失率都明显高于液体培养;

    The net disappearance rate of DM , ADF and CL of RSP , DM of RSS in semifluid media was higher than that in liquid media .

  18. 高秆和带有sds基因的矮秆植株的GA类物质含量高于带sdl基因的矮秆类型。

    The contents of endogenous gibberellin-like substances in high plants and dwarf rice with id , gene were higher than that in dwarf type with sd1 gene .

  19. 利用UV、IR等分析手段,揭示了红麻全秆木素化学结构的特点,同时对其在烧碱-AQ法蒸煮过程中的脱除特性进行了探讨。

    The chemical structure of lignin in kenaf has been investigated through UV , IR and other analytical methods . Lignin removal in the soda-AQ pulping of kenaf is discussed .

  20. 秆长的表现型值及其CRI值受少数主效基因控制,具有较高的狭义遗传力。

    Culm length and its CRI were affected by a few major genes , and these traits had high narrow-sense heritability .

  21. 影响秆重的主要因子是年龄x1、壁厚x2、胸径x3和立竹密度x8,它们的因子负荷量均在50%以上。

    The factors impacting on the stem weight are age ( x1 ), thick of stem ( x2 ), chest diameter ( x3 ) and density ( xs ) and their factor loadings are more than 50 % .

  22. 茶秆竹茎秆表皮层的SEM-EDAX研究

    Study on the Cuticle of Bamboo Stem by Means of SEM-EDAX

  23. 空间搭载处理的M2代矮秆、高秆和早熟的突变频率与M1代总生理损伤存在显著正相关。

    There were significant correlations between the total physiological damage in M_1 and the mutation frequencies of dwarfing , high plant and early maturity in M_2 after space flight .

  24. 这些主效QTL在低温环境下对水稻秆长、穗长、穗粒数和穗抽出度有增效作用,与水稻耐冷性有一定的相关性。

    These QTLs cause the increase of culm length , panicle length , spikelets per panicle and panicle exsertion under low temperature , showing that these QTLs are correlated with cold tolerance .

  25. 利用30千伦~(60)Coγ射线辐照早籼品种桂朝二号诱发突变获得一个高秆突变体Mh-1。

    A tall-culm mutant , Mh-1 , is obtained by using radiation of 60Co Yd ray ( 30 kr ) in a variety of hsien rice .

  26. F1和F2出现高秆野生型植株,F2还出现新的双隐基因控制的特矮秆植株。

    The high original wildtype plants were present in F1 and F2 progenies , and the new short dwarf plants which were controlled by two semi-dwarf genes presented in F2 progenies .

  27. 亲本中控制秆长及其CRI值的正、负等位基因的频率基本相等,显隐性基因频率基本相同;

    The frequency of positive and negative alleles , and the proportion of dominant and recessive alleles in the parents for culm length and its CRI were equal .

  28. 说明02428h是受隐性单基因控制的高秆突变体。

    It also indicated that long culm was due to the recessive gene .

  29. 本研究利用管式反应器对玉米秆和木屑的水热转化过程进行研究,采用红外光谱、HPLC、TOC、GC/MS、元素分析等仪器对反应产物进行分析。

    When hypothesis time arrived , take out tubular reactor rapidly and put it into cooling water to cease the reaction . The research uses instrument such as infrared spectrum , HPLC , TOC , GC / MS , ultimate analysis doing analysis .

  30. 介绍了以国产492Q型发动机活塞连秆组件代用伏尔加24型轿车活塞连杆组件的方法。

    This paper describes the substitution of piston and connecting rod assembles in domestic 492Q model engines for ones in VOLGA-24 passenger cars .
