
xiù měi
  • Beauty;elegant;graceful;excellent
秀美 [xiù měi]
  • [graceful;excellent] 秀丽美好

秀美[xiù měi]
  1. 百合(LiLiumspp.)花姿秀美,花茎挺拔,是点缀庭院的名贵观赏花卉,是世界上著名的五大鲜切花之一,深受世界各国人民的喜爱。

    With the graceful posture , tall and straight flower stalk , Lily ( LiLium spp. ) is suitable for using in the garden . As one of the most famous cut flowers in the world , it is widely favored by the peoples from various countries .

  2. 实现以山川秀美为标志的生态文明社会。

    Ecological society civilization were realized for mark of landscape graceful .

  3. 西北山川秀美建设区的可持续发展与引入绿色GDP核算的设想

    On the sustainable development of the project of Reconstruction of Landscape and adoption of GGDP in Northwest China

  4. 玫瑰(RosarugosaThunb.)是蔷薇科蔷薇属的一种重要的观赏植物,花型秀美,芳香四溢,色彩绚丽。

    Rose ( Rosa rugosa Thunb . ) is an important ornamental plant of rosaceous , with beautiful and fragrant flowers .

  5. 顶秀美泉的伊舍尔酒店宽敞豪华,却生意惨淡。据其网页介绍说,该酒店原型位于一个于奥地利小镇,据说是奥地利王子佛兰茨.约瑟夫邂逅茜茜公主的地方。事实上他们真正邂逅的地方是一个叫BadIschi的小镇。

    According to the town website , the large , swanky but deserted Elischer restaurant pays tribute to the Austrian town where Emperor Franz Joseph is supposed to have met Princess Sisi - in fact , the real town is called Bad Ischl .

  6. 让那紫杉木花环,装饰你秀美的卷发。

    Let garlands of sad yew Adorn your dainty golden tresses .

  7. 阳光照在她脸庞秀美的轮廓上。

    The sun shone on the beautiful lines of the face .

  8. 据说她姿容秀美,年方20。

    It is said that she is sweet and twenty .

  9. 风景秀美的罗山拥有亚洲第一的金矿田。

    The scenic Luoshan Mountain boasts the largest gold mine in Asia .

  10. 她容貌秀美,举止优雅,很吸惹人。

    Her good looks and elegant manners are very attractive .

  11. 从你的房子可以看到秀美的山景。

    Your house has a fine view of the hills .

  12. 这景色充满着田园味,幽雅恬静,秀美如画。

    The scene was rural and picturesque , very peaceful .

  13. 那块青石上刻着几个秀美的大字。

    A few large delicate words are carved in the cyan stone .

  14. 平乐镇历史文化悠久,自然风景秀美。

    Pingle has a long history and culture , and beautiful natural scenery .

  15. 我忘记了疲倦,驻足凝视着这秀美的风景。

    I forgot my weariness , and gazed long on this noble prospect .

  16. 秀美的小山,映着蓝天,轮廓特别清晰。

    The graceful hill stands out clearly and distinctly against the blue sky .

  17. 这些纤细秀美的柱子叫爱奥尼柱。

    These slender columns are called ionic columns .

  18. 2那秀美娇嫩的锡安女子(女子就是指民的意思),我必剪除。

    I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate woman .

  19. 清江风光以秀美恬静让人留连忘返。

    The scenery of Qingjiang Rive attracts the people by its pretty and calmness .

  20. 风格质朴厚重,劲健秀美。应用语体的基本语言格调是平易朴实、庄重典雅。

    The basic language style of practical writing is simple , serious and elegant .

  21. 建设秀美城市的探索之路

    Exploration for the Way of Constructing Beautiful City

  22. 歌舞醉人。姑娘们的婀娜舞姿,编织出一幅秀美壮丽的丹霞画卷。

    The graceful dancing performed by girls knit a beautiful picture of magnificent Danxia .

  23. 你的两腮、发辫而秀美、的颈项、珠串而华丽。

    Your cheeks are beautiful with earrings , your neck with strings of jewels .

  24. 生物起源地,秀美青海湖!

    Biological origin , beautiful Qinghai Lake !

  25. 她秀美的、红棕色头发闪闪。

    Her lovely copper hair shone bright .

  26. 温州有很好的旅游资源。境内山川秀美,资源丰富。

    Tourism resources in wenzhou are rich .

  27. 黄土高原如何再现山川秀美

    The how to loess plateau reappear beauty

  28. 峨嵋山上矗立着许多古老的庙宇,山林也非常秀美。

    There stand many old temples and the forest on the mountain is very beautiful .

  29. 试论人与自然和谐相处及再造西北山川秀美从可持续发展到山川秀美

    Harmonic co-existence of mankind with nature and reconstruction of comely landscape in Northwest of China

  30. 第二,田园生活。讴歌了家乡田园景色的的秀美。

    Second , it is the idyllic life , which describes beautiful scenery of his hometown .