
  • 网络discrete point;Scatter Points
  1. 模板根据CAD模型定制而成,包括理论边上的离散点以及边在各点处的切矢。

    The template is customized according to CAD model , and it includes discrete points and their corresponding tangent vectors on the theoretical edges .

  2. 边界为简单多边形的离散点Delaunay三角剖分及可视化研究

    The delaunay triangulation and visualization of discrete points forming simple polygon

  3. 离散点集3D三角划分算法在裁剪曲面中的实现

    Actualization of 3D triangulation algorithm for scattered data points on trimmed surface

  4. 基于GPS高程离散点的土地平整土方量计算方法

    Earthwork Calculation of Land Leveling Based on GPS Discrete Elevation Points

  5. 用三次B样条曲线将离散点拟合成连续的目标曲线。

    The dispersed points are imitating to continuous aim curve with cubic B - spline curves .

  6. 多连通曲面离散点集的3D三角划分算法研究

    Research on the 3D Triangulation Algorithm for Scattered Data Points on Multiple Connected Surface

  7. 极坐标离散点曲线的CAM操作技巧

    The Operating Technique of CAM on the Polar Discrete Point Curve

  8. 3D空间离散点集三角划分的逐层收缩算法

    The level contraction algorithm to the triangle division in 3D space to the separate points set

  9. 基于离散点数据构建TIN的方法

    Method of building TIN based on disperse point data

  10. 在剔除非法数据之后,我们使用BP网络来进行曲线模拟,以得到离散点的拟合曲线。

    After getting rid of the unlawful data , BP-network is used to get the line of .

  11. 我省土地平整工程实施的难点与对策基于GPS高程离散点的土地平整土方量计算方法

    The difficulty and countermeasure on land levelling in Fujian Province Earthwork Calculation of Land Leveling Based on GPS Discrete Elevation Points

  12. 该方法首先介绍B样条曲线和曲面的插值算法,接着对曲面离散点进行预处理,最后对离散点进行曲面插值。

    This paper first describes the interpolation algorithm of B-Spline curve and surface . Then , discreet points are redistributed according to the interpolation rules of B-Spline surfaces .

  13. 三维测量离散点集Delaunay三角网化。

    The Three-dimensional measuring dispersed points become into Delaunay triangle triangulations .

  14. 通过对几种常用的CAD造型方法的比较,对常用而复杂的喷管离散点型轮廓段的拟合插值采用三次参数样条曲线来完成。

    After comparing several common CAD modeling methods , the cubic parameter-spline curve is used to approach and interpolate discrete contour of usual and complicated rocket jet .

  15. 一种基于Hermite插值的离散点构造曲面的新算法

    A new method of sculptured surface structured with scattered data based on Hermite algorithm

  16. 本文通过离散点排序将采集的数据点变成有序序列,然后建立凸壳,生成TIN模型。

    This article through discrete points collected data points sequence will become orderly sequences , and then build convex hull , generating TIN model .

  17. 提出一种通过将工业CT测量的离散点云数据与产品设计模型(STL格式)进行配准,获取误差信息的方法。

    A method is presented for matching the industrial CT measured discrete data with product design model in STL format to get error information .

  18. 与普通法相比,在给定N+1个离散点时,它的误差小,且谐波次数n不受N的限制。

    Compared with the common method , its errors are small , and the ordinal number of harmonics n is independent of N , when N + 1 discrete points are given .

  19. 带约束的离散点集的曲线、曲面拟合是CAD/CAM中的基本问题之一,也是工业设计和制造中经常遇到的问题。

    Curves and Surfaces fitting to constrained data sets is an indispensable problem in CAD / CAM , which is also a common topic in industry design and manufacture .

  20. 然后对碎片的边界轮廓离散点进行五次B样条插值,同时计算轮廓曲线上各个点的曲率、挠率和法矢,并据此分析3维碎片轮廓曲线的几何特性;

    The discrete points on the boundary curve are interpolated by quintic B-spline . With the spline curve , the curvature and torsion of every point are calculated and the geometric property is also analyzed .

  21. 本文基于CAD地形原始数据,分析了DXF文件格式,研究了离散点提取算法对离散点进行提取。

    The thesis has analyzed the DXF file format and discussed the discrete points extraction algorithm based on the the original terrain data from CAD .

  22. 实现了基于原始离散点和规则格网点数据的DEM自动生成,并提供了实时检查修改的方案。

    We realized DEM automatic generation based on original discrete points and regular control network points and formed a scheme to real time check and correction .

  23. DEM数据结构有离散点结构、规则格网结构、不规则三角网结构、等高线结构和混合结构五种。

    The data structures of DEM have five kinds of structure , including dispersed point , regular network , triangle irregular network , counter and mixing structure .

  24. 针对带有精确截面信息的有序离散点的三维曲面重构问题,提出了一种NURBS曲面快速重构方法。

    Aim for the 3D surface reconstruction with scattered data points in order of precise section , a rapid surface-reconstruction method based on NURBS is proposed .

  25. 该算法可进行3D离散点全局或局部插值,并可应用于3D曲面重构等领域。

    The constructed surfaces by the algorithm are convex preserving , and they are piecewise C1 . The algorithm can be easily applied for global or local interpolation , which is indispensable in 3D surface reconstruction from scattered points .

  26. 本文着重讨论了如何在采集离散点时加入编码的基础上,尽量减少或不进行人工干预,基于有约束的TIN构建方法一次性生成等高线图。

    This paper focus on discussing under the condition of few or no intervenor how to produce contour map with constrained delaunay triangulation and the method of adding codes when gathering discrete altitude points .

  27. 论文研究了离散点构造不规则三角网的过程,并对经典的构造Delaunay三角网算法进行了改进,改进后的算法具有较好的运行效果。

    In this thesis , the author discusses the process of constructing triangulated irregular network with discrete point and improves the algorithm of constructing Delaunay network .

  28. 在求得曲率线上的离散点集以后,应用奇异混合插值技术,在可控精度内把曲率线用显式直接表示为位于NURBS曲面上的B样条曲线。

    Discrete points on the curvature line are then obtained and approximated by an explicitly presented B-spline curve on the NURBS surface using singular mixed interpolation and capable of controlling the error within a given tolerance .

  29. 该方法首先利用DEM数据进行等高线的制作,然后在等高线上采点、由点成面再成体,实现了由离散点到地形实体的过程。

    Firstly , it made the contour map using DEM data , and then sampled points in the contour lines , and finally achieved the process from discrete points to topographic entity .

  30. 以基于Delaunay不规则三角网络的算法为基础,提出一种在不规则区域内,使用离散点数据生成等值线的改进算法。

    Based on the algorithm of Delaunay Triangulated Irregular Network , an improved algorithm to use isoline making in an irregular region with data of arbitrary point is put forward .