
lí xīn ɡuǎn
  • centrifuge tube
  1. 应用无支架离心管培养技术构建组织工程化关节软骨

    Construction of tissue engineered articular cartilage without scaffold materials by centrifuge tube culture technique

  2. 取SD仔鼠5只,无菌条件下取双侧坐骨神经混合于离心管中作为对照组。

    Bilateral sciatic nerve of 5 SD rats were mixed in the centrifuge tube as the control group .

  3. 样品DNA标记后与固定在膜条上的寡核苷酸探针在2ml离心管中杂交、检测获得杂交信号。

    The DNA of sample is hybridized with the oligonucleotide probes after being marked and the hybridization signal is detected in 2ml microtube .

  4. 在离心管中加入KOH而不是NaOH,然后剧烈斡旋30min;

    Add KOH into the extraction buffer instead of NaOH and vortex the tube violently for 30 min.

  5. 方法用胶原酶P消化分离SD大鼠胰腺,采用自制的推进式离心管以及单一密度(1.090g/cm3)的HCA-Ficoll-400密度梯度液来纯化大鼠胰岛细胞。

    Methods SD rat pancreas was enzymatically digested by collagenase P.Islet cells were purified with mono-layers of HC-A-Ficoll 400 gradient solution ( 1.090 g / cm3 ) in modified medical syringes by mono-density gradient centrifugation method .

  6. 方法对离心管构建3周的组织工程软骨进行透射电镜、流式细胞仪检测和3HTDR掺入测定,与3周龄兔关节软骨对照。

    Methods Tissue engineered articular cartilage constructed by centrifuge tube were studied with electron microcopy , TUNEL , 3H-TdR incorporation and flow cytometry .

  7. RNA样品被固定到膜条上之后,在2ml离心管中与探针杂交,然后检测杂交信号。

    RNA samples are fixed onto the nylon strips , and then hybridized with the probe and the hybridization signal is detected in the 2ml microtube .

  8. 选取5mL塑料离心管,在其表面打孔,制成组织笼,灭菌烘干。

    10ml plastic centrifuge tube was perforated in surface to make tissue cages .

  9. 其次将尼龙膜剪切成大小合适的膜条,将多个样品DNA固定于膜条上,然后膜条与探针在2ml离心管中与探针杂交、检测获得杂交信号。

    After clipping the nylon membrane into strips , the DNA of multi-samples is fixed on the strips , hybridized with probes and the hybridization signal is detected in 2ml microtubes .

  10. 然后加SE缓冲液混匀,转入10mL离心管静置10min;

    Then SE buffer was added into mortal , mixed well and transferred to 10 mL centrifuge tube . The tube was placed stably for 10 min.

  11. 结果:在离心管15%~20%蔗糖溶液界面处可见一条白色的闪亮环带,westernblot结果显示DAB染色后在相对分子质量24000处可见棕色条带。

    Results : A white light-scattering band under light illumination located at the interface between 15 % - 20 % sucrose was detectable , and a brown stripe which comparative molecular quantity is 24 000 was identified by Western-Blot analysis .

  12. 结果在单层培养条件下,去分化转化软骨细胞只表达Ⅰ型胶原,而在BAI诱导培养基及离心管聚集体培养下该转化软骨细胞表达丰富的Ⅱ型胶原和大量胞外基质。

    RESULTS : In monolayer culture with ordinary medium , only type ⅰ collagen was expressed in the DTCs , while in aggregate culture with BAI induced medium , massive type ⅱ collagen and extracellular matrix were expressed in the DTCs .

  13. 将生孢梭菌的新鲜培养物置无菌离心管中,500r·min~(-1)离心5min。

    Put the fresh medium with Clostridium sporogenes into centrifugal tube , at 500 r · min ~ ( - 1 ) for 5 min.

  14. 晾干后将每片叶子的叶柄插入灌满琼脂的离心管(1.5mL)中后转入通风式昆虫毒性试验培养装置。

    Put the petiole into a centrifuge tube ( 1.5mL ) filled with agar after the leaves were dry , then transferred them to the ventilated insect toxicity experiment culture device .

  15. 结果表明:花蕾消毒后,置于10mL离心管,加入适量B5-13(B5+13%蔗糖)提取液,用玻璃棒挤压花蕾使小孢子释放出来。

    The results showed that : After sterilization , the buds were placed in 10 mL centrifuge tubes , adding appropriate extract B5-13 ( B5 + 13 % sucrose ) medium , and pinched by glass to release microspores .

  16. 方法自3周龄兔分离关节软骨细胞,按3×106细胞/管于离心管内接种软骨细胞,离心(1000r/min)5min后连续培养2周。

    Methods Articular chondrocytes were isolated from rabbits aged 3 weeks and 3 × 10 6 chondrocytes were seeded into each centrifuge tube . After centrifugalization ( 1 000r / min ) for 5 minutes , the chondrocytes were consecutively cultured for two weeks .

  17. 离心管内组织工程软骨培养的初步研究

    Primary Study on Tissue Engineered Cartilage Cultured in Centrifuge Tube

  18. 离心管培养软骨作为半月板移植替代物的可能性研究

    Possibility of using cartilage cultured in centrifuge tube as a substitute for meniscus

  19. 方法设两个离心管,一只离心管内只有食物,果蝇既可以嗅到味道,也可以吃到食物;

    Methods Food was put in two centrifuge tubes .

  20. 将管柱置于一个干净的微量离心管。

    Place the column in a clean microcentrifuge tube .

  21. 方法利用塑料离心管,微孔滤膜为材料制备微孔底膜插入式培养皿;

    Methods The plate insert was made using plastic centrifuge tube and micropore membrane .

  22. 目的探讨离心管培养软骨作为移植材料的可能性。

    Objective To investigate possibility of cartilage cultured in centrifuge tube as graft materials .

  23. 离心管摩擦桩的设计

    The design of centrifugal pipe floating pile

  24. 推进式离心管结合单密度梯度法快速纯化大鼠胰岛

    Study on the rapid purification of rat islet cells with push-type tube by modified mono-density gradient method

  25. 目的用离心管聚集体培养(aggregateculture)诱导去分化转化人关节细胞的Ⅱ型胶原。

    OBJECTIVE : To induce collagen phenotype in dedifferentiated transformed human articular chondrocytes with centrifuge tube aggregate culture .

  26. 结论离心管聚集体培养是诱导转化软骨细胞Ⅱ型胶原的有效方式。

    Conclusion Centrifuge tube aggregate culture method can induce the secretion of type ⅱ collagen of transformed chondrocytes .

  27. 以石棉水泥砂浆离心管作为内模衬管,浇筑混凝土后构成现浇混凝土空心板。

    With asbestos cement mortar pipe being used as inner liner , concrete is cast to form hollow slab .

  28. 经离心管培养骺软骨异体修复兔骺板部分损伤的初步观察

    Preliminary study of repairing defects of partial growth plates with allogeneic epiphyseal cartilage cultured in centrifuge tubes in rabbits

  29. 厚壁离心管坯温度场和热应力场的数值模拟及其轴向裂纹分析

    Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field and Stress Field for and Axial Crack Analysis of Heavy-wall Centrifugally Cast Hollow Bloom

  30. 结论离心管培养软骨具有独特的超微结构,可作为关节软骨和生长板的移植物。

    Conclusion Cartilage cultured in centrifuge tube has unique ultrastructure and may be used as graft materials for articular cartilage and growth plate .