
  1. 孩子们离开以后,我总得打扫一番。

    I 'm always having to clean up after the children .

  2. 看来我离开以后,你过得还不错。

    So after I left , it went well for you .

  3. 总的说来,约翰离开以后,生活变平静了。

    On the whole , life became quieter after John left .

  4. 他离开以后,他们感到茫然若失。

    They were conscious of a vacuum after his departure .

  5. 他直到离开以后才告诉我。

    He didnt tell me anything until he had left !

  6. 从我离开以后,我就没再见过我儿子。

    I haven 't seen my son since the day I left .

  7. 你离开以后,她一直在等你。(直到现在)

    She has been waiting for you since you left .

  8. 船只离开以后,日子又变得毫无生气、无聊至极了。

    after them , the day was a dead and empty thing .

  9. 这个小组的领导人离开以后,他们改革的努力逐渐夭折了。

    The group 's efforts at reform fizzled out after their leader left .

  10. 当被你抛弃的人离开以后,我们就海滩。

    After your cast comes off , let 's go to the beach .

  11. 我离开以后再没回去过。

    Day I left I 've never been back .

  12. 他离开以后,她接替了他的工作。

    She took over his work after his departure .

  13. 她离开以后,我又挑了一张漂亮的卡片,准备送给我的母亲。

    After she left , I picked out a nice card for my mother .

  14. 直到我离开以后,我才直到一年有多漫长。

    I just never knew how long a year was until I was gone .

  15. 我离开以后,他会顶替我的工作一个星期。

    After I leave , he will take over my duties for a week .

  16. 自你离开以后我们越过越好。

    We 're better off since you left .

  17. 他问我:我们离开以后他们怎么办?

    What do you think they did after we left ? 'he asked me . '

  18. 自从他离开以后,工厂的情况完全失控了。

    Since he left , things at the factory have got completely out of hand .

  19. 在昨天你那样的离开以后?

    After you left yesterday like that ?

  20. 在源头离开以后依然留在那里。

    Iong after the source has gone .

  21. 那是在警察离开以后。

    It was after the police left .

  22. 但是怪兽万万没有想到,潘恩竟义无返顾的踏进了那个湖泊,他把仙子高高擎在手中,自己站在湖泊的中央。怪兽这下没了办法,只好放弃。等到怪兽离开以后,潘恩才小心翼翼的挪到岸边放下仙子。

    But unexpectedly , Pan set his feet in the lake but held up the fairy .

  23. 晤,那些人类终于离开以后又怎样呢?鼹鼠问。

    Well , and when they went at last , those people ?' said the Mole .

  24. 当他离开以后,苔丝又觉得自己在他面前一定表现得十分愚蠢可笑。

    When he had gone , Tess felt again how stupid she must appear to him .

  25. 自从五年前我离开以后,那座城市已变得差不多认不出了。

    The city has altered almost out of recognition since I left there five years ago .

  26. 我们必须等逗留的人离开以后再关闭博物馆。

    We have to wait around for the lingerers to leave before we can close the museum .

  27. 郁金香离开以后,在夏天前,花儿们都短暂地歇息了一下。

    And when the tulips are gone , there is a moment 's pause , before summer .

  28. 噢,我最近一直工作很忙。玛丽离开以后我是制片人。

    Oh , I 've been working hard lately . I 'm producer while Maria is away .

  29. 我们离开以后,一想起加油站工人们的表情就好笑。

    And when we go away , we laugh a loots remembering the face expression of the station worker .

  30. 他离开以后,她一直反复的问我,他说的是不是正确的。

    After he left , she kept asking me , over and over again , if he was right .