
Mr Keenan said he warned his clients to keep off Facebook while going through divorce proceedings .
Divorce attorney Miles Massey has everything , a jet , a jet washer , three gardeners ( or " those little lawn people " as he puts it ) , and even a marriage contract ( The Massey Prenup ) named after him .
I didn 't handle her husband 's divorce .
His marriage disintegrated , and an acrimonious divorce that took away most of his assets .
If you two don 't want to be together you 'll have to file for divorce .
I 'm very aware of the job you did for Michael in his divorce against Lydia .
If you are in the process of a divorce , it will become easier to reach a settlement .
Because we don 't need to get divorced , okay ? We , we 're just gonna get an annulment .
An Australian law firm has offered up a free divorce as a prize in a Red Cross auction to raise funds for victims of the Bali bombings .
Walt Disney cartoon character Donald Duck on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in August 2004 . A first edition of a Donald Duck comic book from 1948 has been held behind bars in Sweden for a year-and-a-half amid a divorcing couple 's drawn-out custody battle .
It is thus suggested at the end of this study that mediation should be practiced as a completely separated procedure so that every couple goes to court can truly enjoy the advantages of mediations .
London is widely seen as the divorce capital of the world and was the ideal place for mills to pursue her case .
Elsewhere , the Rock radio station in New Zealand is to spring divorces by a radio program . The participant can read the divorce declaration through the radio . The radio station also promised that they will pay the divorce lawsuit fees for them .