
lí hé qì
  • clutch
离合器 [lí hé qì]
  • [clutch] 将机械装置的主动与从动部分连接或脱开用的联接器,尤指能将前后两部分无冲击地渐渐啮合

  1. 离合器因过热而失灵了。

    The clutch has burnt out .

  2. 踩离合器踏板

    to depress the clutch pedal .

  3. 把你的脚放在离合器踏板上。

    Put your foot on the clutch .

  4. 踏板似乎有点偏心,离合器也相当紧。

    The pedals seem a bit off-centre and the clutch is rather stiff

  5. 离合器失灵后,汽车只能在二挡行驶。

    When the clutch broke , the car was locked into second gear

  6. 劳拉松开离合器踏板,沿车道慢慢驶离。

    Laura let out the clutch and pulled slowly away down the drive .

  7. 他放开离合器,汽车就动了。

    He released the clutch and the car began to move .

  8. 她放开离合器,汽车就动了。

    She released the clutch and the car began to move .

  9. 电磁离合器及制动器为B级绝缘,正常温升40℃。

    Electromagnetic clutch and brake for the B-class insulation , the normal temperature rise of40 ℃ .

  10. 离合器盖冲压模具结构CAD系统的设计模式

    Design of Stamping Die Structure CAD System for Clutch Cover

  11. 用ADAMS软件对3S离合器啮合过程的一些研究

    Research on the engagement process of 3S clutch using ADAMS software

  12. TBM离合器摩擦片失效成因及对策

    The invalidation reasons and countermeasures of TBM clutch 's friction pieces

  13. 适用于TBM驱动离合器摩擦片的摩擦材料研究

    Research on Friction Materials for TBM Driving Clutch Plate

  14. SSS离合器故障仿真研究

    Simulation Study of the Failure of a Synchro-self-shifting ( SSS ) Clutch

  15. 基于LINGO的离合器碟形弹簧多目标优化设计

    Multi-objective optimal design of the disc spring based on LINGO

  16. 在离合器系统动力学模型的基础上,设计了AMT自动离合器结合过程的PID控制器和滑模控制器,在Matlab/Simulink环境进行离线仿真,比较了两种控制器的控制效果。

    Based on automated clutch dynamic mode , the sliding mode controller is designed and it is simulated in Matlab / Simulink environment .

  17. 自动离合器是AMT系统最重要的一个功能模块,也是AMT控制的难点和核心。

    Automatic clutch is the most important module of AMT and the core and difficulty of ATM control .

  18. 重载梯形摩擦离合器等腰Heron三角形


  19. 可控软起动(CST)中线性湿式离合器的设计

    Design of CST 's Line-wet Clutch

  20. 振动片倾角对超声波电机性能的影响摩擦片式离合器oscillate摆动振动振荡

    The Influence of the Oblique Angles of Vibrating Reeds on the Characteristics of the Ultrasonic Motor

  21. 利用DRB,选择2挡离合器测试。

    With drb , select 2nd gear clutch test .

  22. SACC汽车离合器盖变形和应力计算的专用系统

    SACC-A Special Purpose System for the Calculation of the Deformation and Stress of the Automobile Clutch Cover

  23. 锅炉风机节能研究:YT型液粘调速离合器的应用

    Investigation of Boiler Fans Energy - saving : The Application of YT-type Liquid Viscosity Speed Regulation Clutch

  24. 半刚性SSS离合器设计接受小角和轴向拓展相邻的机轴运动补偿热增长的需求。

    The semi-rigid SSS Clutch design accepts small angular and axial expansion movements of the adjacent machine shafts to compensate for thermal growth requirements .

  25. 通过在离合器接合过程的不同阶段分别选取不同的转速信号为控制参数,采用PD控制方法,实现了AMT车辆在不同工况下的起步控制要求。

    A starting control of AMT vehicle at various operating conditions was realized by selecting various rotating signals at different stages of the clutch jointing as control parameters and adopting PD control algorithm .

  26. 若以传统的设计方法开发设计双离合器效率低,因此研究一种基于三维CAD系统的参数化设计方法对提高双离合器的设计效率及缩短开发周期具有重要意义。

    If developing double clutch by traditional design method , efficiency is low , therefore it is necessary to study one kind method based on the parameter design of 3D CAD system which can improve design efficiency of double clutch and shorten research cycle .

  27. 根据DCT动力学系统模型,提出了DCT离合器转矩标定方法,在Matlab/Simulink软件平台上建立了离合器转矩标定的离线模型。

    The calibration method for DCT clutch torque has been proposed based on the DCT vehicle dynamic model . The off-line calibration model of clutch torque has been built up using Matlab / Simulink software .

  28. 本文根据企业需要,结合实际课题,在充分了解和分析缓冲减振重载安全离合器的结构特点与工作原理的基础上,应用MATLAB软件对其进行现代机械结构优化设计。

    Base on the fully understanding and analysis of structural characteristics and working principle of security clutch , this paper according to the need of corporation and combine actual topic , using MATLAB software to carry on the modern optimization design for security clutch .

  29. Lipe离合器操纵机构的调整

    Adjustment of the Lipe Clutch Actuating Mechanism

  30. 结果表明:采用该方法能更好地协调发动机与离合器的控制,有效减少换档过程中发动机的波动和噪音,缩短了整个换档时间,提高了离合器结合的平顺性,降低了AMT系统的成本。

    The noise of engine during gear shift process is reduced effectively . The shift time is shortened . The working smoothness of the clutch is improved and the cost of AMT is reduced .