
  • 网络Fuqing city
  1. gis支持下的县级耕地分等&以福建省福清市为例渠分干渠、支渠、小沟不同等级,以引渠水灌溉耕地。

    Grading of Arable Land at County Level with the Support of GIS & A Case of Fuqing City , Fujian Province A complete irrigation system was made up of the main ditch , the branch ditches and many water channels through which water was diverted into the cultivated fields .

  2. 我来自福建省福清市。

    I am from Fuqing City , Fujian Province .

  3. GIS支持的福清市多目标土地适宜性评价

    GIS-aided Land Suitability Appraisal for a Multi-objective Land-use in Fuqing Municipality

  4. 对我国著名侨乡福清市篮球运动开展现状的调查研究

    Investigation of the Present Status of Basketball Games in Fuqing

  5. 管窥酒店类服务性行业的翻译现状&对福清市酒店类服务性行业翻译错误的调查

    A Survey on the Present State of Commercial Translation Mistakes in the Service Trades

  6. 福清市龙江水环境规划

    Fuqing long River 's Water Environmental Program

  7. 福清市城市时空扩展的遥感监测及其动力机制

    Remote Sensing Monitor and Driving Forces Analyses of Urban Expansion for Fuqing City , SE China

  8. 福清市行政、边防派出所联合警务的实践与思考

    Practice and Thought on " Combined Policing " of Administrative and Frontier Police Stations in Fuqing

  9. 结果表明,福清市城市扩展速度与区域经济发展和外资的投入有着密切的相关。

    The study reveals that the rapid urban expansion resulted from the economic development and the foreign capital .

  10. 随着经济的进一步发展,福清市的城市化水平有了稳步的提高,其城镇用地也发生了很大的变化。

    With this significant economic shift , the area of urban / town land use has also increased .

  11. 福清市天达鞋业有限公司热忱欢迎海内外有识之士携手共创辉煌的明天。

    We sincerely welcome the people of insight from and abroad to create bright future hand in hand .

  12. 福清市中学留守孩心理健康状况及教育对策

    The Psychological Health State of the Parent-absent Middle School Students in Fuqing City and the Educational Solutions to Their Psychological Problems

  13. 上述的评价指标体系均能较好的评估福清市建设用地节约集约利用状况。

    The above evaluation index system can assess the economical and intensive utilization of land for construction purposes in Fuqing preferably . 2 .

  14. 针对土地用途的多样性,运用多目标土地适宜性的评价方法,对福清市土地多目标适宜性进行评价。

    Applying a multi-objective method of appraisal , this paper analyses and appraises the land suitability for a multi-objective land - use in Fuqing municipality .

  15. 在调查福清市高山镇农村建筑抗震性能现状的基础上,分析了本地区农村建筑抗震设防存在的问题,提出了改进建议。

    On basis of investigation and analysis in seismic disaster for rural buildings , we found the problems existed in earthquake resistance of rural buildings .

  16. 福清市是一个著名的侨乡,海外移民与当地的社会、经济和文化有着紧密联系。

    Fuqing city is a famous hometown of overseas chinese , there is a closely relationship between overseas emigrants and local social ﹑ economic and cultural .

  17. 在福清市马尾松林内,危害程度为轻度的马尾松上每束松针平均虫口数的真值在[1.524,2.406]之间;

    At Fuqing region Pinns massoniana wood , the number of average pest every pine needle on Pinus massoniana that is light damage [ 1.524, 2.406 ] ;

  18. 结合中行福清市支行镜洋分理处大楼设计,介绍如何从环境规划、功能布局和建筑造型等方面表现中小城镇银行的时代特色

    To introduce the era feature of the bank in the cities from the view of environmental plan , function setting and construction modeling combining with the design of building of Jin Yang Sub-branch , FuQing Branch , China

  19. 摘要在全面、系统收集整理福建省福清市农业、气象、灾情、生态环境、物候、遥感、社会经济等资料的基础上,分类建立农业气象灾害及防御对策数据库。

    Based on the widely and systematically collected information on fuqing 's a agriculture , meteorology , disasters , ecological environment , phenology , remote sensing facilities and socio-economy , a database on Agrometeorological Disasters and their prevention measures was established .