
shén tóng
  • child prodigy;whizz-kid;wonder child;quiz kid
神童 [shén tóng]
  • [child prodigy] 天分很高或在学术上有天才的儿童

  • 他就是人们所说的神童

神童[shén tóng]
  1. 她是个神童,十来岁不到就举办音乐会了。

    She was a child prodigy , giving concerts before she was a teenager .

  2. 她是神童小提琴手。

    She was a child prodigy on the violin .

  3. 莫扎特是个神童。

    Mozart was an infant prodigy .

  4. 她14岁时就作为一名网球神童闯入了世界网坛。

    She burst on to the world tennis scene as a precocious 14-year old

  5. 想了解关于威廉·詹姆斯·西迪斯生平的更多信息,请参阅埃米·华莱士所著《神童》。

    For further information on the life of William James Sidis , see Amy Wallace , ' The Prodigy ' .

  6. 我从来没有见过像他那样的神童。

    I have never witnessed such a wonder child as he .

  7. 她绝不是不如其他神童

    She is by no means inferior to other prodigies .

  8. 来看看这位小神童有什么过人之处吧!加州的一名幼童成为加入门萨俱乐部年纪最小的美国人。门萨俱乐部是世界上最古老的高智商协会。

    A California toddler is the youngest American to join Mensa -- the oldest IQ society in the world .

  9. 泰格•伍兹(TigerWoods)曾是一名高尔夫神童,现在虽然已是一名高尔夫老将,但却不得不努力修复一塌糊涂的私人生活。他的故事具有警示意义。

    Tiger Woods " own path from prodigy to a veteran trying to overcome the disintegration of his personal life offers one cautionary tale .

  10. 一位伦敦软件神童的硅谷梦成真,雅虎(Yahoo)斥资近3000万美元收购了他制作的新闻应用。

    A software prodigy from London is living the Silicon Valley dream after Yahoo bought the news app he created for almost $ 30m .

  11. 最出名的神童罗伯特麦克纳马拉(RobertMcNamara)在被约翰肯尼迪(JohnKennedy)聘请担任美国国防部部长之前,曾经是福特的总裁。

    Robert McNamara , the most famous whiz kid , was the company 's president before being recruited by John Kennedy as US defence secretary .

  12. 他的妹妹提亚娜(Tiara)也是个小神童,她也来了。

    His sister Tiara , also a child prodigy , was present as well .

  13. 利顿一个众所周知的按照任何标准衡量都很成功的故事是神童队队长特克斯桑顿(TexThornton)创造的。

    Litton a proverbial success story by any conceivable yardstick was the creation of Tex Thornton , the leader of the whiz kids .

  14. 但是,罗伯特•利坦称,这些没有接受高等教育却成功创业的神童是“特例”;利坦是考夫曼基金会(KauffmanFoundation)研究和政策副总裁。

    But the entrepreneurial wunderkinds who find success without higher education " are exceptions to the rule , " says Robert Litan , vice president of research and policy at the Kauffman Foundation .

  15. 杰弗里·科尔文(GeoffreyColvin)在他的书中提到,天才是被高估的一类人,他宣称世上并没有真正的神童。

    In Geoffrey Colvin 's book , Talent is Overrated , he claims that there really is no such thing as a child prodigy .

  16. 天才神童、前投行银行家凯文•瓦尔许(KevinWarsh),2006年,布什任期内,他从白宫走向美联储,成为最年轻的美联储理事。

    And Kevin Warsh , a whizz-kid former investment banker , who moved from George Bush 's White House to become the youngest Fed governor in2006 .

  17. Potokar接受记者的e-mail访问时表示,他在两年前首次听说Marko的事迹,就非常渴望有机会和这位小神童见面。

    Potokar said in an e-mail interview that he first heard about Marko two years ago and was eager to get the chance to meet the young prodigy .

  18. 来自北爱尔兰的高尔夫神童罗里•麦克罗伊(RoryMcIlroy)本赛季发挥不好。

    Rory McIlroy is not having a good season on the golf course . A year ago the wunderkind from Northern Ireland finished second in the rankings .

  19. 神童:年轻时就获得成功和称赞的人。

    Wunderkind : one who achieves success or acclaim during youth .

  20. 我们从报刊杂志上讲到有关神童的报道。

    We read about child prodigies in newspapers and magazines .

  21. 她是著名的乒坛“神童”。

    She is a famous " wonder child " of table tennis .

  22. 在所有运动项目中,少年神童往往在长大之后趋于平庸。

    And in all sports , teenage wonders sometimes falter with age .

  23. 问:在其他一些的领域里,你能发现神童吗?

    Q : Can you find prodigies in every field ?

  24. 那个神童比一些大学教授懂的还多。

    That whiz kid knows more than some university professors .

  25. 那个神童五岁就开始作诗了。

    That child prodigy began to compose at the age of five .

  26. 自幼显露非凡的音乐才能,被誉为神童。

    Revealed the extraordinary musical talent since childhood , known as the prodigy .

  27. 但维迪亚的学生不是学习计算机科学的神童。

    But the students at Vidya are not whiz kids studying computer science .

  28. 你看过那场神童表演没有?

    Have you seen the boy wonder play yet ?

  29. 埃里克成为神童在一边,他经历了父亲。

    Eric became a child prodigy at the side of his experienced father .

  30. 解读神童苏福的诗

    An Interpretation of Poems by Child Prodigy Su Fu