
  1. 当我们参与神的救赎工作,将神的救恩信息传开,我们就是用金银来建造工程。

    When we share in this work and give out this message , we are building with silver .

  2. 神的救赎计划等待摩西在平凡中去发觉它的非凡。

    So much of God 's redemptive plan waited for Moses to notice the uncommon in the midst of the common .

  3. 神选民的救赎主是谁?

    Who is the Redeemer of God 's elect ?

  4. 因着一同为神坚定的救赎而欢呼的三部分,将一同得救。

    These three , in all those who cherish a sincere hope and unquestioning faith in god , will be saved .

  5. 在神伟大的救赎中神已经把天上的生命及一切属灵的福气都向人显明出来。

    In this great redemption God has revealed the power of the heavenly life and the spiritual blessings of which heaven is full .

  6. 诗78:35他们也追念神是他们的磐石、高的神、他们的救赎主。

    And they remembered that God was their rock , And the Most High God their Redeemer .

  7. 由于父与子之间这种奇妙完全的和谐,当神的儿子祷告“愿父的旨意成就”时,神伟大的救赎才得完成。

    It was in the wonderful and complete harmony between the Father and the Son when the Son said ," Thy will of love be done ," that the great redemption was accomplished .

  8. 他们认为神对以色列的计划乃是根据人的选择,而神对教会的救赎机会至终是神主权的行动。

    They see God 's plan with Israel conditioned upon human choice , while God 's plan for salvation within the church is ultimately a sovereign act of God .