
  1. 当地政府提供了多种多样的东西,其中包括有大理石般色彩纹理的神户牛肉和温泉度假游。

    Local governments are offering things as diverse as marbled Wagyu beef and hot-spring vacations .

  2. 从手工按摩的神户牛肉制成,汉堡配上波托贝洛蘑菇和芥末蛋黄酱。

    Made from hand-massaged Kobe beef , the burger is topped with portobello mushrooms and wasabi mayonnaise .

  3. 记者:意大利纺织品、日本神户牛肉、美国汽车,有商品就有贸易。

    REPORTER : Italian fabrics , Japanese Kobe beef , American cars , where there are goods , there 's trade .

  4. 在这里还能尝到各种美食,其中尤以高质高价的神户牛肉最为出名。

    The city offers many types of cuisine , though it 's known best for high grade and pricey Kobe beef .

  5. 神户牛肉精选细嫩的肥牛,其脂肪的熔点比普通牛肉要低,据说是举世无双。

    The exquisitely marbled beef , whose fat has a lower melting point than regular beef , is said to be without peer .

  6. 像松露和鱼子酱一样,神户牛肉完全符合美食的定义,每磅200美元不止。

    Like truffles or caviar , Kobe beef is the very definition of a culinary delicacy , fetching prices over $ 200 a pound .

  7. 然而,实际出口的神户牛肉数量很少,我们很难尝到正宗的神户牛肉。

    However , the amount of meat actually exported is still incredibly small , and it 's difficult to obtain among a sea of imposters .

  8. 最近一项全球性的调查显示,奶酪打败神户牛肉和高年份威士忌成为最容易被偷的食物。

    Move over Kobe beef and aged whiskey . It turns out cheese is the most stolen food in the world , says a recent global study .

  9. 伊藤忠表示,该公司与中粮达成的协议可能会为扩大高端日本食品在中国的销售打通道路,例如神户牛肉。

    Itochu said its agreement with COFCO could open the way for increased sales in China of high-end Japanese food products , such as fattened kobe-style beef .

  10. 那你就会感到疑惑,为什么你去其他餐馆也能在菜单上看到神户牛肉(通常价格也昂贵)?

    So you might wonder how every other restaurant you go to seems to have a ( often exorbitantly expensive ) Kobe beef item on their menu .

  11. 有上面几道大菜,195.67美元的鹅肝酱和326.12美元的神户牛肉便宜得如同儿戏。还没有提到酒单,酒品包含一瓶27720.20美元的曼尼·康帝,由罗曼尼·康帝酒庄出品。

    The dinner will be accompanied by an expensive selection of wine which included a $ 27720.20 bottle of La Romanee-Conti , Domaine de la Romanee-Conti , according to reports .

  12. 到2011年,日本不再出口神户牛肉。所以,除非你去日本的牛排餐厅,不然你是尝不到真正的神户牛肉。

    Until 2011 , Japan did not even export Kobe beef , so unless you 'd been to a Tokyo steakhouse , there was no way you 'd ever tasted it .

  13. 答案非常简单,因为“神户牛肉”这一术语只在日本才拥有合法商标,在美国,就完全不受管制。

    The answer is simple - while the term " Kobe beef " carried legal trademarks in its native Japan , in the United States , the term is wholly unregulated .

  14. 今年5月份,一家位于华尔街的餐馆宣称他们出售全纽约最贵的汉堡,里面夹的肉饼用神户牛肉、黑松露和烧鹅肝制成,售价175美元。

    In May , a Wall Street restaurant boasted it was selling the costliest burger in New York , with the $ 175 patty made of Kobe beef , black truffles and seared foie gras .

  15. 然而,除了普遍的牛肉选择标准,用来做神户牛肉的牛还必须满足其他几个限制条件:一定是日本田岛出生,由兵库县饲养并于当地屠宰。

    However , to call a cut of meat Kobe , there are several restricting conditions : It must come from Tajima cattle born , raised , and slaughtered in the Hyogo Prefecture , among other requirements .

  16. 明年某个时候,位于沿海城市天津郊区的博雅实验室的研究人员,将从几头精心挑选的牛提取皮肤细胞(神户牛肉是许晓椿的最爱)。

    Sometime next year , researchers in BoyaLife 's laboratory on the outskirts of the coastal city of Tianjin will take skin cells from a few carefully chosen cattle ( Kobe beef is Mr Xu 's favourite ) .

  17. 至于哪一种食物最能够从这种木炭中获益,冈崎先生说出了一长串食物的名字,包括神户牛肉、羔羊肉以及日式烧鸡。最后停在了sabashioyakai(椒盐鲭鱼)上,他认为这样菜最好地展现了木头的微妙香味。

    As to which foods benefit most from Kishu Binchotan , Okazaki rattled off a list including wagyu beef , lamb and yakitori , but landed on saba shioyakai ( salted mackerel ) as the dish he thinks best reveals the subtle aroma of wood .

  18. 由四季饭店提供的此种天价汉堡包的主要“成分”包括日本神户的牛肉、肥鹅肝、Portobello蘑菇以及韩国梨和炸薯条等。

    The $ 110 ( 57 pound ) hamburger offered by the Four Seasonss is made of Kobe beef with foie gras , Portobello mushrooms and Korean pears & served with french fries , of course .