
qí lián shān
  • Qilian mountains
祁连山 [qí lián shān]
  • [Qilian mountains] 中国西北部甘肃省西部和青海省东北部边境的山脉,全长1000公里,最高峰5808米

  1. 祁连山小冰期冰碛垄差分GPS测量及其地貌意义

    The Differential GPS Surveying on the Little Ice Age Moraines in the Qilian Mountains and Its Geomorphology Significance

  2. 祁连山夏季地形云结构和云微物理过程的模拟研究(II):云微物理过程和地形影响

    The Numerical Simulation of Orographic Cloud Structure and Cloud Microphysical Processes in Qilian Mountains in Summer . Part ( II ): Cloud Microphysical Processes and Orographic Influence

  3. 祁连山植被水文效应的多层次Fuzzy综合评判

    Multiple - Level Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation on Hydrological Functions of Vegetations on the Qilian Mountains

  4. 基于GIS的祁连山森林景观格局分析

    GIS-based Analysis on the Forest Landscape Patterns in the Qilian Mountain

  5. 东祁连山高寒灌丛与草甸生态系统CO2释放速率研究

    Study on the CO_2 Emission Rate of Alpine Shrub and Meadow Ecosystem in Eastern Qilian Mountain

  6. 对祁连山不同类型条件下的祁连圆柏群落生物量和营养元素积累量的测定结果表明:祁连圆柏群落生物量为231.20t/hm2,其中乔木层占98.34%,灌木层占1.60%,草本层占0.06%;

    Biomass and nutrient element accumulation of Sabina przewalskii forest community of different types were measured in the Qilian Mountains .

  7. 北祁连山硬柱石蓝片岩p-T条件相平衡计算及其岩石学意义

    P-T condition and phase equilibrium of lawsonite-blueschists in northern Qilian Mountains and its petrologic significance

  8. MT重复测量在地震中短期预报中的应用&祁连山中段MT剖面监测研究

    Application of the MT repeated measurements to the medium and short term prediction of earthquake ── monitoring and studying a profile in the middle segmentof Qilian Mountain by MT

  9. 测定了祁连山一棵千年圆柏不同方位上树木稳定碳同位素比率(δ13C值)和光合作用色素。

    Stable carbon isotope ratios (δ 13C values ) and photosynthetic pigments in a 1000 a cypress ( Sabina przewalskii ) were investigated .

  10. 研究了北祁连山造山带火山成因块状硫化物矿床(VMS)类型、金属来源与容矿围岩、火山岩类型及其构造环境的关系。

    The relationships between VMS types , source of metal , host rock , volcanic rock types and tectonic setting have been studied in this paper .

  11. 祁连山及其邻区大地构造基本特征&兼论早古生代海相火山岩的成因环境这是承继Stewart家族香火的新一代。

    Basic characteristics of tectonics in the Qilian Mountains and its neighbourings ── on genetic environments of Early Paleozoic marine volcanics another generation to carry on the Stewart name .

  12. 祁连山近45a年降水异常的气候特征

    Climatic Characteristics of Annual Precipitation in Recent 45 Years in Qilian Mountain

  13. 裂之间的冰雪覆盖的祁连山和滚动Mazong山,这是对古老的丝绸之路。

    Cleft between the snow-capped Qilian Mountains and the rolling Mazong Mountains , it was on the ancient Silk Road .

  14. 祁连山还是一个庞大而完备的生态系统,海拔2500~3000m之间的坡地为原始森林与大片的草地,构成祁连山独特的水源涵养林。

    Qilian Mountain was a large and comprehensive eco-system , between 2500 ~ 3000m the slope of Qilian Mountain were large tracts of virgin forest and grassland that constituted Qilian Mountain unique water conservation forest .

  15. 北祁连山是中国重要的铜多金属成矿带之一,与海相火山作用有关的块状硫化物(VHMS)矿床是主要成矿类型。

    North Qilian mountains is one of the most important copper mineralized belts in China , Volcano-associated massive sulfide ( VMS ) deposition is the main type in the area .

  16. 黑河水源于祁连山,山区岩石风化后,地表径流和地下径流携带大量可溶性盐类(主要是NaHCO3和Na2CO3)向黑河灌区汇集,使得该片土地盐分含量不断增加,土壤理化性质遭到破坏。

    The rock of the area weathered , the surface river and subterranean river gathered in the Heihe River irrigated area with large amount of solubile saline ( mainly NaHCO_3 and Na_2CO_3 ), making the proportion of saline of this area increasing steadily , and the soiled destroyed greatly .

  17. 祁连山青海云杉林地土壤水分特征研究

    Soil water characteristics in Picea crassifolia forestry lands in Qilian Mountains

  18. 阿尔金山-祁连山山地植被垂直带谱分布及地学分析

    Distribution and geographical analysis of altitudinal belts in the Altun-Qilian Mountains

  19. 北祁连山俯冲杂岩带的韧性剪切作用

    Ductile shearing within subduction com-plex belt in North Qilian Mountains China

  20. 祁连山青海云杉林碳平衡研究

    A Study on Carbon Balance of Picea crassifolia in Qilian Mountains

  21. 祁连山森林水源涵养效益初析

    Evaluation on Water Resource Conservation Effect of Forest in Qilian Mountains

  22. 祁连山森林土壤碳的初步研究

    A Prelimimary Study on Carbon of Forest Soil in Qilian Mountain

  23. 北祁连山发现晚志留世牙形刺

    The discovery of late Silurian conodonts in the northern Qilian Mountains

  24. 祁连山是我国西北地区重要的山体。

    Qilian Mountain was one of important mountains in Northwest China .

  25. 祁连山与钨矿化有关的花岗岩类的基本特征

    Basic characteristics of granitoids related to tungsten mineralization in the Qilian mountain

  26. 祁连山青海云杉林调节林内水分变化研究

    Research on Change Law of Hydrologic Picea crassifolia Forests in Qilian Mountains

  27. 我国祁连山-河西走廊地区典型环境岩土工程问题探讨

    Discussions on Environmental Geotechnical Engineering Problems in Qilian Mountain-Hexi Corridor , China

  28. 北祁连山寒山辉长岩成岩时代的确定

    The petrogenic age of Hanshan gabbro , North Qilian Mountains

  29. 祁连山森林可燃物及火险等级预报的研究

    Study on Forest Fuel and Forest Fire Danger Rating Predication

  30. 祁连山青海云杉林小气候特征研究

    Partial Climate Characteristics of Picea crassifolia Forest of Qilian Mountain