
  1. 目前,接种点不接受个人接种预约。因私出境人员可到居住地所在社区服务站提交申请。

    Currently , health centers don 't accept individual vaccination community service centers .

  2. 目前,随着互联网技术的发展,大多数社区服务站与服务中心之间都具备物理的联网条件,部分中心与服务站之间还使用医疗信息管理系统来协同工作。

    There are physical network conditions between most community service stations and service centers . Some of them still use medical information management system to work together .

  3. 村民日常的体育健身活动几乎都是村民自愿进行,当地社区服务站并没有成立一个专门的组织对其进行指导或规划,有碍于当地体育健身活动开展的。

    The daily sports activities are nearly carried out by all the voluntary villagers , and the local community service station did not set up a specialized organization for sports guidance and planning .

  4. 社区服务站是政府公共服务延伸到社区的平台,承担从政府转换出来的服务职能和居委会剥离出来的职能。

    Community service station is the government public services extended to the community platform , borne from the government switched out of the service function and the neighborhood is stripped from the function .

  5. 目前全国多个城市和地区纷纷建设了社区服务站,各地社区服务站的建设都处于探索阶段,对社区服务站的性质定位也不尽相同。

    At present the city and region are building a community service station , local community service station building is at the exploratory stage , the nature of the position of community service station are not the same .

  6. VPN技术在连接社区医疗服务站中的应用

    VPN Technology in Connection Community Medical Service Station Application

  7. 共十五家医院、十家社区卫生服务站纳入本研究。

    Totally 15 hospitals and 10 community health agencies were selected .

  8. 结论不同地区社区卫生服务站的各项收入比例不同;

    Conclusion The ratio of income varies with different regions ;

  9. 社区卫生服务站静脉用药现状分析

    Analysis on status quo of intravenous medication in community health service station

  10. 社区卫生服务站运营状况调查分析

    Survey of the Management in the Community Health Service Stations

  11. 社区卫生服务站整体上也不盈利,亏损者占45.5%。

    Community health station overall nor profit , the losers 45.5 % .

  12. 方法采用标准化问卷对全国11个省、直辖市的508个社区卫生服务站进行调查。

    Methods 508 CHSS in 11 provinces were investigated by standard questionnaire .

  13. 沈阳市2006&2007年社区卫生服务站财务收入状况分析

    Analysis on the Income of the Community Health Service Centers in Shenyang

  14. 社区卫生服务站在我国的发展历程及现况

    The Development and the Actuality of the Community Health Service Station in China

  15. 加强社区卫生服务站消毒卫生管理

    Strengthening the Sterilization Sanitary Management of Community Health Station

  16. 社区卫生服务站护理人员现况调查分析

    Survey on the Nursing Staff of Community Health Service

  17. 我国社区卫生服务站的发展有近十年的历史。

    The Community Health Service Station has developed for nearly ten years in China .

  18. 社区卫生服务站药学服务工作的探讨

    Discussion on Pharmacy Service in Community Health-care Centers

  19. 苏州市社区卫生服务站人力资源调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Human Resources in Community-based Health Service Station in Suzhou City

  20. 方法采用《社区卫生服务站/中心经济运行状况调查表》进行资料收集。

    Methods Adopting Questionnaires of Community Health Service / Central Economy Status to collect material .

  21. 广州市黄埔街社区卫生服务站精神病防治调查分析

    The analysis of the prophylactic and treating survey of psychosis disease in Huangpu community of Guangzhou

  22. 上海市社区卫生服务站建站费用、房屋与设备配置情况分析

    Condition Analyses of Build up Station Cost , Houses and Equipment in Community Health Service Station

  23. 社区卫生服务站产前健康教育路径对新生儿出生状况的影响

    The effect of antepartum health education pathway of community health service center on birth status of newborns

  24. 目的:了解南通市将农村卫生室改建为社区卫生服务站后的运行状况。

    Objectives : To understand the operation status of rural community health service station converted from village clinics .

  25. 社区卫生服务站慢性病防治能力及其运行机制的评价

    Analysis on the Ability and the Function Mechanism of Chronic Disease Prevention Cure in Community Health Service Stations

  26. 农村居民对目前的社区卫生服务站(村卫生室)工作基本满意,但对新建农村社区卫生服务站六位一体的服务内容了解不多。

    Rural people welcome current village CHSTs but are not familiar to community services of " six-in-one " .

  27. 武汉市武昌区社区卫生服务站现状与发展对策探讨

    Investigation on the Present Condition and Development Countermeasures of Community Health Service Station in Wuchang District of Wuhan City

  28. 仅31%社区卫生服务站的纯收入能独立支付工作人员的工资和房租两项基本支出。

    Only 30 9 % stations could pay for the salary and the house rent by their net profit .

  29. 协调政府职能与市场功能推动社区卫生服务站的发展

    Coordinate the Functional Authority of the Government and the Market to Improve the Development of the Community Health Service Station

  30. 城市社区卫生服务站与大医院就诊过程的比较

    The Comparison of the Course of Seeing a Doctor in the Community Health Service Station and the Comprehensive Hospital in City