
  • 网络Social group;Group;social groupings;society
  1. Framily是一个新兴的社会群体,表达的理念为“好朋友是我们自己可以选择的家庭”。

    Framily is a new social group underpinned by the principle that good friends are the family we can choose for ourselves .

  2. 族群认同是一种社会群体水平上的认同,是族群及其文化存在的基础。

    Ethnic identification is an important identification at social group level .

  3. 这些信念在某些社会群体中仍很盛行。

    Those beliefs still prevail among certain social groups .

  4. 这笔钱将用于由更广泛的社会群体所选出的项目。

    The money goes to projects chosen by the wider community .

  5. 最需要这种指导的社会群体是青年男性。

    The section of society most needful of such guidance is the young male .

  6. 不同的经济部门和社会群体要多快才能适应各种气候变化带来的影响?

    How quickly could different economic sectors and social groups adapt to different kinds of climate impacts ?

  7. 以家族校友为代表的社会群体成为农村学校求生意识的主体,社会力量的崛起激发了农村学校对自我社会身份(Identity)的认知,更促进了学校的自我管理与发展。

    Representatives of social groups , clan and alumni , become conscious subject of rural schools to survive the rise of the social forces and stimulate awareness of the rural schools of their own social identity , but also to promote self-management and development of the school .

  8. 阶层结构变化对地方政府行为的影响&基于广州社会群体政治态度的调查分析

    The Influence of Stratum Structure Change on Behavior of Local Government

  9. 首先,对社会群体的内涵进行研究和探讨。

    Firstly , the connotation of social groups for study and discussion .

  10. 对天穆社区不同社会群体宗教生活状况的分析

    Analyzing the Religion Living Conditions of Different Social Group in Tianmu Community

  11. 商人阶层是晋中地区最具特色的社会群体。

    The merchant stratum was the characteristic social group of central Shanxi .

  12. 不同社会群体特征对内隐领导因素的影响

    The effect of different social groups to implicit leadership factors

  13. 城中村的社会群体结构研究

    The Study of Social Group Structure for the Village in the City

  14. 黑人是这个国家最穷的社会群体。

    Black people constitute the poorest segment of society in the country .

  15. 公共知识分子是一个由来已久的社会群体。

    The public intellectuals is a long-standing social groups .

  16. 中国残疾人是一个数量众多、特性突出、特别需要帮助的社会群体。

    The handicapped in China are a mass , typical and needy society .

  17. 在教育目标中确定了海洋环境教育的总体目标、具体目标以及面向不同社会群体的层次目标。

    The education goals include collective objective , material objectives and level objectives .

  18. 不仅仅是我们这些个体,还有整个社会群体。

    Not just for us as individuals , but the whole preppy class .

  19. 信息化己成为21世纪的生产要素,网络教育也正深入到家庭和社会群体中。

    Informatization has become an import an t productive factor in the 21st century .

  20. 残疾人是一个需要特别关爱和帮助的特殊社会群体。

    The disabled are the especial social colonies who need special care and help .

  21. 个体的人格特质和他在社会群体中的地位存在一定的关系。

    There is relationship between individual 's personality traits and his social group status .

  22. 农民工是中国在特殊的历史时期出现的一个特殊的社会群体。

    Peasant-workers are special social group that appears in special historical period in China .

  23. 孤残儿童是我国最软弱的一个社会群体。

    The orphans and disabled children are the most vulnerable group in Chinese society .

  24. 阐述社团的概念、特征以及湖南传统的社会群体。

    The second part interprets the concept and the characters of the social association .

  25. 在社会群体中,傻瓜属于社会弱势群体和生活的边缘人。

    In social groups , the fool is a socially vulnerable groups and marginal life .

  26. 研究社会群体交互动力的社会心理学分支。

    The branch of social psychology that studies the dynamics of interaction in social groups .

  27. 除此之外,不同的社会群体也偏好不同的宣传渠道。

    Beyond this , there are also different communication preferences for different sections of societies .

  28. 先进文化与文学理想存在着互动的关系。先进文化是由社会群体共同创造的,它影响到作家艺术家的文学理想。

    This essay thought there exist interactions logically and historically between advanced cultures and literary ideals .

  29. 在这一分工模式下,产生了一个独特社会群体即留守妇女群体。

    In this mode of division , a unique social group that is left-behind women generated .

  30. 二是,利益表达客体&从广义上说,包括相关国家机关及其他社会群体。

    Secondly , the object of interests expression-generally , including the state organs and social groups .