
shè huì děnɡ jí
  • social hierarchy;class
  1. 即便在沙漠中也存在某种社会等级制度。

    Even in the desert there was a kind of social hierarchy .

  2. 哥伦比亚大学的心理学家沙穆斯·汗认为,目前流行的折衷主义("我爱巴赫、Abba和JayZ")是中产阶级将自己与社会等级较低的人的狭隘品味区分开的一种新方式。

    Today 's fashion for eclecticism " I love Bach , Abba and Jay Z " - is , Shamus Khan , a Columbia University psychologist , argues , a new way for the middle class to distinguish themselves from what they perceive to be the narrow tastes of those beneath them in the social hierarchy .

  3. 社会等级制度主要是通过个人生活方式赢得的社会荣誉来确定。

    Caste is defined primarily by social honour attained through personal lifestyle

  4. 社会等级的另一端是杂货店老板,村里唯一的商人。

    At the other end of the social scale was the grocer , the village 's only merchant

  5. 封建社会等级森严。

    Feudal society was rigidly stratified .

  6. 社会等级制度往往使一些人之间不能建立友谊。

    Class often prevents friendship between certain people .

  7. 在西方,尤其在英国,象征地位的头衔与社会等级差别紧密相关,如阿普莱勋爵、伯纳德伯爵(西欧国家用count一词)。英国上层社会的家族大都有世袭头衔,例如:公爵、侯爵、伯爵、子爵和男爵。

    In the west , especially in Britain , status titles are associated with class distinctions ―― Lord Apley , Earl Bernard ( 'Count " is used in Western European countries )

  8. 学者傅罗文(RowanK.Flad)在《古代中国的盐业生产和社会等级》(SaltProductionandSocialHierarchyinAncientChina)一书中写道,早在公元前685年,山东半岛的齐国就开始对盐业生产进行垄断,但这种制度或许出现得更早。

    A monopoly on salt production was introduced as early as 685 B.C. in the state of Qi on the Shandong Peninsula , though it may have existed even earlier than that , the scholar Rowan K. Flad writes in " Salt Production and Social Hierarchy in Ancient China . "

  9. 按社会等级排列的英国贵族名单。

    A list of the English aristocracy in order of precedence .

  10. 在各个社会等级之间有许多细微的身分区别。

    There is many fine shading of status through the social hierarchy .

  11. 在过去五十年间,社会等级差别已经变得不那么重要了。

    Class distinctions have become less important during the last 50 years .

  12. 在英国,社会等级和地区密切相关。

    In britain , class and region are strongly correlated .

  13. 社会等级结构模型的研究

    A research on the mathematical model of social grades structure

  14. 这个世界有着严格的社会等级制度。

    This world is ruled by a rigid social hierarchy .

  15. 第二,社会等级性很明显。

    Second , it reflects the social classes obviously .

  16. 当交际者所处社会等级不同时,处于高等级的交际者更倾向于使用反讽。

    The speaker with high social class is more likely to use irony .

  17. 在这儿,他们可以远离社会等级标记,穿着随便,尽情减压。

    They eschew badges of social rank here , dress down and de-stress .

  18. 职业和社会等级紧密相关。

    Occupation and social class are closely related .

  19. 简·奥斯丁从未对她所处时代的严格的社会等级和专制的政治体系提出过质疑。

    Jane Austen never questions the rigid social and political system of her times .

  20. 从殷墟墓葬看商代社会等级分化

    Stratified Social Estate in Shang Dynasty in Terms of the Tombs in Yin Ruin

  21. 它普遍包含着一种建立在工地占有权基础上的社会等级制度。

    It is commonly involved a social hierarchy based on the tenure of land .

  22. 社会等级无处不在,并且机制化了不平等的关系。

    Social hierarchy is prevalent and institutionalizes inequality .

  23. 教师的社会等级高吗?

    Are teachers high on the social scale ?

  24. 爵制是中国古代社会等级制度的一项重要内容。

    Titles system is an important issue of the hierarchy in Chinese ancient society .

  25. 女王口音的变化主要和社会等级结构的变化有关。

    We may be able to relate it to changes in the class structure .

  26. 社会等级身份影响人们拒绝策略方式的选择。

    Social status plays an important role in refusals used by Chinese and English .

  27. 试论盎格鲁&撒克逊英格兰的社会等级

    On the Social Classes of Anglo-Saxon England

  28. 第六章金代社会等级结构的主要特征。

    Part VI introduces the major characters of the social estates structure in Jin dynasty .

  29. 社会等级制度及其定义有所不同。

    Social hierarchies and their definitions vary .

  30. 目前在经济和社会等级方面被认为处于较低地位的职业。

    Jobs which are currently assigned a low rating on the economic and social scale .