
  • 网络Social;Society;social and cultural
  1. 论述我国加入WTO后面临的社会文化环境、对图书馆事业的有利条件和不利因素以及图书馆面对新环境应采取的对策。

    Discusses the advantages and disadvantages for libraries in social civilization conditions after the entry of WTO , and presents the countermeasures they should take .

  2. 结合企业战略管理以及现代营销理论,就N制药公司当前所处的政治环境、法律环境、人口与经济环境、科技环境还有社会文化环境进行了较为深入的分析研究。

    Combination of strategic management and modern marketing theory , more in-depth analysis of the N pharmaceutical company of the political environment , legal environment , population and economic environment , technology environment and social cultural environment .

  3. 加入WTO后,由于经济环境、科技教育环境、社会文化环境等的变化,使我国的批发商业面临着严峻的挑战。

    After WTO entry , China 's wholesale commerce is faced serious challenge because of the change of economic situation , scientific and educational situation and society and culture situation .

  4. 第一,运用PEST模型、分析了××合作银行的政治环境、经济环境、社会文化环境和技术环境;

    First , using the PEST model , has analyzed the Huaxi cooperative bank for political environment , the economic environment , the social culture environment and the technical environment .

  5. 主要采用PEST分析的方法对A企业的宏观环境进行了分析,包括对企业的政治法律环境、经济环境、社会文化环境和技术环境进行了详细的分析。

    Mainly through the PEST analysis method , the macro environment of A enterprise is analyzed , and the analysis of political and legal environment , economic environment , social culture environment and technical environment are all analyzed one by one .

  6. 除此之外,笔者强调社会文化环境对隐喻能力发展的影响。正如wittgensteinian所指出的,儿童开始学习语言有待于接受语言学社区的训练和环境的熏陶。

    In addition , on a Wittgensteinian view , children initially learn language through being trained by a linguistic community .

  7. 角色规范的形成必须依赖一定社会文化环境,不同文化环境的角色有着不一样的规范。

    This role regulating has to rely on certain social culture .

  8. 企业与目标企业间社会文化环境的差异;

    The difference of environment between the firm and the target firm ;

  9. 试论网络时代思想政治教育活动中的社会文化环境因素

    On social and cultural elements of ideological and political education in network age

  10. 优化青少年成长的社会文化环境

    Optimizing of social and cultural environment in teenagers growth

  11. 建设有利于人才成长和发展的社会文化环境;

    To construct social , cultural environments for the talent 's cultivation and development ;

  12. 吉首市城市社区体育发展的社会文化环境分析

    An analysis on social cultural environment of the urban community sports development in Jishou

  13. 各种文化相互激荡,不断竞争,促使社会文化环境发生剧烈变化。

    Confrontation and competition between different cultures have made great changes on sociocultural environment .

  14. 投资的社会文化环境分析

    An Analysis of Social Cultural Environment of Investment

  15. 实施科教兴国的社会文化环境

    On the Socio-cultural context for implementing the strategy of national rejuvenation through science & education

  16. 文化背景是在某一特定历史时期所处的社会文化环境。

    Cultural background is at a particular historical period in which social and cultural environment .

  17. 外国政府财务报告的研究成果并不一定适合我国特有的政治经济体制和社会文化环境。

    So the foreign research are not suitable to the special political and social environments of China .

  18. 人格障碍是由遗传因素、病理因素、社会文化环境等诸方面因素共同造成的。

    Personality impediment is caused by such factors as heredity , disease and social and cultural environment .

  19. 营造良好的社会文化环境、政策环境、法律环境、人才环境和市场配套环境。

    We should also build the available cultural , political , legal , talent , and matching environments .

  20. 而且,社会文化环境,甚至是周围的物理环境也可能会对双方的意义建构产生影响。

    Moreover , the sociocultural situation and even the physical surroundings can influence the meanings constructed by both parties .

  21. 译者在策略选择中受到社会文化环境和自身文化意识等的影响。

    In translating process , translators may be influenced by social context and their own cultural consciousness and orientation .

  22. 人性是普遍,但在不同的社会文化环境下表现为不同的人格。

    Human nature is universal , but embodies itself in different kinds of personality within different social cultural system .

  23. 外部因素而言主要表现为社会文化环境、学校现实条件和文化环境。

    And the outer factors mainly include the social culture , the real conditions and culture of the school .

  24. 由于近代独特的社会文化环境,上海的图书馆事业呈现出迂回曲折、多元活跃的发展特点。

    Due to the unique social surroundings back then , the librarianship in Shanghai underwent a faltering and diversified development .

  25. 主体意志的变化与其所处的外部社会文化环境的变化并非绝对同步的。

    The changes of wills aren 't absolutely in step with the changes of their external social and cultural environments .

  26. 但在某种意义上来说,社会文化环境的影响可能会更直接、影响更大。

    The paper stresses that impacts from social and cultural surroundings play more direct and important roles in the process .

  27. 1978-2003年间中国城市流行音乐发展和社会文化环境互动关系研究

    A Study on the Development of Chinese City Popular Music between 1978-2003 and Its Interactive Relation with the Social-cultural Environment

  28. 他的“余意改历似可不必”的主张,在近代中国社会文化环境里,亦有其历史的合理性。

    His views of unnecessary calendar reform embodied their historical rationality in the modern Chinese context of society and culture .

  29. 但随着盲目的旅游开发,这些历史文化村落的自然和社会文化环境正遭受着严重的威胁。

    However , as blind development of tourism , the natural and socio-cultural environment of HCVs are suffering from serious threat .

  30. 同一社会文化环境下,消费者之间可以通过对物品的超出实用的奢侈性和铺张性消费炫耀自己的实力。

    Same social cultural environment may pass between customers for goods overstep practical luxuriousness and extravagantness consuming show off own strength .