
  • 网络social reform;social transformation;social change;social engineering
  1. 社会改造思潮的兴起与2O世纪的中国历史学

    The Rise of " Social Reform " Thought and Chinese Historiography in the 20th Century

  2. 第一部分:丁文江社会改造思想形成的背景。

    Part one : The background of Ting Wen-chiang 's ideology on the social reform .

  3. 闽西苏区的社会改造也给我们留下了宝贵的经验。

    The social reconstruction in this region leaves us valuable experience .

  4. 第二部分:重建社会改造的价值&信仰体系。

    Part two : Rebuild the social system of value and faith .

  5. 卡茨还坚持现代史学观,认为教育史学功能是为新的社会改造事业服务。

    Katz also thinks that educational history should aim to serve the society .

  6. 试述南京解放初期的社会改造

    Social Transformation in Nanjing after the Foundation of PRC

  7. 最后,思想界还非常关心社会改造问题。

    Finally , the thought circle cared very much about the society transform problems .

  8. 第二、以教育为救国、为社会改造的基本方法。

    Secondly , take education as the method to save the social and social transformation .

  9. 辛亥革命时期的社会改造与转型

    Socialist Transformation during Revolution of 1911

  10. 他以乐观的社会改造政策鼓舞了国人的士气。

    He has bucked up the morale of the nation with his optimistic policies for social change .

  11. 它是教育促进社会改造以及个人改造的必然选择;

    This article argues that creation education is an inevitable choice to promote society reform and individual development .

  12. 他探索社会改造真理的出发点从精神领域转到物质领域。

    His starting point of exploring society and transforming truth begins to change from mental field into material field .

  13. 包括三方面,第一以思想改造作为社会改造的基础。

    The content including three aspects : firstly , put the reformation of ideas as a social transformation foundation .

  14. 这种文化观念奠定了陶行知社会改造思想的基础。

    It was this cultural idea that laid the foundation of Tao Xingzhi 's thought of the whole social reform .

  15. 同时,合作社和农业仓库对农村经济发展与农村社会改造也做出了些微贡献。

    The cooperatives and the agricultural storehouses did a little contribution to the countryside economy and to the countryside society transformation .

  16. 丁文江的社会改造思想体现了一位爱国科学家对近代中国前途命运的深切关怀。

    Ting Wen-chiang 's ideology of social reform reflects a patriotic scientist 's deep care for modern China 's future and fate .

  17. 根据地发展的可持续可待久,必需开展社会改造和社会重建,必需重视教育事业,传播先进的文化文明理念;

    To sustain and last its development needs social remolding and social reconstruction , highlighting the educational cause and spreading the advanced culture and civilization concept .

  18. 一方面落后的国家面貌需要一场彻底的社会改造,需要启蒙。

    On the one hand backward country needed a complete reform , needed the enlightenment . On the other hand he must face the national crisis .

  19. 波伏娃指出,女性从他者走向此者,不仅要参与生产劳动,而且要进行社会改造,尤其是要树立女性主体意识。

    Beauvoir pointed out that society reconstructing , woman participating social labour and building subject consciousness can make woman go to the one from the other .

  20. 通过社会改造,整个闽西苏区树立了社会新风尚,充满着革命的精神风貌。

    Through social reconstruction , the new social fashion was built up and the Soviet Region of the west of Fujian is filled with revolutionary spirit and style .

  21. 张謇作为一个特殊时代的人物,在他身上可以贴很多标签,诸如状元、商人、慈善家、社会改造者等等。

    Zhang Jian can be attached to lots of labels like Number One Scholar , businessman , philanthropist , social transformation and so on as a special era figures .

  22. 城市和建筑乌托邦将建筑和城市作为一种社会改造的实验场。历史叙事在价值分裂、话语多元的背后不再有乌托邦式的精神守望?

    Behind the Urban and architecture Utopias lies the Utopian spirit . Does history recounting no longer have Utopian spirit guarding in the value abruptions and discourse diversities circumstance ?

  23. 总结驱张和湖南自治两个运动的经验教训,最终选择了马克思主义武装斗争的社会改造道路。

    In summarizing the experience of the two movements-Expelling Zhang and the Autonomy of Hunan , he in the end chooses the way of social reforming with Marxism armed struggle .

  24. 本文以上述两次合作为切入点,分析考察了三人在妇女运动和社会改造问题上的异同。

    In light of the two cooperations mentioned above , this article makes an analysis of the three scholars ' proposals and diversities in the women movement and social reform .

  25. 在社会改造方面,积极鼓吹社会改造思想,主张彻底改造社会,提倡婚姻自由和妇女解放。

    In the respects of reconstructing our society , he publicized the thoughts of society-reconstructing actively , claimed society-reconstructing completely , and advocated the freedom of marriage and emancipation of women .

  26. 五四时期他们致力于对社会改造理论的阐发,继续在思想文化和社会政治领域发挥了重大影响。

    During the May Fourth Era , they dedicated to the elucidation of the theory of social reformation and made a great influence in the fields of culture and society continuously .

  27. 本文从文化、教育、政治、经济和科学这五个方面就陶氏的社会改造思想进行阐述与分析,旨在说明他为近代中国的社会改造事业作出的历史贡献。

    This paper , aiming at expounding his historic contribution to the social reform in modern China , will analyse it from cultural , educational , political , economical and scientific aspects .

  28. 作为思想启蒙和社会改造的工具,翻译文学在文学系统中经历了从边缘到中心的过程,并对文化系统产生重大影响。

    As a tool to enlighten people and a weapon to reform the society , translated literature promoted the generation of many similar original writings which reinforced this influence on Chinese culture .

  29. 舒斯特曼在生活与艺术、伦理与美学之间的桥梁意向集中表现于他以“伦理的审美生活”作为人和社会改造的终极目标&“把人做成一件艺术品”。

    Shusterman 's intention to bridge life and art , and ethics and aesthetics is manifested in his regarding " ethical aesthetic life " as the ultimate goal of human and social reconstruction .

  30. 从共同的中国化的取向和现代化的整体性视野出发,他们都将农村的社会改造看作是造就现代化国家的战略基石。

    To start with both a common option of the Sinicization and a integrative angle of view , they had regarded the transformation in rural areas as the strategy footstone of a modern country .