
  1. 而管理效用、社会责任和税收减免的动机对企业捐赠水平影响程度较大。

    The motivations to enhance management effectiveness , social responsibility and gain preferential tax are the main factors influencing donation level .

  2. 国际社会应在债务减免、市场准入、技术转让等方面向非洲国家倾斜,帮助非洲国家克服发展障碍。

    The international community should offer African countries favorable conditions in debt relief , market access and technology transfer to help them overcome development obstacles .

  3. 用人单位和劳动者必须依法参加社会保险,缴纳社会保险费,社会保险费不得减免;二是互济性。

    Unit of choose and employ persons and laborer must attend social insurance lawfully , pay society insurance premium , social insurance premium does not get derate ; 2 it is sex of each other aid .