
  1. 社会保障基金筹集管理初探

    Primary Investigation on the Collection and Management of Social Security Funds

  2. 水库移民社会保障基金筹集模式探讨

    Some discussions about collecting mode of social security fund of reservoir immigrants

  3. 强化社会保障基金筹集与运营的法律规范;

    Streng then the legal norm that the social security fund raises and runs ;

  4. 论文通过对国外代表性国家的社会保障基金筹集、投资管理及委托管理等方面的分析对社会保障基金保值增值的国际经验进行了归纳和分析。

    Through analyzing the raise , investment management and relegation management of social security fund the paper concludes international experiences on this problem .

  5. 国际上社会保障基金筹集方式主要有三种方式:第一,征收社会保障税,第二,征缴社会保险费,第三,强制储蓄制。

    In international social security fund raised mainly have three ways : first , the collection of social security tax collects pay society insurance premium , second , third , forced saving .

  6. 协助搞好社会保障基金的筹集;

    Cooperate with the collection of social security fund ;

  7. 我国社会保障基金的筹集与市场化管理模式的探讨

    A Study on the Raise and the Market Management Mode of China Social Security Fund

  8. 农村社会保障基金的筹集渠道包括财税支持,土地收入,集体或乡镇企业补贴,农民个人交费等。

    The raise of guarantee fund includes finance and tax support , land income , allowance from collectivity and rural enterprise , the fee from farmers and so on .

  9. 特别是在养老社会保障基金的筹集和管理上,分析和探究当前存在的问题,在个人账户的建立、隐性债务的补偿、养老金筹集的几个关键问题上提出财务可持续发展的建议。

    In addition , this dissertation , based on the analysis and study of present problems of old-age insurance system , puts forward suggestions on financial sustainable development about a few decisive problems as personal account establishment , recessive debt compensation and old-age insurance fund raising .

  10. 设立社会保障基金监督委员会,依法监督社会保障基金筹集和运用;

    Found social security fund censor commitee censor the raising and using of social security funds ;

  11. 从筹资方式来看,国际上存在从现收现付制向基金积累制发展、从社会统筹制向个人账户制发展和多层次的社会保障基金筹集体系不断发展的三个发展趋势。

    As far as raise model , there are three trends as follow : from cash income and cash pay systen to fund accumulate system , from social plan as a whole to individual account , and establishing several arrangements to raise fund .

  12. 现行的社会保障制度还不健全,管理还不规范,社会保障基金的筹集方式存在缺陷,基金的管理和运作存在巨大的隐患。

    The current social security system is still not perfect , and management is still not standardized , the raising methods of social security fund has some shortcomings and there has huge hidden dangers in the management and operation of fund .

  13. 第三,本文分析了我国社会保障制度和社会保障基金的发展概况以及我国社会保障基金的筹集、运营、支付、风险控制和监督管理的现状及存在的问题。

    In the third part , it shifts its focus on China , investigating how social security system and fund has developed in this country , what fund raising , operation , payment , risk control and supervision of social security are like at present , and where problems lie .

  14. 我国近年来的社会保障制度改革取得很大的成效,但随着我国社会保障事业的发展,社会保障基金的筹集方式已经暴露出许多弊端,明显滞后于我国经济发展的需要,迫切需要改革。

    China has gained great achievement in the reformation of social security system . In the wake of social security enterprise development , much abuse arise from the collection of social security fund . And it lag behind the requirement of economic development . The reformation is urgently required .

  15. 建立我国社会保障可持续发展的制度的对策和措施具体包括加强社会保障法制建设步伐,改革社会保障基金的筹集措施,完善社会保障管理体系,等等。

    The measures for the establishment of sustainable social insurance system are to speed up the establishment of the system , to improve the measures for raising insurance funds , and to better the administration system for social insurance .