
  • 网络Social System;Institution;social institutions
  1. 这与荷兰的社会体制密切相关。

    This is closely related to the social system of Netherlands .

  2. 社会体制转型期休闲模式的可能转向

    The Possible Change of Leisure Mode in the Transforming Period of Social System

  3. 这门课程旨在帮助学生了解当代政治与社会体制的结构。

    The aim of the course is to help students to comprehend the structure of contemporary political and social systems .

  4. 其合埋性来自于内蒙古社会体制和文化结构。

    Its justifiable was certified by the inner Mongolian cultural contexture .

  5. 你反抗现存社会体制的虚假。

    You 've react against the lies of the system .

  6. 他们无意于推翻现存社会体制。

    They had no interest in the overthrow of the established order .

  7. 社会体制的确立、更迭、沿革对汉语常用词词义有重要影响;

    Social system influences the meaning of everyday expressions ;

  8. 严重低估西方现代社会体制的合法性基础;

    Third , it seriously underestimates the legitimate basis of modern Western social regimes ;

  9. 卫生系统是一种社会体制。

    A health system is a social institution .

  10. 在当前国情下,经济模式与社会体制是不可分割的。

    That under the current conditions , the economic model and social system is inseparable .

  11. 你应当来督促社会体制负起责任,有时需要全盘改变。

    Its up to you to hold the system accountable and sometimes upend it entirely .

  12. 节水型社会体制建设研究

    Studies of water-saving society system establishment

  13. 旧有的社会体制,宗教传统和道德体系受到了年轻一代的置疑。

    The old social system , religious traditions and ethical system questioned by the younger generation .

  14. 要继续推进经济体制、政治体制、文化体制和社会体制的改革和创新。

    We need to continue to accelerate economic , political , cultural and social restructuring and innovation .

  15. 改革开放以来,随着经济社会体制的转型,广州的城市社会空间结构经历了巨大的变化。

    With the transformation of soci-economic system , Guangzhou has witnessed a great change of social spatial structure .

  16. 但是,一般人只能在现有的社会体制下寻找自我保护的途径。

    But the ordinary man had to find some means of protection within the structure of society itself .

  17. 近代德国化学工业的兴起是基于化学的社会体制化的初步完成。

    The rise of modern German chemical industry was based on the preliminary completion of the social chemical institutionalization .

  18. 消除城乡二元社会体制的制度性排斥,以土地换社保。

    Eliminate the institutional exclusion of the dualistic structure in urban and rural areas , exchange land for social-security .

  19. 与此同时,激励政策的建立同样能够强化社会体制,社会鼓励人们的善行。

    Meanwhile , the establishment of the incentive policy also reinforces an advantageous societal system where good deeds are encouraged .

  20. 统筹城乡发展是为了改变城乡二元结构,构建窗体底端和谐社会体制的需要。

    Urban and rural development is to change the urban-rural dual structure , building a harmonious social system 's needs .

  21. 由于中国的特殊情况,其国民道德转型只能在当前社会体制改革的背景下完成。

    Because of the particular national conditions , moral transition in China must be completed along with current social structural reform .

  22. 中国以血缘关系为纽带形成的政治制度和社会体制&宗法制,源远流长。

    China 's patriarchal clan system , based on blood lineage in both political and social realms , had a long past .

  23. 国家工作人员犯罪概念一直存在主体范围界定不清的问题,这也主要和我国的社会体制存在较大关系。

    The concept of crime of state functionaries has not been clearly defined ; there is a big relationship with our social system .

  24. 我们的个性、我们的政治和社会体制正经受着在过去的去杠杆化过程中普遍经受过的考验。

    Our character and our political and social systems are now being tested in ways that have typically been tested in past deleveragings .

  25. 社会主义现代化建设不仅需要政治体制、经济体制、社会体制的变革,还要求在全社会广泛树立起与现代化制度相契合的公民意识。

    Socialist Modernization construction need not only the reform of politic , economy and the society . But , it also need civil awareness .

  26. 制度变迁的内容包括推动市场经济制度完善、加强行政管理体制改革和促进社会体制健全。

    Content of the system vicissitude includes impelling the market economic system 's consummation , strengthening the administration organizational reform and promoting social system 's perfection .

  27. 随着近十几年来国有企业改革工作的深入,国家又开始主动地对这种特殊的社会体制进行又一轮的改制,统合的社区体制再次趋向分散。

    As the reform of state-owned enterprises work thorough in recent years , the state reform this system once again , and integrate community become dispersed .

  28. 社区建设是在社会体制转型和单位制解体背景下发展起来的,是社会经济发展的必然趋势,是市民社会得以实现的必要途径。

    Under the social transition and unit system dissolution background , community building has developed as the inexorable trend and the way to the civil society .

  29. 在社会体制的转型时期,由于社会生产方式的变化而产生了一系列的社会新问题。

    During the transforming period of social systems , a series of new social problems have been emerged which resulted from the change of social production mode .

  30. 如何通过外部的社会体制,促进生计资本更好地发挥其作用,是我们阻断贫困代际传递的重要手段。

    How to promote living capital to better play its role through the external social system is the important means that prevent the intergenerational transmission of poverty .