
  • 网络SOCIAL VALUE;societal values
  1. 社会价值观念和政治结构的共生现象带来了非凡的成就。

    The symbiosis between social values and political structure has produced extraordinary achievement .

  2. WTO与大学生社会价值观念更新

    WTO and Updating Social Values of College Students

  3. 随着Internet应用的逐渐扩大,网络创造了越来越多的经济效益,也承载了更多的社会价值,随之而来的是越来越猛的网络攻击和网络犯罪。

    With the wide applications of the Internet , Network to create more and more economic benefits and assume more social value , followed by more and more fierce attacks and the network of cyber crime .

  4. 对重庆雪宝山进行AHP生态评价,研究结果说明雪宝山生态质量较好,保护的优先程度较高,具有重要的生态价值、经济价值和社会价值。

    The results show that its ecological quality is relatively good , its conserved priority is satisfactory , and it has significant ecological , economic and social values .

  5. 检验结果如下:VIP服务价值感知测评量表包含功能价值、社会价值、情感价值三个大维度得到验证。

    Test results are as follows : VIP service value perception evaluation scale includes functional value , social value , and emotional value , which are verified .

  6. 构架PKI体系,核心的技术就是建立功能完善的、安全的认证中心(CA),CA是当前网络安全领域研究的热点之一,其实现具有重大的实用价值和社会价值。

    The kernel component of PKI is Certification Authority ( CA ), CA is one of the hotspots of current security researches on network , and its implementation is of significant practical value and social value .

  7. 因此开发400MPa级热轧盘条具有较大的经济效益和社会价值。

    Developing hot rolled ribbed wire rod of 400 MPa has the great economic benefit and social value .

  8. 伴随19世纪末到2O世纪初的历史风云,中外文坛出现了一批批报道重大历史事件的优秀报告文学,其社会价值和文学创造在20世纪文学领域独树一帜,风行全球。

    Between the end of 19th century and the early 20th century , the excellent reportage about the important historical events appeared in the domestic and foreign literary world . Its social value and literary creation developed its unique style , holding a world-wide publicity .

  9. 这就是,基于企业价值链和价值分析法的企业产品价值管理,基于顾客价值链的顾客价值管理,以及基于SA8000标准的企业社会价值管理。

    In summary , it ′ s the management of enterprise product value based on enterprise value chain and value analysis , the management of customer value based on customer value chain , and the management of enterprise society value based on SA8000 .

  10. 企业价值观管理:必要性、社会价值及其策略研究

    Enterprise Values Management : Necessity , Social Value and Strategy Research

  11. 中国公益广告:宣传社会价值新工具

    Chinese Public Service Advertising : New Method for Promoting Social Values

  12. 现代经济分析需要建立社会价值论

    Modern Economic Analysis Requires the Establishment of Social Value Theory

  13. 当前中国社会价值冲突浅析

    Elementary Analysis on Conflicts of Social Values in Current China

  14. 商人阶层的出现与社会价值观的转型

    The Emergence of the Merchant Class and the Transformation of Social Values

  15. 天然异龄林具有十分重要的生态、经济和社会价值。

    Natural uneven-aged forest has very important ecological , economical and social value .

  16. 创造社会价值,实现商业成功。

    To create social value and achieve commercial success .

  17. 开发中国舞龙的社会价值

    Exploiting the Social Value of China Dancing Dragon Sport

  18. 新闻舆论导向与社会价值取向

    Guiding Opinion as Journalism and Orientation of Social Value

  19. 劳动者的价值包括个人的社会价值与个人的自我价值。

    The worth of labourer consists of individual social worth and individual self-worth .

  20. 新时期的价值本位与价值归宿&关于当代中国社会价值观念变迁的两点思考

    The Standard and Outcome of Values in Modern China

  21. 制度正义的社会价值。

    Section C : Social value of system justice .

  22. 商人阶层的社会价值必须重新估量。

    So the social value of businessman 's stratum must be appraised again .

  23. 在当代,关怀生命已成为一种社会价值追求,人自身成了人们感兴趣的研究对象。

    Nowadays , life concern has been becoming a pursuit of social value .

  24. 论文还从三个维度上揭示了道德教育具有个人价值与社会价值、本体价值与工具价值、发展价值与享用价值。

    The thesis also reveals the values of moral education from three dimension .

  25. 论中国乒乓球运动发展的社会价值

    Discussion on the Social Value of the Development of Table Tennis in China

  26. 只有进入社会价值营销观念阶段,才能实现社会价值最大化。

    Only at the social value marketing stage can social value maximizing be realized .

  27. 黔东南苗族婚姻习惯法及其社会价值

    The Miaos ' Customary Law Concerning Marriage and Its Social Value in Southeastern Guizhou

  28. 权利的设立有特定的社会价值,有其界限。

    The right establishes to have the particular value necessarily , having its boundary .

  29. 从研究结论来看,这些新事物具有极大的经济与社会价值。

    Those novelties have great economic and societal value as view of research conclusion .

  30. 简论社会价值的统摄与驱动功能

    The Controlling and Driving Function of Social Value