
  • 网络Etiquette;rules of etiquette
  1. 跆拳道礼仪规范运动员言行与比赛成绩紧密联系。

    Taekwondo etiquette athletes and competition performance and close contact .

  2. 这些礼仪规范的实质都是为了维护以血缘关系为基础的宗法等级制度。

    The essence of these etiquette is to maintain the patriarchal hierarchy , which is based on the kinship .

  3. 不过,也有一些试图教授礼仪规范的公司发展得并不好,如北京英乐会礼仪咨询公司(EtiquetteSociety),在2008年成立,2011年关闭。

    But other companies that have attempted to make a go of teaching etiquette , such as Beijing 's Etiquette Society , opened its doors in 2008 and closed again in 2011 .

  4. 装扮只需合乎礼仪规范就够了。

    Dress needs only be sufficient to observe good form .

  5. 武术散打运动员比赛礼仪规范探析

    A Research on the Rules of Etiquette for Wushu and Sanda Athletes in the Game

  6. 高尔夫以其特有的礼仪规范与丰富的文化内涵在国外受到极大的欢迎。

    Golf is welcomed by its unique manners and rich cultural connotation in foreign countries .

  7. 增加民族体育文化的理论课程,加强武德培养、礼仪规范;

    Increase theory curriculum of National Traditional Sports culture , strengthen Wushu morals'development and ceremonial standard ;

  8. 把握礼仪规范倡导文明服务&从图书馆馆员礼仪素养谈起

    Adhering to Etiquette Norms and Advocating Civilized Service & A Discussion about Librarians ' Etiquette Qualities

  9. 其二,制定和完善礼仪规范,制约社会成员的行为。

    Secondly , they stipulated and perfected convenances and etiquettes to condition the behavior of the citizens .

  10. 其实,礼对于当今社会依然十分重要,构建和谐社会,仍然需要礼仪规范。

    In fact , it is very important for the rites to construct harmonious and flourish society .

  11. 礼仪规范是为了使婚礼能更加顺利地进行,并让所有人都能应对自如。

    Etiquette rules are designed to make social occasions flow more smoothly and to put everyone at ease .

  12. 这个礼仪规范包括信念、伦理、礼貌、举止、社会行为、礼仪和治国之道。

    The Li code embraced beliefs , ethics , manners , deportment , social behaviour , ceremony and statecraft .

  13. 好消息是,一些企业家已经涉足这一空白领域,提供礼仪规范建议。

    The good news is that some entrepreneurs are stepping into this void , offering advice on etiquette rules .

  14. 每个族的文化有不同于其他族文化的礼仪规范。

    2 the culture of a nation has a set of etiquette patterns that distinguishes it from those of other cultures .

  15. 皇室婚礼有很多礼仪规范。在威廉王子和凯特•米德尔顿大婚当日,宾客们举手投足间都需要注意些什么?

    Royal weddings are full of protocol but how are guests expected to behave on Prince William and Kate Middleton 's big day ?

  16. 一些律师将很多不合理的东西引入普通法,同样地,一些老师将许多荒谬的事物引入日常礼仪规范。

    And some lawyers have introduced unreasonable things into common law , so likewise many teachers have introduced absurd things into common good manners .

  17. 你经常听说关于怎样使用手机的安全规则。那么,在餐厅或者其他场合使用手机的礼仪规范呢?

    You often hear safety rules about how not to use your cell phone . What about etiquette rules for restaurants or other places ?

  18. 从明式家具的使用方式中窥视出隐含其中的肢体和谐和礼仪规范。

    Peeping at the usage way of Ming dynasty style furniture , we can learn the body harmony and the etiquette standard that conceals in .

  19. 这几乎涵盖了一切,所有的行为准则以及礼仪规范,不论多么俗气,都以此为基础。

    This practically includes all , for upon this rule , all rules of conduct and rules of etiquette , however worldly , are based .

  20. 在礼仪规范众多、重视手艺甚于商业的日本看来,中国看上去像是一个美国式敢做敢为和金钱至上的国家。

    Viewed from Japan , with an etiquette-laced culture that values craft above commerce , China looks like an American-style can-do nation where money is king .

  21. 他奉行礼,认为它是社会和宗教行为的礼仪规范,是圣贤之士都应该遵循的真正行为规范。

    He practised Li , a ceremonial code of social and religious behaviour , and maintained that it was the true code for a gentleman to follow .

  22. 活动前参加了四天培训,培训内容为学习《弟子规》,关于中华传统礼仪规范的一本书。

    I took a4-day training program before the activity and it was mainly about learning Standards for Students , a book about codes of traditional Chinese etiquette .

  23. 了解一些礼仪规范能够让你的举止上得了台面,也许还能帮助你缓解面对人脉很广的人时的恐惧。

    Knowing a few etiquette guidelines can help you keep your conduct aboveboard , and perhaps ease a few fears about putting yourself in front of the well-connected .

  24. 儒家思想很早就传入越南并在越南不断发展,对越南古代的政治、经济制度、社会礼仪规范、民间的风俗习惯都产生了巨大的影响。

    After Confucianism was introduced into Vietnam in ancient times , it exerted great influence on the nation 's politics , economy , etiquette , customs and other institutions .

  25. 朱熹认为践礼以敬为本,但同时也要配合一些具体的礼仪规范来加以指导,践礼和持敬二者是相互交养的关系。

    Xi Li to respect that practice-oriented , but must meet specific etiquette to be guided , therefore , practice courtesy and respect between the two are mutually cross-holding adoption .

  26. (在公开谈话中,他总是被称作马诺洛,他的鞋是马诺洛,尽管他总是本着严格的个人礼仪规范,对任何人都采用正式称呼。)

    ( In public conversation he is always Manolo and his shoes are Manolos , despite such a highly developed code of personal propriety that he calls everyone by formal terms of address ) .

  27. 我们的时代也需要重新认知并重视遵守礼仪规范,以反映并见证在每一次感恩祭中临在的唯一而普世性的教会。

    Our time , too , calls for a renewed awareness and appreciation of liturgical norms as a reflection of , and a witness to , the one universal Church made present in every celebration of the Eucharist .

  28. 如果我跟我的天主教朋友吃同样的食物,音乐、文学和戏剧基础和礼仪规范也完全相同,那么即使我们有着不同的宗教倾向,我们的文化也是相同的。

    If I eat the same food , have same musical , literary and dramatic basis and the same etiquette as my Catholic friend , me and him are of the same culture , regardless of my religious leanings .

  29. 有些受邀来宾自学会走路时起,家人就教会他们行屈膝礼,而有些来宾可能需要一些指导,以便熟练掌握这样一个重大日子所需的礼仪规范。

    Some invitees will have been born into families that teach children to curtsey as soon as they can walk , but others may need a bit of help navigating the etiquette and protocol that such an important day demands .

  30. 在朱熹那里理是无所不包的哲学本体,并通过气与具体的礼仪规范相沟通,礼、理二者之间是理一分殊的关系。

    Zhu Xi , where the " truth " is all-encompassing philosophy of body , and through the " gas " and with specific liturgical norms of communication , ritual , science between the two is the " management of a sub-special " relationship .