  • show;indicate;signify;instruct
  • letter;instructions
  • 表明,把事物拿出来或指出来使别人知道:~警。~范。~弱。~威。~众。~意。告~。指~。请~。

  • 对来信的敬称:赐~。


(摆出或指出使人知道; 表明) show; indicate; signify; instruct; notify:

  • 暗示

    hint; drop a hint;

  • 出示证件

    produce one's papers;

  • 提示

    point out; prompt;

  • 以示区别

    so as to distinguish this from other cases


[书] (给下级或晚辈的话或文字) letter; instructions:

  • 请示

    ask for instructions;

  • 来示敬悉。

    Your letter has been received.; Yours to hand.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 示昧明

    Shi Meiming

  1. 无疑,你们熟悉地理上的等值线地图,它示出等高线。

    No doubt you are familiar with geographical contour maps , which show lines of constant altitude .

  2. 这一构建定义为一个构建空间(BuildWorkspace)而定义,如图5所示。

    This build definition is defined for a Build Workspace , as show in Figure 5 .

  3. 图中所示为叶的剖面。

    The illustration shows a section through a leaf .

  4. 她在神示中想到了这个主意。

    The idea came to her in a vision .

  5. 结果如下面的图3所示。

    The results are represented in fig.3 below .

  6. 他们在德尔斐神示所向神请示。

    They consulted the oracle at Delphi .

  7. 泰晤士河畔金斯顿镇,正如其名称所示,位于泰晤士河畔。

    Kingston-upon-Thames , as the name indicates , is situated on the banks of the Thames .

  8. 这幅图标示了太阳系八大行星中的6颗。

    The picture shows six of the eight planets in the solar system .

  9. 这正如下面的这幅简略图所示。

    This is represented in the schematic diagram below .

  10. 图表4.1所示为呼吸系统。

    Figure 4.1 shows the respiratory system

  11. 事实上,人们有些过于恐慌。如地图所示,干旱仅限于英国的南部和东部地区。

    In fact , the panic is overdone . As the map shows , the drought has been confined to the south and east of Britain .

  12. 请早日示复为荷。

    An early reply will be appreciated .

  13. 希即示复。

    I am hoping for an early reply .

  14. 示悉。

    Your letter has been received .

  15. 受欢迎的,具有公信力的用户更为重要,如上所示,可以揭露其他被怀疑是假冒者的用户。

    A popular , trusted user matters more and , as shown above , can expose others who are suspected of being fakers .

  16. 按照书中所示的50步,他在两小时内完成了他的第一件作品——纸孔雀。

    Following the 50 steps shown in the book , he made his first work , a paper peacock , within two hours .

  17. 场景1(背景是示巴女王宫殿中的一个房间。女王坐在房间一端的一把椅子上。萨拉站在椅子的一侧。阿姆兰正在向女王展示一些丝绸。)

    Scene 1 ( The setting is a room in the palace of the Queen of Sheba . The Queen sits at one end of the room on a chair . Zahrah stands on one side of the chair . Amram is showing some silks to the Queen .)

  18. 本图所示为蝗虫的纵剖面。

    This illustration shows a vertical section through the locust .

  19. 每个人都知道一个神示在祖克曼先生家的蜘蛛网里出现了。

    Everybody knew that a sign had appeared in a spider 's web on the Zuckerman place .

  20. 个月大婴儿的横向能量多普勒图像示一个大的,血供丰富的不均质回声团

    Transverse power Doppler image in a 10-month-old shows a large heterogeneous liver mass with marked vascularity . 10

  21. 在这段8分钟的视频中,多年来一直遮盖面部以机器人形象示人的托马斯·本高特和盖-马努尔·德霍曼-克里斯托戴着熟悉的太空头盔,穿着皮夹克在沙漠上走着。

    The eight-minute clip features the duo — Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo — who for many years have concealed their features behind a robot concept , walking around the desert , wearing their familiar space helmets and leather jackets .

  22. 如清单8所示,例如将单词one替换为单词another。

    Listing 8 , for example , replaces one word with another .

  23. Web页面请求在延迟(可变)后返回结果,如下所示。

    The Web pages requested return results after a variable delay , shown below .

  24. 这如清单6中的Story类所示。

    This is shown in the Story class in Listing 6 .

  25. 此人工服务包含一个ShowErrorCoach,如图17中所示。

    This human services includes a Show Error Coach , shown in Figure 17 .

  26. CT示肝脾肿大,右下肺炎;

    CT showed splenomegaly and right lower pneumonia ;

  27. CT示病灶为低密度。

    A computed tomographic scan showed hypointense lesions .

  28. Cd~(2+)用于复合维生素B片剂中烟酰胺的示波测定

    Application of Cd ~ ( 2 + ) to Oscillographic Determination of Nicotinamide in Compound Vitamin B Tablets

  29. YourCo品牌样例中使用的图像大小如下所示

    The image sizes used in the Your Co branding sample are as follows

  30. 举例来说,假设一个文本文件“sample”有三列,其内容如下所示

    For example , imagine a text file named " sample " with three columns that look like this