
jiāo shí
  • reef;rock;riff
礁石 [jiāo shí]
  • [reef] 江河、海洋中的岩石,其顶部在水面附近,有碍船舶航行

礁石[jiāo shí]
  1. 这些化石来自西澳大利亚的gogo化石遗址过去是古老礁石的一部分。

    The fossils come from the gogo formation in Western Australia , which was part of an ancient reef .

  2. 海龟,和色彩鲜艳的礁石鱼马上就可以看得见。

    Sea turtles and brightly colored reef fish immediately became visible .

  3. 强风使船撞上了礁石。

    The ship was blown onto the rocks .

  4. 渔船在康沃尔海岸外礁石上搁浅了。

    The fishing boat had been grounded on rocks off the coast of Cornwall .

  5. 渔网缠在礁石上了。

    The nets snagged on some rocks .

  6. 油轮紧卡在礁石中间动弹不得。

    The tanker is stuck fast on the rocks .

  7. 海水拍打礁石的咆哮声似乎要淹没一切思绪。

    The thunder of the sea on the rocks seemed to blank out other thoughts

  8. 船被风吹向礁石。

    The ship was blowing [ blown ] towards the rocks .

  9. 海浪冲击着礁石,飞起像珠子般的水花。

    The wave lashed against the rocks , sending up pearly spray .

  10. 海水冲击礁石,激起高高的浪花。

    Swashing against the rocks , the breakers sent up a fountain of spray .

  11. 海边礁石参错。

    By the seashore are rocks of irregular sizes and shapes .

  12. 海水退潮后,呈露出一些礁石。

    Some reefs emerged after the tide ebbed .

  13. 大海击打着礁石。

    The sea was lapping on the rocks .

  14. 老船公扭转了我们航船的方向,我们才避免了一次撞击礁石的危险。

    The old helmsman brought us about and we avoided a dangerous dash against the rocks .

  15. 台风过后,海滩上只有那些礁石岿然独存

    Only reefs stand alone immutably on the beach after a typhoon .

  16. 这里被水袋凹地(WaterpocketFold)的白砂礁石所隔绝,拥有常年晴朗的气候,格外适合观星。

    Isolated by the white sandstone cliffs of the Waterpocket Fold and with mostly cloudless weather conditions , it 's ideal for stargazing .

  17. 原料输送管道路由附近的一系列沿南北向分布岛屿、礁石,距离中心路由最近170m,海底有大量的冲刷槽、刮痕和沙斑,管道铺设时应加以注意。

    Raw materials pipelines along the North-South Road from the vicinity of the distribution of a series of islands , rocks , 170m from the center routing recently , a large number of heavy tanks seabed .

  18. 与冰山的撞击使船下沉了。船撞上了礁石并开始下沉。

    The ship struck a rock , and began to sink .

  19. 受伤的油轮向礁石撞到,毁了。

    The stricken tanker began to break up on the rocks .

  20. 清新的空气&嘿,小心那些礁石!

    Fresh air & hey , watch out for those rocks !

  21. 对于这些礁石来说,是工业管道装置替代了太平洋。

    Industrial plumbing fixtures are the surrogate Pacific for the reef .

  22. 船撞在海湾外的一块礁石上沉没了。

    The boat struck a rock outside the Bay and sank .

  23. 一个大浪把船冲到礁石上撞得粉碎。

    A sea dashed the ship to shatters against the rock .

  24. 很多礁石已被过度捕捞面临消失的绝境。

    Many reefs have been fished to a point of extinction .

  25. 我发现他坐在海边的礁石上。

    I found him sitting on the rocks along the shore .

  26. 几只强壮的胳膊不一会儿就把小船划到了印奇角礁石那儿。

    Strong arms soon rowed the boat to the Inchcape Rock .

  27. 在风暴中,几艘船撞上了礁石。

    Several boats were smashed against the rocks during the storm .

  28. 当船撞上礁石时,他高喊报警。

    He cried a warning as the boat struck the rock .

  29. 暴风把船吹上礁石。

    The stormy wind blew the ship on to the rocks .

  30. 许多船在试图绕过这个礁石密布的岬角时沉没了。

    Many ships had sunk trying to round the rocky point .