
  • 网络Phosphorus flame retardant;FR-P
  1. 综述了磷系阻燃剂在阻燃机理及新型磷系阻燃剂的开发方面的进展。

    The development of phosphorus flame retardant according to the mechanism of retarding flame and the tendency of a new flame retardant of phosphorus was summarized .

  2. 有机阻燃剂的有机卤-磷系阻燃剂集有机卤系和有机磷系阻燃剂的优点于一身,在丙烯酸系树脂阻燃中用量最大。

    The organic halogen - phosphorus flame retardant agent , which combined the advantages of the both , was one kind of the organic flame retardant agent with the highest consumption in the production of the flame retardant acrylic resins .

  3. 高效复合型磷系阻燃剂在HIPS中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of Effective Compound Flame Retardant Containing Phosphorus in HIPS

  4. 磷系阻燃剂在聚氨酯泡沫塑料中的应用

    The application of phosphorous containing flame retardants in polyurethane foams

  5. 新型磷系阻燃剂四苯基(双酚-A)二磷酸酯阻燃PC/ABS的研究

    Study on Bisphenol-A Bis ( diphenyl phosphate ) Flame-retarded PC / ABS

  6. 无机磷系阻燃剂的开发应用

    Research and development of inorganic phosphorus flame retardants

  7. 磷系阻燃剂现状与展望

    Status quo and development of phosphorous flame retardants

  8. 磷系阻燃剂的发展动向

    Development for flame retardant of phosphorus

  9. 磷系阻燃剂,用于聚酯纤维可使其获得永久阻燃性能。

    CEPPA is a copolymerization-category and phosphorus-family counter-fire additive which can improve polyester fiber 's permanent counter-fire capacity .

  10. 传统棉织物的阻燃剂以磷系阻燃剂和含卤阻燃剂为主。

    The traditional flame retardants being used to cotton fabric are mainly phosphorus flame retardants and flame retardant agents containing halogen .

  11. 介绍了金属氢氧化物、磷系阻燃剂、膨胀型阻燃剂、有机硅系阻燃剂和纳米阻燃剂等无卤阻燃剂在聚丙烯中的应用情况。

    The properties of various kinds of phosphorus flame retardant of classified of inorganic phosphate and organic phosphate are summarized in this article .

  12. 综述了磷系阻燃剂最近几年的发展状况,全面介绍了这几年开发研制成功的磷系阻燃剂,并介绍了它们的合成方法及其应用,最后展望了磷系阻燃剂的发展方向。

    The status quo and development of phosphorous flame retardants in recent years were reviewed , and their synthetic methods and application were introduced . Finally , the developing direction of phosphorous flame retardants was prospected .

  13. 在寻求环保、安全阻燃剂的形势下,磷系阻燃剂、硅系阻燃剂作为无卤阻燃剂的重要品种,有效地克服了卤系阻燃剂的缺点,引起了人们的普遍关注。

    In the situation of searching for environmental protection and safe flame retardants , phosphorus and silicone flame retardant have aroused widespread attention , as the important species of halogen-free flame retardant , overcoming effectively the shortcomings of halogen flame retardants .

  14. 实验结果表明:经磷系耐久阻燃剂TR-1整理的织物阻燃效果好,耐水洗性佳,且用量少,整理后对织物的原有风格几乎无影响。

    The experimental results indicated that the flame retardant effect and washing-fastness of fabric which was processed with less amount phosphorus flame retardant were excellent , and the phosphorus flame retardant has no effect to the fabric ′ s original style .

  15. 新型磷氮系阻燃剂的合成及其阻燃性能研究

    Study on the Synthesis and Flame Resistance of Novel Flame Retardants Containing Phosphorus and Nitrogen Moiety

  16. 磷氮系阻燃剂作为一类集炭源、酸源、气源于一体的无卤低毒性阻燃剂,显示出良好的阻燃效果和应用前景。

    Nitrogen-phosphorus compounds as a kind of low smoke and low poisonous addition agent have been showing good anti-flaming and application foreground .

  17. 试验结果表明:①单独使用硼系阻燃剂或磷-氮系阻燃剂(P-N),当其添加量在≤9刨花板的阻燃性会随着阻燃剂添加量的增加而提高。

    Experiment results showed : ( 1 ) With dosage of B or P-N fire-retardant agent increased to ≤ 9 % , the fire-resistance of the particleboard improved and its mechanic-physical properties were good ;

  18. 以亚磷酸二乙酯、丙烯酰胺和乙二醛为原料,经过两步反应合成了磷系无甲醛阻燃整理剂FRC-P,采用红外分析确定了该阻燃剂的结构。

    The phosphorus and formaldehyde free flame retardant FRC-P was prepared by two steps reaction with diethyl phosphate , acrylamide and glyoxal . Its chemical structure was confirmed by infrared spectroscopy .

  19. 磷氮系木材阻燃剂的研究

    Studies on phosphorus - nitrogen system fire retardants for wood

  20. 归纳了几种磷系无卤阻燃剂的研究现状及其发展方向。

    The status and progress of several phosphorus-based non-halogen flame retardants are summarized .

  21. 积极开发磷-氮系阻燃剂

    To speed up developing phosphorus-nitrogen containing flame retardant

  22. 磷系无卤阻燃剂的研究进展

    Progress in phosphorus-based non-halogen flame retardant

  23. 以磷系化合物为阻燃剂,采用共聚的方法形成规整的嵌段阻燃聚酯。

    By using the phosphorus compounds as flame retardant , the regular block flame-retardant polyester was formed through copolymerization .

  24. 提出以羟甲基改性尼龙-6织物与反应型有机磷系、溴系阻燃剂进行耐久性阻燃整理的新方法。

    A new technique for the durable flame retarding treatment of hydroxymethyl nylon 6 textiles with reactive flame retardants is put forward .

  25. 灼烧实验表明,低于230℃时,经磷氮系膨胀型阻燃剂处理的杨木粉的灼烧失重大于对照样品,而在高于230℃以后,阻燃处理杨木粉的灼烧残余质量大于对照样品;

    The results of the burning test showed that the burning weight loss of poplar wood treated by P-N intumescent flame retardant is higher than control under 230 ℃, while charcoal yield is higher than control over 230 ℃ .

  26. 热重分析表明,杨木粉经磷氮系膨胀型阻燃剂处理后,炭化阶段的峰温有所下降,活化能减小,速率常数变大,残余炭量由22.5%增加到36.3%,增加比例达到61.3%;

    The results by thermogravimetric analysis showed that the peak temperature and activation energy in the charring step decreased and charcoal yield increased from 22.5 % to 36.3 % , or increasing rate of 61.3 % , on poplar wood treated by P-N intumescent flame retardant .