
  • 网络fluxgate;flux gate;flux-gate;flux-gate magnetometer
  1. 传统的磁场传感器有霍尔(Hell)传感器,磁通门传感器等,这些传感器都有一定的缺陷,如电路复杂,精度低,使用条件苛刻等。

    In traditional magnetic field sensors , such as Hell sensor , flux gate sensor , there were some flaws and disadvantages , for instance , complicated circuits of the structure , low resolution and limitation of using conditions .

  2. 磁通门探测器的数值计算与仿真

    The Numerical Calculation and Simulation of Flux Gate Detector

  3. 磁通门与GPS组合导航在水下航行器的应用

    Application of Integrated Fluxgate Magnetic and GPS Navigation System in AUV

  4. 基于DSP的数字磁通门传感器设计

    Design of Digital Fluxgate Sensor Based on DSP

  5. 目前,国内用FPGA对磁通门输出信号进行数字化处理的研究较少。

    Currently , less research of digital signal processing by FPGA on the fluxgate output signal had done at home .

  6. 南极长城站地磁台CTM-302磁通门磁力仪的标定

    Calibration of CTM-302 flux-gate magnetometer at GreatWall Staion Antarctica

  7. 大连地震台GM3磁通门磁力仪的维护与应用

    Maintenance and application of the GM3 Fluxgate Magnetometer in Dalian Seismostation

  8. 对2003年肇庆地磁台GM3和Flare-plus磁通门磁力仪的H、D、Z分量观测数据。

    In this paper , we comparatively analyzed the H ? D and Z component data obtained by GM3 and Flare-plus fluxgate magnetometers in Zhaoqing Geomagnetic Observatory .

  9. 崇明地震台FGE磁通门磁力仪D分量基线值的确定

    Determination of the base-line value of D component for FGE fluxgate magnetometer in Chongming Seismic Station

  10. 本文主要介绍CTM-302型三分量高分辨率磁通门磁力仪的技术指标与用途,仪器的结构与工作原理,技术指标的测试与对比以及应用情况;

    The technical specifications , sensor design , operation principle and application of three component fluxgate magnetometer CTM-302 were introduced in this paper .

  11. 本文以记录仪的D分量为例,通过认真仔细地分析与探索,使用数据处理的方法,解决了崇明台FGE磁通门磁力仪基线值不稳定的问题。

    This paper takes D component of the recording instrument as an example . We have solved the problems of unsteadiness of the base-line value for FGE fluxgate magnetometer in Chongming Station .

  12. 传统磁通门传感器主要采用模拟电路进行信号处理。

    Traditional fluxgate adopts analog circuit to process its output signal .

  13. 介绍了磁通门磁力计系统的结构和工作原理,并用一维开环系统实现了单方向地磁场分量变化的相对测量;

    The structure and operation principle of the magnetometer are introduced .

  14. 磁通门技术应用于工程当中,主要为方向测量和磁场强度测量。

    Fluxgate technology is applied to measure direction and magnetic field .

  15. 基于磁通门技术的空炸引信计转数系统研究

    Research on the proximity fuze turns-counting system based on fluxgate Technology

  16. 车体磁场的磁通门传感器多点拟合补偿

    Multi Spots Fitting Compensation of Fluxgate Sensor for Vehicle Magnetic Field

  17. 一种新型测向传感器&磁通门罗盘

    Fluxgate magnetic compass & a new type of direction sensor

  18. 研究肺磁场用的磁通门式梯度计

    A fluxgate gradiometer for the study of magnetic field in the lung

  19. 基于三端式磁通门传感器的磁目标探测研究

    Research on Magnet Target Detection Based on Fluxgate Sensor with Three Tips

  20. 对银川地磁台磁通门磁力仪观测数据的初步分析

    The initial analysis on the fluxgate magnetometer data obtained at Yinchuan observation

  21. 磁通门式磁力仪测磁倾角的方位误差

    The fluxgate magnetometer and its orientation error in inclination measurements

  22. 一种磁通门型钢丝绳缺陷检测传感器

    A flux gate type transducer for inspection of wire ropes

  23. 基于磁通门传感器的弹丸姿态角测量系统设计

    Design of Angular Motion Measurement System for Projectiles Based on Fluxgate Sensors

  24. 基于磁通门技术的智能航向测定系统

    A Intelligent Course Measure System Based on Fluxgate Technique

  25. 磁通门磁力仪自动补偿与传感器小型化的设计

    Design of Auto-compensation and Sensor Miniaturization for Fluxgate Magnetometer

  26. 跟踪式航向解算方法在磁通门罗经中的应用

    Application of tracking azimuth calculation method in fluxgate compass

  27. 介绍以磁通门技术为工作原理的方位传感器的设计。

    The measurement technology of fluxgate is used to design the orientation sensor .

  28. 磁通门传感器定向原理的探讨

    A study of the oriented principles of magnetic-flux-gate transducer

  29. 磁通门磁力仪和探头研制的最新进展

    The recent progress of the Fluxgate Magnetometer and sensor

  30. 单绕组单磁芯磁通门的原理及设计

    The Principle and Design of Single - Winding and Single - Core Fluxgate