
  • 网络magnetic levitation technology;magnetic suspension technique
  1. 磁悬浮技术由于其具有无接触磨损,无需润滑和对环境无污染等特性,被广泛应用于空间技术等高技术领域中。

    The magnetic suspension technique is widely used in the area of space technology , as it has the characteristic of non-contact and non-pollution .

  2. 文章提出了采用磁悬浮技术来消除龙门移动式数控机床中移动部件与静止导轨之间存在的摩擦。

    In this paper , the magnetic suspension technique is presented for eliminating the friction between moving parts and still rail in the gantry-moving type numerically controlled machine tool .

  3. 利用磁悬浮技术将工作台悬浮在X、Y导轨上,消除了导轨的摩擦和磨损;

    With the magnetic levitation technology the stage is suspended on the X & Y rails which are made of granite and SiC . There are no friction and wear abrasion on the rails .

  4. Hendo公司创始人吉尔和格雷格亨德森计划对磁悬浮技术进行开发,以达到在地震中稳定建筑物以及保护价值连城的艺术品等目的。

    Hendo founders Jill and Greg Henderson plan to develop magnetic hovering tech to stabilize buildings during earthquakes , protect valuable works of art and more .

  5. HyperloopOne公司称,他们把通道里的气压模拟成相当于20万英尺高度的大气状态,并把驱动列车的电动机的马力提升了三倍。另外,吊舱利用磁悬浮技术悬停在轨道上方,就像一个冰球在空中飞行一样。

    The company says it depressurized the tubing to an air-pressure level that was equivalent to 200000 feet above ground , and tripled the amount of electric-motor horsepower ( 3100 hp ) that was routed to the pod , which uses magnetic levitation technology to hover above the track much like an air hockey puck rides on air .

  6. 适用于城市交通的中低速磁悬浮技术

    Medium and low speed maglev technology applicable to urban mass transit

  7. 磁悬浮技术是一门涉及多种学科的综合性技术。

    Magnetic suspension technology is a comprehensive technology involving various subjects .

  8. 磁悬浮技术在电缆管绞机中的应用研究

    Research and Application of Magnetic Technology on Structure Design of Cable-creating Machine

  9. 数字式有源磁悬浮技术磁悬浮轴承的原理


  10. 磁悬浮技术应用中的摩擦学特点

    Application of Tribology Characteristics in Magnetic Levitation Technology

  11. 但国产磁悬浮技术能否担此重任一直受人质疑。

    Maglev technology can be made to undertake this task but has been challenged .

  12. 高速轮轨和磁悬浮技术在世界轨道交通运输体系中的发展

    Development of High-speed Wheel / Rail System and Maglev System in the World Rail Transportation System

  13. 提出了一种汽车减振的新方案,即采用磁悬浮技术实现汽车振动的主动控制。

    A new project of an automotive shock absorber is developed based on magnetic levitation technique .

  14. 日本改进磁悬浮技术

    Japan Refines Maglev Technology

  15. 磁悬浮技术是利用磁场力达到非接触式支撑的和新型技术。

    Maglev technology is a technology using the magnetic force between the objects to achieve of non-contact balance .

  16. 从控制论看磁悬浮技术与有源控制的同步发展

    The Simultaneous Development of Magnetic Levitation Technique and Active Control from the Point of View of Control Theory

  17. 在磁悬浮技术的帮助下,乘客只需最少15分钟就能在这两座城市之间穿梭。

    The maglev would enable travelers to go between the two cities in as little as 15 minutes .

  18. 实验证明,采用数字式有源磁悬浮技术提高了陀螺仪的精度,对陀螺仪性能的提升起到了关键的作用。

    The results of experiment prove that the digital active magnetic suspension is important for improving the gyro 's accuracy .

  19. 目前,越来越多的国内外学者都展开了对磁悬浮技术的研究。

    In nowadays , more and more domestic and foreign scholars have devoted themselves to the study of magnetic levitation technology .

  20. 探讨了利用磁悬浮技术支承转子,对高速精密转子进行智能控制;

    Intelligence control is performed on the high speed and accurate rotor by using an intelligent rotor that utilizes active magnetic bearings .

  21. 我在考虑着配电板的问题,也许我们可以利用磁悬浮技术。

    So , I 've been thinking about the hover boards , and maybe there 's a way we could use maglev technology .

  22. 拜磁悬浮技术所赐,列车运输终于赶上了我们对21世纪旅行充满未来感的梦想。

    Thanks to magnetic levitation ( maglev ) , train transport has finally caught up with our dreams of futuristic , 21st century travel .

  23. 本文结合磁悬浮技术和多自由度电动机的发展现状和趋势,提出了一种新型无轴承多自由度电机&磁悬浮开关磁阻球形电机。

    Combined with the development of magnetic suspension technology and MDOF motor , this essay promotes a new style bearingless magnetic suspension spherical SRM .

  24. 磁悬浮技术是将电磁学、动力学、电力电子以及自动控制等多学科有机结合在一起,并随着这些技术及理论的发展而建立起来的一种典型的机电一体化技术。

    Magnetic levitation is typical technologies which are combined with electromagnetism , dynamics , power electronics and automation and develop with these technologies and theory .

  25. 设计了一种集磁悬浮技术和线性驱动技术为一体的精密磁悬浮进给机构。

    In this paper , a new type of precision magnetic suspension feeder is designed , which adopts both magnetic suspension and linear drive technology .

  26. 伴随着现代社会工业生产与人类生活对运动载体高速化需求的不断增长,磁悬浮技术渐渐成为了世界的研究热点之一。

    With the growth of demand for high speed in industrial production and human life , maglev technology has become the focus in the academic circle .

  27. 介绍高速数控电主轴及其关键技术,高速电主轴技术在国内外的研究现状以及磁悬浮技术在电主轴中的应用。

    Introduces NC High-speed Motorized Spindle for its key technology , presents situation at home and abroad and application of magnetic suspension technology in High-speed Motorized Spindle .

  28. 介绍了磁悬浮技术和直线电机技术的一般理论基础,具体描述了磁悬浮轴承和列车的结构原理。

    Furthermore , the general theoretical technology of maglev and linear motor is showed also , and the structure principle of maglev-bearing and maglev-vehicle is described concretely .

  29. 本文从我国交通运输的现状出发,分析了我国对中低速磁悬浮技术的需求背景。

    Based on the current situation of Chinese traffic and transportation , this paper analyzes the actual demand of Medium and Low Speed Meglev rail technology in China .

  30. 磁悬浮技术是一种利用电磁力将物体无机械接触式悬浮起来的技术,这是一门涉及到多种学科的综合性技术。

    Magnetic suspending is a technology , which utilizes magnetic power to make objects suspending without mechanical touching , it is also an all-around technology relating to several subjects .