
  • 网络carbon emission trading;Carbon Trading
  1. 在这一章中还对中国建立碳排放交易市场进行了SWOT分析。

    In this chapter , the paper makes SWOT analysis on establishing carbon emission trading market in China .

  2. 其次,设计了一种未来碳排放交易下的需求侧备用竞价与调度模式。

    And then , a bid-scheduling model of demand side reserve ( DSR ) is proposed considering the future carbon emission trading .

  3. 建设全国性碳排放交易中心发展CDM项目

    Construction of a National-Wide Carbon Market to Develop CDM Projects

  4. 联合国开发计划署驻华代表KhalidMalik说,碳排放交易代表着中国有一个“重大的机遇”来走上一条更加可持续发展的道路。

    Khalid Malik , UNDP resident representative in China , said carbon trading presented China with a'major opportunity'to forge a more sustainable development path .

  5. 《金融时报》报道,Malik希望北京的碳排放交易中心将交易那些与联合国千年发展目标相关的碳排放额。

    According to the Financial Times , Malik hoped the Beijing exchange would trade in special carbon credits tied to the Millennium Development Goals ( MDG ) .

  6. 我们强烈支持使用市场化的解决方案,来推行环境政策并达到环保目标,摩根士丹利全球能源与碳排放交易主管西蒙•格林希尔茨(SimonGreenshields)表示。

    We strongly support the use of market-based solutions to meet environmental policies and objectives , said Simon Greenshields , global head of power and carbon emissions trading at Morgan Stanley .

  7. 碳排放交易行业人士表示,他们对这个投票结果深感失望。

    Carbon industry figures said they were deeply disappointed by the result .

  8. 由此,全球范围内的碳排放交易市场逐步发展。

    As a result , worldwide carbon emissions trading market is gradually developing .

  9. 可再生能源和碳排放交易之间存在巨大的差异。

    There is a world of difference between renewable energy and carbon trading .

  10. 碳排放交易基金计划为项目提供预先资金

    APCF is to provide funds for projects in advance

  11. 所有这一切并不意味着碳排放交易正平稳地向前推进。

    All this activity does not mean the course of carbon trading is proceeding smoothly .

  12. 这种信用在国际碳排放交易市场上可售得5美元至15美元。

    Such credits can fetch $ 5 to $ 15 on the international carbon market .

  13. 中国计划明年将7个基于城市的碳排放交易试点计划合并成一个全国计划。

    China plans to combine seven city-based carbon trading pilots into a national scheme next year .

  14. 湖北省环境资源交易所可以作为湖北省碳排放交易的交易平台。

    We can consider Hubei Environmental Resource Exchange as the trading platform of the carbon emissions trading .

  15. 湖北省碳排放交易机制采用总量控制、排放交易的机制来运行。

    Hubei province will build a carbon emissions trading mechanism that works based on cap and trading .

  16. 韩国也在筹建一个碳排放交易机制,并将于明年投入测试,2015年正式启动交易。

    South Korea is also planning a scheme that will be tested next year and go into force in 2015 .

  17. 碳排放交易的对象是碳排放信用,其价格根据每吨二氧化碳的基本价格来确定。

    The currency is carbon credits , which are measured on the basis of price per tonne of carbon dioxide .

  18. 今后的碳排放交易价格走势如何?它可能会对煤炭和电力行业产生什么样的影响?

    What about the future price of carbon and the impact it might have on the coal and power production industries ?

  19. 根据欧盟各国的实践经验,碳排放交易在促进减排目标实现过程中发挥了重要的作用。

    According to the practical experience of EU , carbon emissions trading played a significant role on achieving emission reduction targets successfully .

  20. 中国宣布启动了两个新的碳排放交易项目,以帮助开发其贫困地区并满足联合国千年发展目标。

    China has announced two new carbon trading initiatives to help develop its poorer regions and meet the UN Millennium Development Goals .

  21. 但奥巴马越是用行动表现得仿佛建立碳排放交易市场势在必行,这件事很可能就会越早成真。

    But the more Mr Obama acts as though a carbon market is inevitable , the sooner it is likely to happen .

  22. 亚太地区是全球唯一碳排放交易机制真正蓬勃发展的地区。

    The one part of the world where there is a real sense of momentum on carbon trading schemes is the Asia-Pacific region .

  23. 湖北省需要建立一套完整的监管体系来确保碳排放交易机制的运行。

    In order to ensure that the carbon emission trading mechanism can work efficiently , Hubei province should build a detailed regulatory system .

  24. 湖北省将建立基于配额的强制性碳排放交易机制,其实施分三个阶段完成。

    Hubei province will build a compulsory carbon emissions trading mechanism based on quotas , and it will be achieved with three stages .

  25. 加州和魁北克正在探讨打通双方的碳排放交易机制,这将是自欧盟碳排放交易市场启动起来的第一次国际连接。

    California and Quebec are looking at linking their schemes in what would be the first international connection since the EU market started .

  26. 空客表示,(碳排放交易计划问题)最初只是一场关于环保立法的讨论,但现在正演变为一场贸易冲突。

    [ The ETS issue ] started out as a discussion over environmental legislation but is turning into a trade conflict , Airbus said .

  27. 最后,这个基金组织将授权建立碳排放交易平台,以确保用最为成本有效的方法减排。

    Finally , the fund would legitimise the creation of a trading exchange designed to ensure that emissions were reduced in the most cost-effective way .

  28. 本文遵从系统思想,按照系统分析、系统设计、系统仿真检验的思路对碳排放交易市场展开分析。

    This paper obey system idea , following the sequence of system analysis , system design and system simulation , analysis the carbon emission trading system .

  29. 目前中国还没有建立统一的碳排放交易市场,可以利用碳排放交易市场这个重要的平台,去更好的实现节能减排和发展低碳循环经济。

    Carbon emission trading market is an important platform for achieving energy saving and emission reduction as well as development of low carbon and circular economy .

  30. 由于后续协定的不确定性,多数碳排放交易基金都不投资将于《京都议定书》过期后发放的碳排放额度。

    Most carbon trading funds do not invest in credits that will be issued after the protocol has expired , given the uncertainty about its successor .