
jiǎn xìnɡ huā ɡǎnɡ yán
  • Alkali-granite
  1. 稀土配分曲线正常型石英脉的δEu值接近壳型和碱性花岗岩δEu值。

    The δ Eu value of normal type quartz of REE distribution curve is close to the δ Eu value of the crust type and alkaline granite .

  2. 变质含霓石碱性花岗岩锆石U-Pb法下交点年龄为231±25Ma,上交点年龄为818±66Ma。

    Zircon U-Pb isotopic ages of the meta-aegirine-bearing alkali granites are 231 ± 25 Ma ( lower intercept age ) and 818 ? 66 Ma ( upper intercept age ) .

  3. 尝试用稀土分布的分形结构因子(FSF)值对我国碱性花岗岩的稀土组成进行了分类。

    A new method to classify alkali granites in China by fractal structure factor ( FSF ) of REE pattern is suggested in this paper .

  4. 锆石的LA-ICPMSU-Pb定年结果显示其形成时代为304±2Ma,比该区钙碱性花岗岩侵位晚,而与碱性花岗岩形成时代相近。

    Zircon U-Pb dating by LA-ICPMS shows that they were emplaced at about 304 ± 2Ma , close to the formation time of alkaline granites but later than the emplacement of calc-alkaline granitoids in this area .

  5. 碱性花岗岩类,包括钠铁闪石花岗岩以及孪生的钾长花岗岩类;

    The alkaline granitoid including arfvedsonite granite and assemblage moyite ;

  6. 这些过碱性花岗岩的岩浆分异作用很微弱,特征是稀土含量高。

    These rocks are characterized by high abundances of REE .

  7. 内蒙古中部白垩纪碱性花岗岩的发现及意义

    Discovery and importance of Cretaceous alkali granite in the central Inner Mongolia

  8. 响山碱性花岗岩晶洞中的蓝色石棉

    Blue asbestos in MIAROLITIC cavities of Xiangshan alkali granite

  9. 上述特征与典型碱性花岗岩十分相似。

    These features are quite similar to thoes of the typical alkali granites .

  10. 与碱性花岗岩有关的稀有稀土矿床


  11. 其中碱性花岗岩为典型的A型花岗岩。

    The latter is considered as A-type granite .

  12. 新疆东天山中部隆起区早石炭世钙碱性花岗岩的确定

    Determination of Lower Carboniferous calc-alkali granite in middle uplift of East tianshan , xinjiang

  13. 青岛崂山晶洞碱性花岗岩同位素地球化学研究

    Isotopic geochemistry of Laoshan MIAROLITIC alkaline granite

  14. 江苏东海片麻状碱性花岗岩的地球化学及其构造指示意义

    Geochemistry of Gneissic Alkaline Granites in Donghai County , Jiangsu Province , and Its Tectonic Significances

  15. 新疆东准噶尔北部碱性花岗岩的特征、成因及构造意义

    The alkali granites and their genesis and tectonic significance in the north area of the East junggar , xinjiang

  16. 新疆乌伦古富碱花岗岩带碱性花岗岩成因及其形成构造环境

    A discussion on the genesis and tectonic setting of alkali granites in the ULUNGUR alkali rich granite belt , Xinjiang

  17. 早侏罗世碱性花岗岩体岩浆就位过程中以强力的气球膨胀作用为主,构造扩展机制为辅。

    The strong balloon swelling is dominant and tectonic extension is subordinate during the emplacement mechanism of early Jurassic alkali granite .

  18. 西准噶尔东部碱性花岗岩体侵位机理的岩浆动力学初步探讨

    Primary magma dynamic investigations on the emplacement mechanism of alkali granitoids in the eastern part of Western junggar , xinjiang , China

  19. 该地区体积巨大的碱性花岗岩可能也来自相同的岩浆源,只不过它是在较浅的地壳深度上结晶的。

    The voluminous alkaline granites in the region were probably from the same magma source , but crystallized at upper crust depth .

  20. 大别山高-超高压变质带中的变质花岗岩类是碱性花岗岩。

    The metagranitoid found in the high ultrahigh pressure metamorphic belt ( HP UHPMB ) in the Dabie Mountains is alkali meta granite .

  21. 岩石地球化学研究显示,该岩带的各种岩石类型都具有富钾、富碱和富钙的特点,属于钾质碱性花岗岩类,可归属为A型花岗岩类。

    Being rich in potassium , alkali and calcium , this belt is a series of potassic and alkalic granitoids and belongs to A-type granites .

  22. 这种空间上的复合,在浙闽沿海碱性花岗岩带中具有普遍的意义。

    The coexisting of I-and A-types of granites has great signifcance in the study of the alkaline granite zone in the coastal area of Zhejiang-Fujian Provinces .

  23. 浙江青田复式岩体由燕山晚期钙碱性花岗岩和碱性花岗岩复合而成。

    Qingtian composite body , in Zhejiang Province , is comprised of the calc-alkaline granite and the alkaline granite , which formed in Late Yanshan period .

  24. 花岗岩地质学、岩石学、矿物学和地球化学研究表明,同国内外已知A型花岗岩相对比,乌伦古富碱花岗岩带的碱性花岗岩,属典型的A型花岗岩;

    Evidences from geology , mineralogy , petrology and geochemistry show that these granites in the Ulungur alkali granite belt fall into Type A in granitoid classification .

  25. 可将我国碱性花岗岩的稀土分布分形结构因子划分为4种类型:①弱变异型(0.98~0.95);

    The four types of fractal structure factor ( FSF ) of REE pattern for Chinese alkali granites are followings : ( 1 ) weak variation type ;

  26. 大气降水热液-岩石相互作用和岩浆开放体系去气作用是造成晶洞碱性花岗岩~(18)O和D贫化的重要原因。

    Meteoric hydrothermal water-rock interreaction and magmatic degassing of open system have been both responsible for the ~ ( 18 ) O and D depletions of miarolitic alkaline granite .

  27. 大别地块中生代绝大部分钙碱性花岗岩类岩浆的形成、侵位与壳幔岩浆源区不同程度的混合作用、垂向侵位分异以及块体的差异隆升-剥露过程密切相关。

    Generation and emplacement of most Mesozoic calc-alkalic granitoids in the Dabie block are closely related to mixing and differentiation of crust-mantle source magmas as well as uplift-exhumation of the Dabie block .

  28. 野外地质、岩石化学、微量元素、稀土元素及同位素等资料证实钙碱性花岗岩属Ⅰ型花岗岩,碱性花岗岩属典型的A型花岗岩,是浙闽沿海碱性花岗岩带中新发现的一个成员。

    Based on field work and the research on petrochemical , trace and rare earth elements , isotopic features , the cafe-alkaline granite belongs to I-type granite , and the alkaline granite is typical A-type granite .

  29. 与火山岩同源的侵入体由辉长岩闪长岩花岗岩碱性花岗岩组成,带有明显的I型花岗岩特征。

    The intrusion , which is regarded as having been derived from a common parent magma with the volcanic rocks , consists of gabbro diorite granite alkali granite , and obviously has the characteristics of I-type granite .

  30. 东准噶尔地区存在与两类花岗岩有关的两个金属成矿系列:与钙碱性花岗岩类有关的铜、金成矿系列和与富碱花岗岩类有关的锡成矿系列。

    There are two granitoid series and two ore forming metals series closely related to them in eastern Junggar , Xinjiang . The first is the cafe-alkaline granitoid series and the copper and gold ore forming series closely related to it .