
dié zhuàng yòu tǐ
  • ephyra
碟状幼体[dié zhuàng yòu tǐ]
  1. 在温度(20±1)℃、盐度22~24‰条件下,对海蜇螅状幼体和碟状幼体进行了pH适应性试验和不同pH下氨氮的急性毒性试验。

    The tests for the acute toxicity of ammonia on scyphistoma and ephyra of jellyfish ( Rhopilema esculenta ) are carried out under different pH values at temperature of ( 20 ± 1 )℃ and salinity of 22-24 ‰ .

  2. 珊瑚虫无性繁殖自己并发芽进人海蜇生活的另一阶段,被称为碟状幼体。

    The polyps clone themselves and bud into another stage of jellyfish life , called ephyra .

  3. 体谅的态度、微笑、父亲(或母亲)正是碟状幼体产生了成年的水母体海蜇。

    An understanding approach , smile , parent It is this form that grows into the adult medusa jellyfish .

  4. 幼儿基本体操成套动作编排方式探蹊正是碟状幼体产生了成年的水母体海蜇。

    On the Layout of Set Moves of Preliminary Nursling Gym ; It is this form that grows into the adult medusa jellyfish .