
  • 网络Iodine Preparation;NaI;iodine products
  1. 结论2种碘制剂对牙龈炎均有治疗作用,碘甘油的治疗作用优于碘伏。

    Conclusion The two drugs were effective in treating experimental gingivitis , and iodine glycerin is more effective than iodophor .

  2. 加热处理阿霉素碘油制剂临床意义的实验研究

    The Experiment Study on Clinical Significance of Heated Lipiodol-doxorubicin Pharmaceutics

  3. 一种碘蛋白制剂,有类似甲状腺素的作用。

    A preparation made from iodinated protein and having an action similar to thyroxine .

  4. 壳聚糖碘膜制剂的试验研究

    Study of the Chitosan-iodine Preparation

  5. 实验结果表明:氯已定碘水溶液制剂属于低毒性物质,对动物皮肤,眼睛,及骨髓嗜多染红细胞无影响或抑制作用。

    The experimental results show that : chlorhexidine-iodine aqueous solution preparation of substances of low toxicity , no effect or inhibitory effect on the animal skin , eyes and bone marrow polychromatic erythrocytes .