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bēi jì
  • inscriptional record;a record of events inscribed on a tablet
碑记 [bēi jì]
  • [a record of events inscribed on a tablet] 刻在碑上的记事文章

碑记[bēi jì]
  1. 同时,查阅了相关的谱牒、方志、碑记等文献档案资料。

    At the same time refers related chorography , inscription and other records .

  2. 神灵的纪念与丰碑&碑记楹联中的关羽形象小说歌颂了主人公对旧社会的反抗精神。

    The novel praises the rebel spirit of the hero against the old society .

  3. 由于碑记关键内容一直未辨认出来,致使其研究工作难以深入进行。

    Because the important content inscribed in the stela has not been recognized , the study of it becomes difficult .

  4. 白沙祠是广东江门地区重要的历史文物资源,明清两朝的《新会县志》和现存的一些碑记石刻资料留下了不少关于白沙祠的记载。

    The Xinhui County Gazetteers left from the Ming and Qing dynasties and some surviving stone inscriptions contain a lot of records of the temple .

  5. 古寨堡在防御工事之外,体现着比较浓厚的地方文化,它的建筑形制、雕刻、绘画、碑记、甚至寨名都体现了浓厚的地方文化色彩,具有文物保护价值。

    Gu-Zhai-Baos incarnated dense local culture besides the fortification , their architecture models , imageries , brushworks , inscriptions , even names all were the embodiment of the dense local culture .

  6. 从三个角度对反义相成词进行分类:以两词素之间的关系为标准,有极性关系、互补关系、反向关系三种类型;碑记与楹联是中国文化特有的产物。

    According to the relation of two morphemes , it is divided into three types : antithetical , reverse and supplementary . Tablets and antithetical couplets are the unique cultural products of China .