
yìnɡ jiàn jiā sù
  • Hardware acceleration;hardware speedup
  1. IPSec硬件加速的CAM技术

    CAM Technology of Hardware Speedup for IPSec

  2. 工业CT断层重建算法的通用计算硬件加速

    ICT Section Reconstruction Algorithm Accelerated by General Computation Hardware

  3. 借助于硬件加速图形,我们完全可以迈进交互式、图形驱动的Web世界了。

    With our hardware-accelerated graphics , the time is ripe for a rich and interactive graphics-driven web .

  4. 三维GIS场景绘制中的硬件加速

    Hardware Acceleration in Scene Rendering of Three Dimension GIS

  5. 基于PC硬件加速的三维数据场直接体可视化

    Accelerating Volume Rendering of 3D Datasets Based on PC Hardware

  6. 硬件加速的CAD显示技术研究

    Research on Hardware - accelerated CAD Displaying Technique

  7. 基于FPGA的神经网络的研究与实现-K均值聚类算法的硬件加速

    The Research and Realization of Neural Network Based on FPGA-K-means Clustering Algorithm

  8. Java音频功能还缺乏一个重要的方面―硬件加速。

    There 's still one significant area in which Java audio capabilities are lacking & hardware acceleration .

  9. 随着快速启动机制和硬件加速的应用,Java将比以前响应更快。

    And with a quickstart mechanism and hardware acceleration , Java will be more responsive than ever before .

  10. 其二是新的Windows图形引擎,将会利用硬件加速来更好的显示图形和文字。

    Second is a new graphics engine for Windows that will take advantage of hardware acceleration for graphics and text .

  11. 为解决以上问题,出现了SSL硬件加速卡。

    Specialized solutions such as SSL accelerator cards have emerged .

  12. 基于上述UniGFX硬件加速层,针对Android显示系统的优化。

    The optimization strategy for Android Display System based on hardware acceleration layer .

  13. 电源网格快速建模与EDA工具的硬件加速技术研究

    The Research on Power-Grid Fast Modeling and Hardware Acceleration for EDA Tools

  14. 借助于图形硬件加速,那些需要绘制大量图形的站点不但可以降低CPU的占用率,还能加快图形的渲染速度。

    Graphics hardware acceleration means that rich , graphically intensive sites can render faster while using less CPU .

  15. 基于GPU硬件加速的医学图像分割研究

    Research on the Medical Image Segmentation Based on GPU Hardware Acceleration

  16. 功能验证方法可分为基于软件模拟的验证、硬件加速的验证、硬件验证和FPGA验证。

    Functional verification has four methods : software-based simulation , simulation based on hardware acceleration , hardware-based verification and FPGA-based prototyping verification .

  17. 文章分析了嵌入式Linux系统中GUI实现硬件加速的一般方法,设计实现了一种应用范围较广泛且更为规范的加速方案。

    This paper analyzes the general method of hardware acceleration of embedded-linux systems , then introduce a more wide-used and normative method .

  18. 公钥密码系统中底层运算的硬件加速Camellia加密算法基于硬件实现的优化

    Hardware Acceleration of Fundamental Arithmetic in Public-Key Cryptography Optimization of Hardware Camellia Cipher Algorithm Implementation

  19. 在我们的算法实现中,我们设计了新的纹理块搜索和匹配策略,同时用GPU硬件加速来达到实时交互的效果。

    In our realization , we design a new search path and block matching strategy .

  20. 同时,在此方法基础上进一步研究了单核SoC芯片内置硬件加速模块的原型开发策略。

    Simultaneously , the prototype design strategy of the hardware accelerated module in the single core SoC is also proposed .

  21. 硬件加速的即时模式2维图形API,它在2维几何图形、位图和文本方面有着较高的性能和质量。

    A hardware-accelerated , immediate-mode , 2-D graphics API that provides high performance and high quality rendering for2-D geometry , bitmaps , and text .

  22. IDA的缺点在于,它是处理密集型的,无硬件加速。

    The downside of IDA is that it is processing intensive without hardware acceleration .

  23. 通过硬件加速为基于XML、XSLT和XPath的转换和XML模式验证实现高性能、多步和快速消息处理

    Hardware-accelerated high performance , multi-step , wire-speed message processing for XML - , XSLT - , and XPath-based transformations and XML schema validation

  24. 在设计上,本文采用自顶向下的设计方法,对USB设备控制器进行了模块功能和结构的划分及设计;在验证上,本文对设计进行了功能仿真和时序仿真以及硬件加速验证。

    The design of the USB device controller for the division and design of modular function and structure have finished , using top-down design method .

  25. 实现了一个PC平台下的体绘制硬件加速算法,并对中国数字人、美国可视化人数据集进行可视化。

    In this paper , a hardware-accelerated volume rendering method on standard PC platform is realized , to visualize the Chinese Digital Human datasets and American Visible Human datasets .

  26. 利用OpenGL的硬件加速功能可以解决显示速度及质量问题。

    And by using the function of hardware acceleration of OpenGL , the question of display speed and quality can be soluted .

  27. 凭借JavaScript的JIT编译的后台线程和硬件加速,其速度比之前版本感觉快了许多。

    With a background thread for JIT compilation of JavaScript and hardware acceleration , it feels much faster in performance than its predecessors .

  28. 简单而强大的技巧:使用csstransitions和translate3d来得到硬件加速。

    Quick pro tip : use css transitions and translate3d to get hardware acceleration .

  29. SenchaTouchCharts利用了移动设备上的硬件加速来优化性能,还支持自然手势,这一切简化了复杂数据集的显示。

    Sencha Touch Charts utilize hardware acceleration on mobile devices for optimized performance and also support natural gestures making complex dataset visualization easier .

  30. 二是将硬件加速技术引入EDA工具并研究这种新技术在电源网格仿真中的应用。

    The other is to introduce hardware acceleration technique to EDA tool field and do research on its application in the power grid simulation .