
  • 网络Sulfur recovery;sulphur recovery
  1. SSR工艺在大型硫回收装置的应用

    Application of SSR process in a large-size sulphur recovery plant

  2. 天然气净化脱硫与硫回收系统用DCS系统可靠性设计技术研究

    Study on the reliability design techniques of the DCS system used for the nature gas desulphurization and sulphur recovery System

  3. 利用DCS提高硫磺回收装置的硫回收率

    Improvement of the Recovery of Sulfur Recovery Plant by Use of DCS

  4. LS系列硫回收催化剂的制备及应用

    Development of LS series Sulfur Recovery Catalysts and commercial application

  5. LS系列催化剂在80kt/a硫回收装置的应用

    Application of LS series Catalysts in 80kt / a Sulfur Recovery Plant

  6. 带HCR~(TM)尾气处理的新建硫回收装置简介

    Early experience in a new SRU with HCR ~ ( TM ) tail gas treatment

  7. LH系列六氟化硫回收净化充放装置

    LH series SF6 withdrawal , purification and refilling equipment

  8. Claus法是硫回收技术的基础。

    Claus process is the basis of sulfur recovery technology .

  9. 介绍了LS系列硫回收催化剂的研制和物化性质,以及工业应用情况。

    The development , physicochemical properties and commercial application of LS series sulfur recovery catalysts are described .

  10. 克劳斯硫回收系统通用流程模拟软件CLAUS

    Claus-a process simulator for Claus sulfur recovery system

  11. 大型硫回收及RAR尾气处理装置的设计

    Design of RAR tail gas treatment unit for a large sulfur recovery plant

  12. 运行结果表明,采用组合工艺处理含H2S的酸性气效果很好,可使总硫回收率由93%提高至99.8%。

    The operation results show that the total sulfur recovery rate improves from 93 % to 99.8 % .

  13. 酸气是天然气加工厂进行天然气脱硫产生的副产品,主要由H2S和CO2组成,通常会送入硫回收单元以回收大部分的硫或送入火炬烟囱或焚化炉燃烧。

    Acid gas streams , consisting primarily of hydrogen sulfide ( H2S ) and carbon dioxide ( CO2 ), are commonly generated as a by-product of the gas sweetening process .

  14. 介绍了一种设计新型的可移动的“小型工厂”即RF系列六氟化硫回收净化再生系统,及其工作原理、系统特点。

    The working principle and system characteristics of a kind of " small-sized factory " with new design , the RF series regenerative system for SF6 recycling purification , were introduced .

  15. 改良Claus工艺和相应的尾气处理工艺在不断地优化,以达到更高的硫回收率。

    The modified Claus process and the relevant tail gas treatment processes are under continuous optimization to reach higher sulphur recovery rates .

  16. 介绍了SSR硫回收工艺技术特点、在大型硫回收装置上的成功应用及与引进技术的对比。

    The technical features of SSR sulphur recovery process , its application in a large-size sulphur recovery plant and comparison with introduced advanced technology are described .

  17. 分析了影响总硫回收率的因素,指出了提高CBA工艺总硫回收率的三个决定因素,展望了CBA工艺的应用前景。

    Analyzed are some factors affecting total sulfur recovery , put forward are3 determinant factors improving total sulfur recovery in CBA process and forecasted is future application of this process .

  18. 装置的标定数据表明,总硫回收率达99.86%,比使用RAR技术前提高6.65个百分点;

    The commissioning data of the unit showed that the total sulfur recovery rate reached 99.86 % , which increased by 6.65 percentages comparing with the original without RAR .

  19. 一级Claus反应器入口温度控制在220-250℃,硫回收率为65%,COS、CS2的水解率为50%-60%;

    Controlling inlet temperature of the first Claus reactor at 220 - 250 ℃ to obtain 65 % of sulphur recovery and 50 % - 60 % of COS and CS2 hydrolysis efficiency ;

  20. 装置于2004年4月底建成投产,截至目前装置运行情况良好,实际硫回收率平均为94.85%,硫磺纯度为99.9%,排放尾气中的H2S含量和SO2含量均符合我国当前的排放标准。

    The sulfur recovery rate is 94.85 % averagely . The sulfur purity is 99.9 % . The CO 2 content and the H 2S content in the tail gas fit the current emission standards in China .

  21. SSR工艺硫回收率大于999%,产品质量接近国家标准优级品指标,而且具有投资省、占地少、生产成本低、操作灵活等优点。

    The application showed that SSR process had a sulphur recovery of over 99.9 % and the product quality was near to the national premium grade indexes with a low investment and operating costs , small space and flexible operation .

  22. 提高酸气质量、配风质量、催化剂质量及优化操作、设计,是Clan。法硫回收效率最佳化的关键,是尾气处理的基础及先决条件。

    Improvement of acid gas quality , air supplying quality , catalyst quality , and optimization of operation and design are the key points for optimum efficiency of Claus sulfur recovery process , and are the basic and precondition of tail gas treatment as well .

  23. 在控制系统组态过程中充分利用了DCS系统的控制功能,满足了CLAUS反应所需配风的快速和精确控制要求,使CLAUS反应硫回收率达到较理想的水平。

    The control functions of DCS have been utilized fully in the composing course of control system . The ration of air for CLAUS reaction might be obtained quickly and precisely , thus the recovery of sulfur for CLAUS reaction might reach ideal level .

  24. 结合石化总公司硫磺尾气处理现状的技术经济分析,对硫磺尾气实施新标准提出意见:较大规模或新上硫回收装置均应配套SCOT法尾气处理;

    Considering technological economic analysis of tail gas treatment process for SINOPEC sulfur plants , some viewpoints of implementing new criterion were provided . SCOT Tail gas treatment process should be built in large-scale or new sulfur recycles unit .

  25. 从工艺技术、主要设备等方面介绍了NHD脱硫闪蒸系统的技改措施,通过硫回收改造前后运行数据对比和经济效益核算,对技术改造效果进行了总结。

    Technical reformation measures were made for NHD de-sulfur flash system from aspects of process technology and main equipment etc. , through comparison of operating data before and after sulfur recovery reformation and through the calculation of economic benefit , summarization was made for technical reformation effect .

  26. 介绍了Lo-Cat硫回收工艺的基本化学原理和基本的流程模式,并从气体净化度、应用范围、投资和运行费用以及装置的操作等方面进行工艺评价。

    S This article introduces the basic chemical principle of Lo Cat process and its basic process flow Sheet . The process evaluation is made for gas purification , application range , investment and operating cost as well as the plant operation , etc.

  27. 金堆城选铜尾矿硫回收技术改造及生产实践

    The technical transform and production of sulphur recovery from copper tailings

  28. 提高酸性气质量确保硫回收装置长周期平稳运行

    Improving acid gases quality to ensure steady operation of Claus unit

  29. 戈尔膜过滤器硫回收装置的操作经验

    Operation Experience on GORE - TEX R Filter for Sulphur Recovery

  30. 影响硫磺回收装置硫回收率的主要因素

    The Major Influence Factors of Recovery Yield of Sulphur Recovery Unit