
  • 网络hydrogen selenide
  1. 硒化氢是一种毒性大于硫化氢的气体,其对上呼吸道粘膜和眼结膜有强烈的刺激作用。

    Hydrogen Selenide , a kind of gas with higher toxicity than sulfuretted hydrogen , packs quite a punch on upper respiratory tract mucosa and conjunctival .

  2. EDTA可用于消除过渡金属离子对硒化氢生物过程的干扰。

    The interference on the formation of selenium hydride from transition metal ions has been eliminated by addition of EDTA in the sample solutions .

  3. 研究了一种焙烧富集分离硒化氢发生原子荧光光谱法测定纯锑中微量硒的方法。

    A method for the determination of microamounts of selenium in pure antimony by HG-AFS after separation and preconcentration by the baking process was studied and reported in this paper .

  4. 采用硼氢化钠还原法将试样中硒还原为挥发性硒化氢,氩为载气将硒化氢吹出并导入火焰原子化器进行原子荧光测定。

    The method is based on the reduction of Selenium to volatile SeH 2 which is bubbled out by a carrier gas of pure argon and then swept to an Ar H 2 flame quartz atomizer to measure its atomic fluorescence .