
  • 网络Chamber;Cavern;coyote;underground room
  1. 260t级硐室爆破地震测试及降震分析

    Test of Earthquake Induced by 260t Charge Chamber Blasting and the Vibration Reduction Measures

  2. 深埋硐室高围压条件下的围岩动力学响应

    Dynamic response of surrounding rock with high stress in deep chamber

  3. 硐室GIS子系统中属性数据不确定性分析与质量控制

    Uncertainties and quality control for attribute data in a dit GIS

  4. 基于HHT方法的硐室大爆破震动分析

    Analysis of chamber blasting vibration based on HHT method

  5. 具有分数Kelvin模型的粘弹性岩体中水平圆形硐室的变形特性

    Deformation properties of horizontal round adits in viscoelastic rocks with fractional Kelvin model

  6. 本文以VISUALLISP为开发平台,介绍了路堑硐室爆破计药包布置过程的编程方法。

    With Visual Lisp developing platform , the programming methods that simulate the arrangement process of charges in chamber blasting of cutting , is introduced .

  7. 新二采区φ2.5m绞车硐室设计与施工技术

    Design and Construction Technology of φ 2.5 m Winch Cavern in The New No. 2 Working District

  8. 本文介绍了GMS-500型锚索测力计在梅山铁矿深埋大变形地下硐室工程中应用情况。

    The paper describes the application of GMS-500 tension meter of anchor rope in the greatly deformed deep underground cavity engineering in Meishan Iron Mine .

  9. 在地质条件复杂,无法开掘绞车硐室的情况下,如何将重6t的轻放支架从回采巷道拖运到电机车运输大巷。

    Under complicated geological condition , and chamber of winch cann ′ t be drived , how to transport 6t weight light caving support to electric locomotive transporting roadway from working face .

  10. 隔板位移量随频率的增大先减小后增大,50Hz的高频动荷载对地下硐室群稳定性最不利;

    The displacement of interlayer increases at the beginning and then decreases later with the increase of frequency . And the dynamic load of 50 Hz is most disadvantageous for the stability of underground caverns .

  11. 所得到的塑性区应力、塑性区半径、围岩压力和硐室周边位移等研究结果,与基于理想弹塑性体的Fenner解答相比,要更接近实际硐室围岩中的对应量值。

    The research results of plastic zone stress , plastic zone radius , surrounding rock pressure , and surrounding rock displacement are more nearly actual correspondence values of cavern surrounding rock with Fenner solution based on ideal elastoplastic materials .

  12. 土石方硐室松动控制爆破应把握的主要方面

    Key links to be grasped in standing shot of earthwork chamber

  13. 复杂地质条件下大断面硐室施工技术

    The Construction Technology of Big Section Chamber Under Complex Geological Condition

  14. 复杂地质条件下防水闸门硐室的设计与加固

    Design and Reinforcement of Waterproof Lock Room under Complicated Geological Conditions

  15. 小抵抗线硐室爆破技术在露天矿削顶工程中的应用

    Application of Small-Burden Millisecond Chamber Blasting Technology in Open Pit Ores

  16. 硐室爆破个别飞石产生原因及预防措施

    The Cause and Prevention of Individual Fly-rock Occurred in Chamber Blasting

  17. 深水平大断面硐室软岩支护技术的实践

    Experience on Deep Horizon Big Cross-Section Chamber Soft Rock Support Technology

  18. 煤矿矿井斜井井筒及硐室设计规范

    Code for design of inclined shaft and chambers of coal mine

  19. 金川矿区软弱岩层大断面硐室施工技术

    Large-section room construction technique in weak strata in Jinchuan mine area

  20. 通过爆破漏斗试验确定合理的硐室爆破参数

    Determination of Reasonable Chamber Blasting Parameters by the Blasting Funnel Test

  21. 不同地应力下的地下硐室动态特征分析

    Analysis on Dynamic Characteristics of Underground Cavern under Different In-situ Stress

  22. 煤矿矿井采区车场和硐室设计规范

    Code for design of district station and chambers of coal mine

  23. 不同形状硐室拉张破裂有限元数值模拟

    Finite Element Numerical Simulation of Tension Fracture with Different Shape Chamber

  24. 利用瓦斯释放孔预埋注浆锚杆加固井底车场硐室

    By Gas Release Hole Embedded Grouting Bolt Reinforcing Shaft Botton Chamber

  25. 深部软岩泵房硐室群集约化设计技术

    Alternative Integrated Design of Pump House Chambers in Deep Soft Rocks

  26. 深井采场凿岩硐室稳定性模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Drilling Chamber Stability in Deep Mining Stope

  27. 松软煤层中主要运输巷道及硐室支护设计

    Suporting Design of Main Haulage Roadway and Room in Weak Coalbed

  28. 控制硐室爆破飞石安全问题措施探讨

    Discussion of the Measures of Controlling Flyrock Caused by Coyote Blasting

  29. 硐室边界形状不确定的有限元分析

    The finite element method for the nondeterministic shape of the tunnel

  30. 硐室围岩力学参数反分析

    Back - analysis of mechanics parameters of surrounding rock of cave
