
  1. 将反辐射导弹(anti-radiationmissile,ARM)的毁伤能力细化为爆破毁伤能力和破片杀伤能力;

    Anti-radiation missile ( ARM ) damage capacity is particularized into dynamite damage capacity and fragment damage capacity .

  2. 破片杀伤型战斗部对装备损伤的建模与仿真

    Modeling and Simulation of the Equipment Damaged by Fragmentations Kill Warhead

  3. 聚焦型破片杀伤战斗部聚焦曲线的工程设计

    Engineering design of the focus curve of a fragmentation damaging warhead

  4. 破片杀伤型战斗部对典型雷达目标的毁伤研究

    Study of Fragmentation Warhead Damage to Typical Radar Target

  5. 某型导弹战斗部所致绵羊肺组织的病理改变破片杀伤式地空导弹战斗部杀伤概率计算

    Pathological changes of lung tissues resulting from the fighting department of a certain type of missile in sheep

  6. 而影响炮弹引信炮口保险性能指标的弹丸特性主要是破片杀伤作用。

    The property of the projectile affecting the requirements of the muzzle safety of the projectile fuze mainly is fragment killing function .

  7. 应用爆轰理论和聚能破甲威力经验公式,对聚能破甲威力,空中爆炸,水中爆炸和破片杀伤作用等做了计算。

    The calculation of armor-penetrating effectiveness and explosion in the air and underwater burst and fragment effect have been carried out in accordance with the detonation theory and empiric formula for calculation the armor-penetrating effectiveness of shaped charge warhead .

  8. 弹药的最终目的是实现对袭击目标的高效毁伤,破片杀伤是非常重要的一种毁伤方式,其中破片群的动能是评估毁伤效能的主要参数,在武器的研制和生产过程中都需要测试。

    The ultimate objective of ammunition is to damage enemy targets . Fragment lethality is a very important type of the damage . The kinetic energy of fragments is the main parameter to assess the damage efficiency , and needed to be tested in development and production of weapons .

  9. 碎片拼合的梦TOGETHER破片的杀伤作用

    The Lethal Effect of Fragments

  10. 中小型舰艇设置轻型复合装甲的作用及爆炸破片的杀伤威力计算

    The role of light composite armor in warships and the calculation of the killing power by explosive fragment

  11. 最后研究了目标毁伤特性,对目标特性和目标易损性进行了分析,从侵彻爆破型战斗部和破片式杀伤型战斗部两个方式研究了目标的毁伤算法。

    At last , studied the characteristic of target damage , studied the vulnerability and lethality of the targets . Studied the algorithm from the form of penetrate explosion and fragmentations kill warhead .

  12. 超高速破片对生物杀伤能力的评价标准初探

    Study on the evaluation of the execution of super high velocity fragment

  13. 多束破片聚焦式杀伤战斗部引战配合研究方法初探

    A study on the Basic Method for the fuze warhead Coodination of a Multi beam Fragmentation Focus Warhead

  14. 半穿甲战斗部弹体穿甲效应数值模拟与实验研究多束破片聚焦式杀伤战斗部引战配合研究方法初探

    Numerical and Experimental Investigation on Penetration Effects of Semi-Armor-Piercing Warhead ; A study on the Basic Method for the fuze warhead Coodination of a Multi beam Fragmentation Focus Warhead