
  • 网络bankruptcy
  1. 法律环境、金融结构与企业最优破产机制的经济学分析&对我国新企业破产法债务人机制的商榷

    Law Environment , Financial Structure and Economic Analysis on Optimal Bankruptcy Law

  2. 建立有效的公司破产机制和市场退出机制;

    Establishing an effective bankruptcy mechanisms and market withdrawal mechanism ;

  3. 关于建立与完善国有企业破产机制的若干思考

    Several thinkings about establishing and perfecting the state owned enterprises ' bankruptcy mechanism

  4. 但共同监管必须配合涵盖整个欧元区的银行破产机制。

    But common supervision has to be accompanied by a eurozone-wide banking resolution regime .

  5. 危机将通过违约和破产机制得到解决。

    This will see crises resolved by a combination of default and resolution regimes .

  6. 最后,在1869年,因债入狱被废止,破产机制被引入。

    Then , in 1869 , imprisonment for debt was abolished and bankruptcy introduced .

  7. 这就是为什么我们有破产机制。

    This is why we have bankruptcy .

  8. 第二,建立上市公司的破产机制。

    Next bankruptcy mechanism must be established .

  9. 完善信用评估担保机制及完善退市与破产机制。

    And improve delisting and bankruptcy mechanism .

  10. 破产机制在公司治理中的作用研究

    Influence of bankruptcy on corporate governance

  11. 破产机制和破产制度浅论

    Bankruptcy Mechanism and Bankruptcy System

  12. 应建立值得信赖的破产机制,促使债权人自动将其债权转换为股权。

    Credible bankruptcy regimes which force creditors to automatically swap their debt for equity should be introduced .

  13. 破产机制、债券价格与最优资本结构的数值模拟与案例研究

    Bankruptcy Mechanism , Bond Price and Optimal Capital Structure : Based on Numerical Simulation and Case Research

  14. 一些非制度因素还包括股权交易市场流动性以及债权保护和破产机制的缺乏。

    Some non-institutional factors include lack of liquidity of corporation share dealing market and absence of bankruptcy mechanism .

  15. 因此,一个适合我国的商业银行市场退出破产机制的制定,是需要的,也是可能的。

    Therefore , a proper market exit mechanism for China ' sCommercial Banks is needed as well as possible .

  16. 在市场经济发达的国家,破产机制主要有两个功能:一是通过优胜劣汰,促进企业改善经营管理、实现资源的优化配置,促进经济结构的调整;

    In developed countries , bankruptcy mechanism have two main functions , one is to improve the business management by competition ;

  17. 在第四章中,我们建立了一个完善市场经济条件下的简单模型来分析最优破产机制的设计并以此作为以后各章节分析的一个基准。

    In chapter four , I build a basic model under the condition of perfect market economy and analyze the design of first-best bankruptcy law .

  18. 他认为,坐等全球各国官僚在短期内真正建立起一种全球破产机制,不是一个好主意。

    He does not consider it a good trading bet to sit around waiting for global bureaucrats to actually produce a global insolvency regime anytime soon .

  19. 即使考虑到美国破产机制的种种好处以及航空公司在劳资关系方面的不良记录,这也是一种自暴自弃的做法。

    Even taking into account the virtues of the US bankruptcy regime and the poor record of aviation industrial relations , this is a counsel of despair .

  20. 债券市场的作用机制在于债务合同的双方是独立的产权主体,债权人的威胁是可置信的,而在国有产权制度下,破产机制所产生的威胁不可置信。

    The operating mechanism by stock market depends on the credibility of bankruptcy and the fact that the two parties of the debt contract are independent subjects of title .

  21. 最后,从破产机制、债券市场、银企关系、信息披露四个方面提出优化债务融资结构的建议。

    Finally , this paper put forward a series of suggestions to optimize the debt financing structure in bankruptcy mechanism , the relationship between banks and enterprises , the bond market , information disclosure and so on .

  22. 它将包含财政联盟的一些要素,比如银行破产机制、对银行业展开联合监管、以及主权债务违约程序,但它在本质上将不同于我们现在所知的任何方案。

    It would contain a few elements of a fiscal union , such as a bank resolution regime , joint bank supervision , and sovereign default procedures , but it would be qualitatively different from anything we know .

  23. 文章认为,建立与完善国有企业的破产机制是市场经济的客观要求,我国的社会主义市场经济也不例外。

    The author argues that , it is the objective demand of marker economy that establishes and perfects the state owned enterprises ' bankruptcy mechanism . Without exception , it is also the demand of China 's market economy .

  24. 在金融监管改革的问题上,各国领导人可能会就一个广泛议程达成一致,包括提高银行资本金、改革银行薪酬规范、并通过创建金融机构的特殊破产机制努力解决太大以至于不能倒闭的问题。

    On financial regulatory reform , world leaders are likely to agree on a broad agenda , including increased bank capital , reform of bank compensation practices and efforts to tackle the too-big-to-fail problem by creating special insolvency regimes for financial institutions .

  25. 并进一步把市场激励约束机制细分为企业控制人收益激励、自由现金流约束机制、财务杠杆效应和信息传导机制;契约约束机制细分为破产机制和硬约束机制。

    Then incentive and constraint mechanism of market is subdivided into benefit incentive mechanism , free cash flow constraint mechanism , financial leverage effect , and information transmission mechanism . Contact constraint mechanism is subdivided into bankruptcy mechanism and default constraint mechanism .

  26. 外部措施:加快推进资本市场健康发展;完善破产机制;平稳推进股权结构改革;建立西北地区区域性资本市场的必要性等。

    External measures : accelerating the healthy development of capital markets ; to improve the bankruptcy system ; a stable shareholding structure to promote reform ; the establishment of the Northwest region of the need for regional capital markets , such as .

  27. 最后,文章提出了如何改善上市公司债务融资治理效应的建议,包括重塑银企关系、完善破产机制、改善债务结构、发展债券市场和经理人市场。

    Finally , the thesis ends up with some suggestions to change the corporate effect of debt financing , such as reconstructing the relationship of bank-firm , perfecting the bankruptcy mechanism , ameliorating debt structure , developing the corporate bond market and manager market .

  28. 应该把建立和实施国有企业破产机制、大力发展股份制、推进企业的产权改制进程和建立高效规范的政府管理新体制等作为推进西部地区国有企业改革的具体对策。

    In this way , it suggests some countermeasures for the state-owned enterprises in the western area , such as establishing and implementing the bankruptcy mechanism , developing shareholding system , promoting the reconstruction process of property right , and setting up a high-efficiency government management system , etc.

  29. 究其原因主要是国有上市公司的债务融资结构不合理,我国尚未建立起完善的破产机制,国有银行商业化改革尚未完成等三大因素。

    There are mainly three factors involved in this . Firstly , the debt financing structure of state-owned listed companies is irrational . Secondly , China has not yet established a complete mechanism of bankruptcy . And lastly , the reform of state-owned commercial banks has not been finished .

  30. 我们需要一个甚至能够适用于大型金融机构的、可靠的破产清算机制。

    We need a credible system for winding up even huge financial institutions .