
yàn shí
  • inkstone
砚石 [yàn shí]
  • [ink stone] 可用来做砚台的石头,也指砚台

  1. 砚石的X射线能谱分析

    Analysis of inkstones by x - ray energy dispersive spectrometer

  2. 中国南方砚石的品质研究

    Study on quality of inkstones in South China

  3. 这块石头是“砚”,叫做砚石或砚台。

    And this piece of stone we call it ink stone or ink slap .

  4. 中国四大名砚石

    Four Famous Ink stones in China

  5. 端砚石、歙砚石、苴却砚石和永顺三叶虫砚石是我国南方代表性的砚石资源。

    The representative inkstone resources in south China are the Duan , She Juque and Yongshun ones .

  6. 然后他就在火堆旁跪下,用他那块红砚石在树皮上吃力地写了几个字;

    Then he knelt by the fire and painfully wrote something upon each of these with his " red keel ";

  7. 砚石的颜色、矿物成分、古生物化石、结构构造是品质研究的重要内容。

    The key elements in studying the inkstones include color , mineral contents , fossils , structures and tectonics et al .

  8. 收藏最好的砚石和印石(这两样东西是中国文人每天接触到的)的好癖,对于这方面的发展也大有帮助。

    The development along this direction was greatly helped by the hobby of collecting the finest ink-stones and seals , two things which the literary man in China Daily associated with .

  9. 但南宋之后,受到政治、经济等因素的影响,山东砚石逐渐被端石、歙石所取代,渐无人提及。

    However , after the Southern Song Dynasty , affected by political , economic and other factors , ink stones which produced in Anhui and Guangdong were gradually replaced by Shandong ink stones .

  10. 自古山东砚石丰富,红丝石、淄石、尼山石、紫金石等在唐宋时期便已享有盛名。

    Since ancient times , ink stones were rich in Shandong , such as : Hongsi stone , Zi stone , Nishan stone , Zijin stone and so on were already renowned in the Tang and Song Dynasties .